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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. 1 hour ago, NamNam said:

    So i erased mods folder the entier 7d2d folder and anything related to 7d2d , i cleaned the cache through the launcher when i re installed the game , verified the files twice, and i also tried going back to alpha 19.6 and  making a map (that worked) then going back to 20.3 and gave me the same error again. I'm at the 4th time reinstalling the game after clearing everything.


    Se here's the thing.


    If you have any data from a19, it will cause an issue with a20.  So by going back to a19 and making a map, you basically shot yourself in the foot for having a good experience in a20. That is exactly why I said to wipe all previously generated maps.  Instructions for nuking old data is in the banner at the top of the forum.

  2. 11 hours ago, Callum123456789 said:

    Ah alright my apologies I've just never seen this before first thing that came to mind was the epic games thing it just seems very odd and I guess a first time occurrence 

    EOS is used for multi-platform authentication. It's the pre-cursor to supporting cross-play with Sony and Microsoft. New feature in Alpha 20.

  3. Update: I have previously posted the hardware requirements here.


    If we compare the Switch in that table, it falls quite short.

    It's using Nvidia's Tegra X1 processor, and has different clock speed profiles depending on whether it's docked or not. Since you want portable, we'll focus on the bottom-end.

    The CPU clock of barely over 1GHz is already less than half of what the game requires as a minimum. Even fully docked the Switch doesn't come close to min specs. RAM isn't the same as what you see in the big consoles either. It's just the same kind of flash you see in an SD Card or USB stick, so it's much slower. Topping out at 1331MHz this RAM is only capable of 25.6 GB/s which is ten times slower than what the recommended minimum PC spec reaches.
    The GPU is honestly the only good part of the setup, which is on par with the base model PS4 and XB1. 


    Which is why the Switch if fine at playing things like Skyrim and The Witcher when they've had the graphics adjusted down a good bit to accommodate the weak system. Those games don't rely heavily on the CPU and RAM. They only care about the GPU. 

  4. It is very far fetched. The Switch has almost Zero CPU and RAM capability, which is what this game requires. Those other titles only care about GPU specs.

    I've covered the more finite details on this before, but the answer is still no.  At best it might work on that Valve portable device, but only because it's streaming from another system.

  5. 14 minutes ago, TheNave said:

    do either of you (or anyone else) know how to message the creators to request an opportunity to obtain it cause i would pay for the 1.1 alpha pack even though i have already bought the game


    Right here is where you would do it. I can even tag @madmole @The Fun Pimp so they will be more likely to see it.  I'm pretty sure though that they will tell you that it was a Kickstarter exclusive, and will not be made available.


    I mean imagine how you would feel if you had paid for that kind of exclusive access, to only later have it given away or sold freely. I know I wouldn't be happy about it. (Have actually had this happen to me before.)

  6. It's pretty easy if you have a spare PC, can read High-School level English, and have a good understanding of how to use a computer file system and your modem.  If not, then go for hosting. You'll spend time and money on it either way, but self-hosting is way cheaper.


    No you won't need to do port forwarding if your host is external on a 3rd party site. You will have a higher latency to the server, and remember that you get what you pay for. Go with a cheap hosting service like Survival Servers, and you are going to have a sour experience. Guaranteed.

  7. This is only available to kickstarters, and would only exist for them if they saved the download. As far as I am aware the files are no longer available from TFP.


    I would love to have every version myself, but I only started after it released on Steam.

  8. GeForce Experience is just bloatware, and using it to adjust settings is extremely bad for a game actively in development like this one.

    Short answer, don't use it.


    Disable V-sync. It's crap. Limit the frame rate in Nvidia's settings if you need to. (I would strongly advise this with your hardware anyway.)

    Disable reflections completely. Your CPU is a bit low to handle it, and that feature still hasn't had a proper optimization pass. Every option with the word reflection should be turned off.

    Same for motion blur. It's just adding extra processing to your GPU that isn't necessary.

    SSAO is also pretty heavy on the GPU. If you're still having a bit of an issue, disabling this should help a lot.



  9. Pinned thread....


    Personally our group uses CSMM/CPM, though I also greatly enjoy Server Tools. Botman is an excellent choice as well.

    IMHO, it all comes down to what level of tools you want to have available for you to manage the server, and options for players.


    Go though each one and compare setup options, and features.

  10. Never saw this because you posted in the wrong forum section.


    Moving it to the correct section. You might want to start by reading the Pinned threads.


    Like this one.


  11. 1 hour ago, roman78 said:

    What can I do?

    It helps to read the Pinned threads before posting.

    Would want the log from before the error ocurred, and the log with the error.


    You can delete the region file, and that will get you going again with some loss of data. However we will need the log files to assist in developing a real solution.

  12. 12 hours ago, ahawksfan said:

    Going to retest with a 16GB of RAM and PageFile along with 12 processors to see if I get any change in results.  One note I am seeing is with one processor the usage is almost 90% but the other current 5 it is barely 20%.  Can anyone confirm or deny that 7d2d dedicated server code  is primarily single threaded?  If that is the case then a faster clock cycle processor might be a better solution.

    It is primarily single threaded, but sets a lot of smaller worker jobs on all of the other available threads. Yes core clock speed will make a big difference in performance.

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