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Adam the Waster

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Everything posted by Adam the Waster

  1. So new animals for alpha 22 but were is the female deer now that we know hogs are a thing now.... and chicken
  2. I mean if they are able to add bandits and Mods can add them then it should be possible
  3. What is with you and the flip flops BOOOOOO FLIP FLOP IS SCARY
  4. And worst of all.... swamp zombies or hillbilly zombies Soggy and stinky
  5. Lord knows when that will happen. I highly doubt this alpha maybe the next or last one Bandits, weather, story, and a few things I'm sure I'm forgetting
  6. From what faatal said its going to be its own biome again
  7. Water could have been treated better. It was a problem but removing it wasn't the solution. They basically had a gash on their leg and rather then stich it up and heal it they gelded it with a hot iron. Some learn by doing features were cool but not all. I'm fine with weapons and running but crafting was a pain. Wellness was cool but it was too slow to get Alpha 16 night vision googles.... enough said. Zombie spawn setting and amount that did spawn. Looking down the Iron sights properly rather then looking over them like a dumbass. Hostile wildlife in the forest Plains Caves kinda. But could have been better Bee hives More dangerous infections Old hunting knife, m60 and feral wight model. Sawed off shotguns actually being sawed off Some old pois like pump and lug Climbing spider zombies Smg 5 iron sights Burnting zombies spawning on horde night. Old ambience sounds Zombie ai but I do like the smart zombies too if it were up too me I would have basic zombies act like Alpha 15 and 16 while feral zombies act like how they do now
  8. That's right We had maple forest which it's warmer and then you had the pine forest that was colder and could even snow rarely on alpha 15 and I think 16 Kinda miss the snow
  9. It was the closet to the swamp we got I just want lawnmowers just for A mowers equal engine and b Too troll people saying they want lawnmowers
  10. I mean if they did it once they could do it again, just forest with less trees, or small trees, yellowish grass, rocks, and wild corn It could be a half skull rank like the burnt forest. Then again I think it should be rethought Forest 1, plains 1/half, burnt forest 2, desert 2/half, snow 3, wasteland 4
  11. So your telling me.... there's a chance But I doubt it cuz we are so close to gold I don't think it would be added. I hope so tho
  12. Think that would be best Maybe a few settings like random, center, would be nice
  13. That would be plain out awesome. I would love too see a crashed plane on the plains. But my question would be? Were would they plain on putting the plains be on navezgane. Not on parishton anymore and I like the snow city better, it looked really plain, Maybe the plain would be to put the plains in a new zone, with a small plain town .. maybe it could be called, plainston that would be plain out cool..... plains
  14. This is Plain out sad to hear Hope they plain on changing their mind... plain
  15. Updated added a new section RWG changes
  16. . A few new features may sneak in. Stop I can get only so excited So much more too add. I can't wait for the real Dev diary
  17. Will add burnt forest added back for random gen
  18. Yeah cuz ASA did so well doing almost this. This is a way to split your fanbase At least the spin off it could bring more types of players. Maybe they don't like survival
  19. New changes too RWG via Faatal (Will add too main forum when I get home from work and gym) Added RWG preview camera moves 10x speed with shift key and clamps near ground. Changed RWG preview camera move up/down to camera relative and C key also moves down. Added RWG preview left click resets camera. Fixed RWG preview camera jittering when looking past down and move rate varying with FPS. Improved RWG Creation UI layout. Added RWG highways can path across and carve into mountains (steep slope check often made no road!). Added RWG country road corner smoothing (50% of highway). Improved RWG road smoothing, blending and processing speed. Fixed RWG road pixel precision (was offset and dirt edges not consistent). Fixed RWG road line segments adjusting the same and/or missing pixels (starting point circles now in line segment loop. uses ids not colors). Changed RWG preview texture to full res at default and point filter. New RWG biome generation algorithm (seed biomes around a circle and grow each in a square ring that searches out from the middle of each side but skips if not adjacent to same biome). Moved RWG wasteland biome to the center. Improved RWG biome default percents and limited min/max range. Improved RWG biome filler stamp (more square, to edges and 128 size). Fixed RWG biomes could be missing (each biome gets at least 1 tile). Changed RWG biome tiles to 1/4 sized. Added RWG random biome stamp scaling and small rotations.
  20. Me as a mostly console peasant knows 30 fps very well but at least most games now are at about 60 or less
  21. added pig and doggo into animal section
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