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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. Hi, I was curious if there were any chances of implementing these fixes, in particular the custom spawn point location in one of the next patch releases so I can update it from my dedicated server panel without having to go through what is described here: https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Server%20fixes , not comfortable with playing with my server files like this lol

    Updating it is super easy. I don't even use the script anymore. Just download the file and extract it into the /engine/Mods folder. Start server, and it's good to go.

  2. Hello Alloc.


    Just FYI, I'm getting sometimes this error, when I use rendermap command:


    2015-08-04T03:40:33 1033.317 INF Error in MapTileCache.SaveTile: System.IO.IOException: Sharing violation on path D:\Games\7DTD\Random Gen\JITA\map\0\-3\-2.png
     at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int)
     at System.IO.File.Create (System.String path, Int32 bufferSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at System.IO.File.Create (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes (System.String path, System.Byte[] bytes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
     at AllocsFixes.FileCache.MapTileCache.SaveTile (Int32 zoomlevel, System.Byte[] content) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    2015-08-04T03:40:33 1033.632 INF RenderMap: 6192/32240 (19%)



    Is anyone online when you run that, because they shouldn't be. Also, you should only run it if you had an existing map when you added the mods, or if you need to refresh it after removing a lot of region files.

  3. hi alloc, how i can retrieve the map?


    always have this error:


    "An error occured or you do not have any permissions on this WebPanel. Log in with the link on the lower left!"


    but ive loged with steam and have the permission 0 on serveradmin.xml

    Your webpermissions.xml should look something like this...

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><webpermissions>
           <!-- <token name="adminuser1" token="supersecrettoken" permission_level="0" /> -->
           <!-- <permission module="webapi.executeconsolecommand" permission_level="0" /> -->
           <permission module="webapi.getplayersonline" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.getstats" permission_level="1000" />
           <permission module="web.map" permission_level="2000" />
           <permission module="webapi.getlandclaims" permission_level="2000" />


    It's not serveradmin, it's a completely different file.

  4. "webpermission list" and you'll see what's there. Also note that while 2000 means visible to anyone (even without logging in) 1000 means only those that logged in as described on the wiki page ;)

    Straight answer.....


    Here's what I get from my console.

    >webpermission list

    Defined web function permissions:

    Level: Web function

    2000: web.map

    0: webapi.getlandclaims

    0: webapi.getplayersonline

    0: webapi.getplayerslocation

    0: webapi.getplayersinventory

    1000: webapi.getstats



    Alloc, the wiki page could really use a lot more detail.

  5. I've tried that and I made a mistake, I do have 8082 port forwarded, from 8080-8082. Sorry about that.


    When I click connect on 8082 it doesn't do anything, as well as any other address. The only time I get those error messages spammed are when I click reload on I don't understand, it seems it's trying to connect on other ports. Maybe 8082 wasn't forwarded the first time I did it, so it keeps trying other ports, because now it's in the 49300 range and keeps going up when I click reload even though 8082 is typed in the box after my subnet mask.

    Could you post the server log? The image you posted previously is barely legible, and the log will tell us if there's anything going wrong, along with your settings.

  6. I'm having an issue getting the map to work. It used to, but it's been a while and I really want it to work again so I figured it's time to actually troubleshoot.


    I'm running dedicated server using the realtek manager as well as Alloc's fixes. Ports 26900-26950, 8080-8081, and 30000-30003 are forwarded correctly. I've entered the command "rendermap" and waited for it to reach 100%, but nothing loaded when it finished. I believe it's a connection issue, or something is typed wrong somewhere. The attached image is what is deplayed in the server manager when I click "reload" under the mapping tab, and in that address bar I have ""



    If you're using 8080 for console, and 8081 for telnet, your map is on 8082. It's always going to be console +2.

  7. I found that the giveself command does not work, nor does the weather command. I will grab the exact errors tonight. This did not work on either version of 12 for reference (12 or 12.1).

    Those commands don't work on dedicated servers

    I'm running the Linux dedi with two RandomGen MP servers and giveself works fine as long as you set the permissions for it. I haven't tried the weather yet, mainly because there hasn't been a need to. We get quite a bit of it.


    Must have the following in your admins.xml

            <permission cmd="giveself" permission_level="1" />
           <permission cmd="giveselfxp" permission_level="1" />

    Then your admins and mods can use the command.

  8. Alloc, there seem to be some odd things going on with teleporting after 12.1. For example, "lp" doesn't update for about 5-10 seconds after the teleport, showing the player at the previous location (even though the player can already see the new area).


    I'm also experiencing other odd behaviors that I have not been able to duplicate reliably. Players getting teleported to completely different coordinates than specified in the command, and unusually long delays before the chunk loads (causing people to fall through world). I've tested it on a fresh map for 12.1 and I'm having the same issues.

    It's taking forever to load the chunks again, or something similar. Every time I set coords, they end up falling forever and having to use the teleport twice. Either that or I set up a landing pad of Hay and raise the teleport point by 20-30 meters.


    It's causing an issue with the /home command from the server manager as well, although that seems to be double-edged. There's the issue loading the chunks, and when using /sethome, it's like it sets the altitude 2-4m below where you actually are.




    Also, at the quote of me saying "Does this mean it's possible? :distant:" was in response to you saying that 64-bit isn't "supported" on the Linux dedi. I was asking if it was possible to use 64-bit even if it's not technically supported. I might be interested in poking around with that if it is.

  9. Alloc,


    Sorry if this has been answered but I did not see it any where. Since you are on the Staff now, why do your "fixes" come out as a mod instead of just rolling with the dedicated server release?

    He's stated recently that this is "a spare time project". It's not something he gets paid to maintain. The update will come when it comes.


    Until then, either stay on 11.2, or run without the mod.

  10. I downloaded the initial link, and was going through the code to make changes when I noticed this....


    	<recipe name="Ammunition Nation II Book" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time="60" craft_exp_gain="2" learn_exp_gain="20" >        <ingredient name="paper" count="100" grid="0, 0" />
           <ingredient name="5.45x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -2" />
           <ingredient name="5.56x45mm_NATO" count="1" grid="-1, -2" />
           <ingredient name="5.7x28ذ¼ذ¼_Bullet" count="1" grid="0, -2" />
           <ingredient name="7.62x51mm_NATO" count="1" grid="1, -2" />
           <ingredient name="7.62x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="2, -2" />
           <ingredient name="8.6أ—70mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -1" />
           <ingredient name="bulletTipMold" count="1" grid="-1, -1" />
           <ingredient name="bulletCasingMold" count="1" grid="0, -1" />


    I'm assuming that the code got corrupted while downloading or extracting, but that means I have to manually go through the rest of it to check it.


    From what I can see, I believe it should look like this....

    	<recipe name="Ammunition Nation II Book" count="1" scrapable="False" craft_time="60" craft_exp_gain="2" learn_exp_gain="20" >        <ingredient name="paper" count="100" grid="0, 0" />
           <ingredient name="5.45x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -2" />
           <ingredient name="5.56x45mm_NATO" count="1" grid="-1, -2" />
           <ingredient name="5.7x28mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="0, -2" />
           <ingredient name="7.62x51mm_NATO" count="1" grid="1, -2" />
           <ingredient name="7.62x39mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="2, -2" />
           <ingredient name="8.6x70mm_Bullet" count="1" grid="-2, -1" />
           <ingredient name="bulletTipMold" count="1" grid="-1, -1" />
           <ingredient name="bulletCasingMold" count="1" grid="0, -1" />

    Can you verify this is true before I go tinkering around with the rest of it?



  11. Just FYI, I ran updatescripts and it does exactly what I expect, and tells me I need to update the engine to build 576370.

    Unfortunately, when I run updateengine, it shows "Engine is already at the newest build (local:480993, remote: 1)."


    Going to try manually downloading it from Steam now.

  12. Hey guys, sorry if I don't make sense - I just started playing 7dtd yesterday am hosted a dedicated server. Was wondering if this "server fix" works with the latest alpha version, and if so - will it overwrite my map?


    Thanks again :) Trying to get the ability for users to sethomes and such.


    I am running the 7dtd server on CentOS 7 - I am not sure how to get this to work with my dedicated server as the install instructions reference .exe files. Any help would be great!

    Yes it works, no it doesn't change your map. You may want to run the mapping script with no one on the server if you plan to use that feature though.

  13. ...

    Where's the Java in here? ;P


    Something along these lines at line 513 (i.e. before the closing curly bracket) should work:

       var reloadTilesEvent = function() {
           tileTime = new Date().getTime();
           window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 60000);
       window.setTimeout(reloadTilesEvent, 60000);

    I was thinking it looked vaguely like java code. I did say I was a noob :p Looked kinda like java, and the file is .js.... :beguiled:


    That worked flawlessley! Thanks. Looking at it though, I think I'll set the timer to 120000 for now. My server has the resources to spare for now, but if someone is looking at the map remotely, I don't want to flood my outbound connection too much. :)

  14. Ok, I am certain I posted this yesterday or the day before, but it's gone now, and the post isn't even showing in my history. >.<


    Is there a way to have the mapping site tool perform a "reload tiles" at a set interval? I poked around a bit, but I only know the very basics of java and this is way out of my reach.


    I just want to have it auto-reload the tiles without completely refreshing the web page. A coded interval would be nice, and it seems like it should be relatively simple to create the function, I just can't figure out the code.

  15. Any idea why sometimes the map tool works fine, while other times it won't actually show who's online or update their location? It will generate the mapped area just fine though.


    Typically resetting the server resolves it, but sometimes it just seems to be hit or miss.

    I'm running your dedi build on Linux and use Chrome as my main browser. Seems to happen in IE just the same though.

  16. Is there any safe way to teleport someone to a location without knowing the z coor? If not is there a way to figure out a safe z coor?


    I haven't tested this, but.....

    Assuming they aren't using "god" mode, theoretically, it should plant them at ground level at those coordinates.


    I haven't actually tried it though, and not sure if the system would recognize using it with only two coordinates given.



    Best thing is to just go to said location and use LP to see your coords.

  17. What happens if you reopen (or close it for a few minuites) the page itself? Does that help?

    Did you check if there are any connections from unknown IPs to the web map? If it's available to the public internet it could also be accessed by other people or bots.


    Yeah, only connections at the time were myself and one other player on the local LAN. I didn't see any other IP's checking it, but I'll look at that if it happens again. Seems to be a bit less the last couple of days, but we've been building more than exploring also.


    Also, glad to see that you have an update for 10.2 out already. Will be updating shortly :)

  18. Sounds more like the lag-issue FRTs manager seems to have sometimes. The command is executed on the server as soon as it's received. Have you tried using the command manually from ingame console or with a manual "Telnet" connection?


    Yeah, even manually via telnet it wasn't actioning.


    Re-installed the dll files and rebooted the machine. Now it's working fine. Was really odd though.



    Another question, after a long period of the server being up, it seems like the web map gets really slow. Overall RAM and CPU usage are fine on the PC. Is there anything I can do to prevent that from happening? Currently I'm auto-restarting the server nightly with the manager software, but if we do a lot of exploring it can really bog the page down for some reason.

  19. Since I updated to 10.1 and got the latest patch for these server fixes, the teleport functions either doesn't work, or is taking forever to work.


    I'm also using the Server Manager by FrontRunnerTek with the slash commands. So if I use /home it takes me to the set coordinates. It was fine with a10, but on a10.1 it's just not functioning for me.


    Gets a bit annoying to try it, then give up and go somewhere else, only to suddenly be teleported home 5 minutes later.


    I tried creating another one, which took a few minutes, and then threw me into a big blue nothingness and killed me. Since my bag spawned at the coords I was trying to get to, it's at least partially right, but I'm assuming it put me nowhere near the height I had put into it.

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