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Adam the Waster

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Everything posted by Adam the Waster

  1. *brush dust off* NEW POI ADDED! and updated the page a bit Put grace in animal section Put new bike in vehicles Put new High school POI in.... POI section... duuhhh ive been lazy i haven't booted my my pc in a good min
  2. I mean they are working on stuff to help with it but there's alot of back ground stuff going on
  3. The issue is the spear is the only weapon you can get away with doing that or less you will take damage The spear got range
  4. Here's hoping we get alot of optimization in Alpha 22 Anyways! How is that going
  5. Hopefully with the new gore system we can get something like this. Maybe you could physically Break a zombies arm and gives weaker attacks, cut off their hands and they can't slash you only bite or uses the other arm Then again 7dtd needs a better melee system. Not like dying light but at least skyrim or oblivion
  6. At least a small country air feild would be cool. Like a place you learn to fly. It is the country side! Kinda like farcry 5 Or even a farm with a small air strip Then again there has to be a plane model. He'll he don't even have a chopper model... yet
  7. It's cuz there's really nothing interesting going on No new pictures, no news, anything controversial had already been talked about like water, no dev diary. Nothing Kinda sad tbh. I hope we get some news soon
  8. That would be kinda cool but. Tbh I would rather then do something that's more.... constant, the farmer is fine but how many people would be dressed as a football player to cheerleader. I would rather have like a solder in just BDUs, or maybe zombies wearing sports jerseys
  9. Really that and some extra end game enemies/zombies. Maybe some bosses here and there, like grace! Weapon and progression is pretty good. (And if armor I'm sure once it comes out) Hell add a few more new settings like headshots only, lower the amount of gear you can fine. Raise it, etc My end game is basically building whatever I want or turn the game harder like no horde bases, Cod zombies style bases, or using crappy weapons like pipe pistols!
  10. Still going to turn that field into my base! Hopefully we will get something like the old football field. The BEST BASE SPOT! I will not hear otherwise
  11. Again "Read my lips you can't see" ADD tiers of water collection, Dew collectors And Water pump
  12. I mean it kinda does. Not many people would be dressed as a football player or a cheerleader (unless it's also the club) If a outbreak happened right now and I raided my football stadium. I wouldn't really see many football players unless people wear it as armor
  13. The nazezgane mine would be cool or more places like lug and dump (miss that name) I just want even more craftable decor, like the corrugated metal and wooden gates/walls etc
  14. Here's hoping. Maybe they will be working on bandits but I would hope they would tell us. But you never know Maybe we will finally get that plasma baton and other stuff
  15. At first I didn't really like it but then again change can be scary. After looking at the concept. I started liking it aside from the health bar. There is no true image yet but here's hoping we get something too... Hopefully
  16. I really think the main reason Is A: Optimization for both PC and consoles, cuz 7days does take alot to run properly and even then it can run poorly and maybe clean up the code a bit 2: remaking all of the old assets again for stuff like animals, vehicles, and MAYBE the UI but we haven't seen anything yet
  17. Console isn't an update its a whole re release
  18. Looks like the update is going to be bigger then expected Maybe because they have to optimize the game for console. So they gotta go through stuff...
  19. I do kinda feel that. Instead of building and raiding stores and building horde bases, rather you just be go on a fetch quest. Granted for renewable missions It's really hard if not impossible to make it "unque" games like skyrim. You get radiant quest like "go kill this bear and come back" I haven't done a "once dead you die" that's not my thing but I do appreciate seeing it.
  20. But wears the fun in that plus some changes happen cuz of that Like the steel club was going to be the Iron club! Someone talked about it to madmole and they switched it. Cuz a bigass club being somehow weaker then a baseball bat made no sense! And the tough guy glasses cuz there was no armor peice that gave you fortitude
  21. I just can't @%$#ing wait for it to come out on @%$#ing console. Maybe then my @%$#ing crippling depression will go away.... motha@%$#a
  22. @Laz Man How's the footfall stadium going? And if you're done with it, what else are you working on?
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