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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. On 3/8/2022 at 8:10 PM, SylenThunder said:

    I've found the Corsairs to be less reliable again. I just replaced one that was barely a year and a half old. Since this is the third I've had to replace in the past 5 years, (not the same computer, but similar ages on each PSU), I chose to get something completely different. Grabbed an MSI on sale for only $10 more, and it's got a 10-year warranty.

    Just an update to this. The Corsair PSU failure managed to also fry my motherboard. Spent Friday working with Asus support, and luckily my board was still under warranty. Sadly I have no gaming PC for a couple of weeks while the RMA is handled.

  2. Commands can change every build. cp is currently extremely buggy, and you are not advised to use it. It's listed in the Known Issues for a20 in five or six different ways. Some of the graphic commands have been changed, or removed, or baked into the client. Some are even now set defaults or player options. You can read through the patch notes for some information on them.

  3. Yeah, more specific details on what you're doing would be useful. 


    Based on what it sounds like you're saying, you are just randomly connecting to other people's games. Which would explain why your stuff doesn't appear to be saving. It is being saved, but only in each specific mp match you are joining. Your data doesn't carry across different players games. If you wanted to continue a mp game you were playing, you would have to connect to that same mp server again.


    As for getting kicked, there are a number of possible things going on there. Maybe the host stopped playing, or it was a network issue; or possibly they realized you had joined, didn't want the company, and gave you the boot.  Again, more detailed information would be helpful in determining what is happening.

  4. 7 hours ago, II Blittz II said:

    I'm going to try and be clear as possible. Telltale Games purchased the publishing rights from The Fun Pimps so they can bring the game to console. Telltale Games then hired Iron Galaxy to port the game from PC to console. When Telltale Games went bankrupt and shutdown in 2018, it took the publishing rights for 7 Days to Die on console down with it. The Fun Pimps then had to go through a tedious legal process trying to get the publishing rights back for their game on console and any future versions of the game as well. With that being said, in October of 2019, The Fun Pimps made a post stating that they got the rights back for 7 Days To Die on console in an auction.

    To expand on this even more, all TFP got from the auction was their rights to the assets back. They didn't get the code for the console version. 


    This subject has already been discussed to death in the mega-thread, and yet another thread hashing over the same complaints is not needed. OP, take some time to read the thread. If you have something new to add, post it there.

  5. On 3/10/2022 at 2:14 AM, II Blittz II said:

    Thanks mega. I hope they just leave the old consoles alone and just focus on the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles. And I agree, TFP trying to get the game to run on the older consoles that's been outdated since they first launched is a waste of time and resources, imo. If I was them, I'd just focus on next gen hardware that has less limitations, better CPUs, more and better RAM. Those old AMD Jaguar CPUs in the PS4 and XB1 are pretty bad by today's standards lol!

    With code optimizations in the console edition of Unity it may be possible, and TFP has said that they would like to make it backwards compatible. I'm not going to hold my breath though.



    @JaxTeller718 I'm pretty sure we didn't have this issue before with the bigger wandering hordes. Seeing it now though...

    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.855 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718_BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='03']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS5'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 5 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.856 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718_BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='04']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup'             and @num='04']/@num"  (line 6 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.856 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718_BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='05']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS1'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 7 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.877 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='01']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS1'     and @num='05']/@num"  (line 3 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.877 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='02']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS2'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 4 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.879 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='06']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS2'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 8 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.880 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='07']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS4'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 9 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.880 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='09']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS8'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 11 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.881 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='10']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS11'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 12 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.881 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='11']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS14'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 13 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.882 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='12']/spawn[@group='WolfGroup'                 and    @num='03']/@num"  (line 14 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.882 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='13']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS7'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 15 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.883 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='14']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS10'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 16 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.883 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='15']/spawn[@group='ZombieBikerBarGroup'         and @num='08']/@num"  (line 17 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.884 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='16']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS13'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 18 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.884 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='17']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS18'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 19 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.885 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='18']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS22'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 20 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.885 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='19']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS27'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 21 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.886 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='21']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS16'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 23 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.887 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='22']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS19'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 24 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.887 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='23']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS23'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 25 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.887 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='24']/spawn[@group='ZombieGhostTownGroup'         and @num='09']/@num"  (line 26 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.888 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='25']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS31'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 27 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.888 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='26']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS36'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 28 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.890 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='28']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS41'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 30 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.890 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='29']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS27'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 31 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.890 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='30']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS31'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 32 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.891 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='31']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS35'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 33 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.891 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='32']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS46'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 34 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.892 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='33']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS52'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 35 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.892 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='34']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup'             and @num='07']/@num"  (line 36 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.893 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='35']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS58'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 37 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.893 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='36']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS70'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 38 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.894 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='37']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS40'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 39 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.894 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='38']/spawn[@group='ZombieAnimalsGroup'         and @num='05']/@num"  (line 40 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.894 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='39']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS44'     and @num='05']/@num"  (line 41 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.895 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='40']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS49'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 42 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.895 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='41']/spawn[@group='WolfPack'                     and @num='05']/@num"  (line 43 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.896 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='42']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS64'     and @num='11']/@num"  (line 44 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.896 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='43']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS76'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 45 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.897 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='44']/spawn[@group='ZombieSoldierGroup'         and @num='09']/@num"  (line 46 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.897 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='45']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS82'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 47 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.898 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='46']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS54'     and @num='11']/@num"  (line 48 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.898 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='47']/spawn[@group='VultureGroup'                 and @num='08']/@num"  (line 49 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.899 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='48']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS59'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 50 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.899 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='49']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS64'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 51 at pos 3)
    2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.899 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='50']/spawn[@group='ZombieBearsGroup'             and @num='02']/@num"  (line 52 at pos 3)



  7. 8 hours ago, Ash Housewares said:

    The Corsair PSUs have a 10 year warranty too supposedly. Have you had any success going through their customer service for a replacement?

    Yep, get a refurb of the same model pretty easily as long as I still have the physical receipt. (They did not like my digital receipt from MicroCenter at all.) But if you're just going to be repeating the process every couple of years, what is the point?   I've had issues with Corsair's for well over a decade now. Had heard they had made major strides in quality, so I gave them a chance again. Won't make that mistake a second time.

  8. 1 hour ago, Ash Housewares said:

    The power supply is a Corsair 850W

    I've found the Corsairs to be less reliable again. I just replaced one that was barely a year and a half old. Since this is the third I've had to replace in the past 5 years, (not the same computer, but similar ages on each PSU), I chose to get something completely different. Grabbed an MSI on sale for only $10 more, and it's got a 10-year warranty.

  9. Before the option to set a limit, there was no limit. Then the limitation was added, and there was a config line to configure the limit with the default being one.  Pretty sure the change was in a18 with the config file. Should be listed in the patch notes under server settings.

  10. Almost missed this because you posted in the incorrect section.


    As far as server hardware goes, that isn't a bad setup. Ensure that your RAM timing is actually correct in UEFI though. As you aren't running anything else on it, I would strongly recommend switching to Linux. 10-15% better server performance, and if you use a tool like LGSM, it makes maintaining the server with restarts and updates stupid simple. Plus you can run the server longer before requiring a restart than Windows will due to fewer memory leak issues.  Simple guide is here.


    If you would care to post a log, I could look into your issue more. Hard to really tell you anything off of a bad screen capture with no real information to add.

    Instructions are in the Pinned thread that you missed because you didn't go to the support section. :)


  11. 8 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Don't ask me why this isn't just a forum section, probably just to make sure that people READ the relevant information how to report a bug before actually reporting a bug.

    It used to be a forum section, but was moved to the new report format when the forum was upgraded because it's tons easier to manage the bug reports with.

  12. 3 hours ago, Fox said:

    Security wise, sure, it's out of date (although, let's be honest, Microsoft's security is a joke and always has been), feature wise that could hinder gaming... debatable. I'll bet I could still get this game to run on Windows XP (the limited 3.2GB of usable ram and old / slow hardware being the only problems), unless this game doesn't support DirectX 10 anymore (I think that was the limit of Windows XP right?).

    Correct. AFAIK there shouldn't be any issues at all with running on Windows 7 64-bit. It's better than trying Vista or 8.

  13. Your player data file is corrupted.


    Will need to go to the following folder on the server..

    Then delete these files.



    Afterwards your character will be fully reset, but you can continue to play again on that server.

  14. On 3/1/2022 at 12:44 PM, JCrook1028 said:

    CPU has to load the map in as you move for the GPU to then display it.

    Really this is the most likely cause. 


    The client is naturally CPU bound to begin with, and Voxel data isn't cheap.  When you're moving quickly it's unloading and re-loading a considerable amount of voxel data, and managing entity spawning, pathing, and AI. 

    As a result, you have a lot of work being done unloading data from RAM, reading data from the hard drive, running calculations on the data, putting it into RAM, and sending the relative visual data to the GPU to be processed there.  Most systems will have a bit of a bottleneck here, and distant terrain/POI processing adds to the workload even more.

  15. 50 minutes ago, Fox said:

    I myself felt the need to trade my 2 year old Corsair 750w 80+ Bronze PSU for a new EVGA 850w 80+Gold PSU so as to not worry about "dirty" power fluctuations

    I just did the exact same thing because I had the dirty power fluctuations with my two 1070's in SLI. Replaced it with an MSI A850GF 80 Plus Gold literally two days ago. My original PSU was Also a Corsair CX750M that was purchased between a year and a half to two years ago. (Which I only got because the warranty replacement for my 8/9-year-old 750W Fatal1ty PSU was shipped without a 24-pin cable, and I just gave up trying to get the right one from support after several failed attempts.) Snagged the MSI on sale for only $10 more than the POS Corsair too. (Still need to re-install Windows cause the damn issues corrupted my primary SSD.)


    Most PSU's are only really good for 3-5 years, and are warrantied as such. At the time the OP would have purchased theirs was a really bad era for caps as well.

    I'll also note that when I noticed the issue with the Fatal1ty, it tested just fine running OCCT, P95, and Furmark. Yet the system would tank if I ran 7 Days or Ark.  Eventually I load tested the rails, and found that they were bad.


    And again, PC crashing is a PC issue. Just because the game triggers the crash does not mean it's a problem with the game client. Troubleshoot your stop codes, and do the needful.

  16. 1. Disable every option with the word reflection in it. This has not been optimized and will tank your performance.


    2. Did you fully exclude the client from all security software? This is covered in detail in the Pinned FAQ thread.


    2. It's like you have every costly premium GPU feature enabled. Though you have capable hardware, it doesn't support that many features in an un-optimized game that's still in Alpha development.
    I would recommend the following settings.



  17. 6 hours ago, generalcoffeemug said:

    Maybe, but I doubt it. I never get crashes other than when using this game. And I have used the GPU already for other games that are more demanding.

    Other games may appear to be more demanding, but they're only demanding of the GPU. 7 Days taxes your whole system because it's very CPU and RAM intensive where other games are not.  There is probably not another game that demands as much from your core system components that this one does. If you have some hardware or a driver that is borderline, 7 Days will find it before even some benchmarking software does. 90% of the time the weak component is the PSU.

  18. 4 hours ago, Geministar14 said:

    Some help please! Hubs and I have been on our map - currently on day 64. Since the hotfix, we haven't been able to play our map. We started it up last night to find our base, in the forest, looked like we were in the wastelands. We can't do any quests, nothing works now. Can we salvage this world or should we just start over? Thank You!!

    Note: playing Vanilla, no mods, no cheats.


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