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Adam the Waster

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Everything posted by Adam the Waster

  2. Yes. it will be a 4 barreled Hunting rifle with 2 Pistol taped on the bottom! hahahha! I am king of the Wasteland! All aboard the Boat car! chooo choo!
  3. i talk to my gun and it talks to me....> im just fine.... WHAT IF I WANT TO STRAP A PISTOL ON IT!
  4. I hope with the NPC camps. i hope we can mess them up! and have zombies attack them XD
  5. I like this idea but it would be kinda hard to do. like i said Many a time. they should add a Normal zombie that looks like the Crawler but it walks (A super rotten zombie) but i am OK with a specials type of zombies. but then again they are slowly going away with them. mostly the rad ones! 101% agree! i would love to see the feral Crawler move Fast and Maybe Leap at you! like the leaper from dead space. They already said no Kids zombies. that can get the game banned in many places!, i uses to be in this camp but iv lost it I already made a Post about something like this but i like some of the ideas! the riot is pretty good and the haz zombie but for the rest... hmmm here some of my zombie ideas/TLC Screamer: New model, still female, skinny as Hell and a bit taller! she can puke blood at you to Blind you a bit. And has a VERY rare chance to spawn in a Bloodmoon (later on) Cop: When they blow up they emit toxic gas, better range, Acid pools on ground deal damage over time Spider zombie: rather then climb they Jump... REALLY HIGH! they can just up to 30 blocks high and long! they have this sac on their neck that they shoot Goo at a close range to slow you down. like a web! and able to move faster! Feral wright: Super Zombie, better jump, more damage, Only die via Headshot, Bleed, fire or Bombs! if not they will stay at at most 100 HP. New zombies radioactive Walker: Takes the role of all Rad zombies and ahs as much Health as a Radioactive Bloated zombie. Able to heal themselves slowly . they do not run but they can spawn in the wasteland. deal rad damage on hit (lowers max HP, Stamina, food and water Plagued Walker: you hate getting sick? well you may want to bring a Mask and come Corona Wipes cuz these zeds are just FILLED WITH that Nasty stuff!. most likely zombies that have been around for a Long time, they are rather slinky but they have these Large Bloody Boils on them and have there veins showing and there eyes are almost Pure blood red! the Normal ones have base zombie health but the feral are stronger and can Infect you Very fast. Unlike with normal zombies that when they infect you thats it, you just heal up and that's it. but these zombies will keep adding up infection until ether the zombie is dead or if you die! they are rather on the rare side though. Slasher: This zombies arms have been worn down to the point where the bones have turn into blades, Has High AP damage so your armor maybe help but not much, and has a high chance to cause bleed to you! but against blocks... they are not too good, they wear a Old rotten shorts with dark grey skin and white eyes! its chest is open to the elements so you can see its ribs, lungs, etc! Puker: Take a cop zombie, make him chug 8 bottles of Alcohol and you got the puker!. this zombie looks like he is wearing a Firefighter gear and helmet but the gasmask has melted off! and only parts of the mask and helmet are left. Its a more close range attacker and when you get near it. it pukes a Large cluster of Acid. it applies Burning damage and it does more damage to blocks and your armor! when they die they leave a Large acid pile! Ravager: What happens when you get a Spider zombie and put them on coke???? the Ravager! she is a mean zombie that is nearly always Feral! SHE is even worst when she is feral! She is able to do a Short "tackle" that does stun damage, but unlike most zombies she moves backwards when you try to aproce her to try to dodge your melee attacks! She has long nails too tear you apart!. when she is feral, she moves EVEN faster almost nightmare speed, and is a Pain to kill, she will even try to get on your car/gyro and try to break it! she is wearing a Patient robes that haves ALOT of blood and she also has Handcuffs on, she has Long black hair with chunks of it missing and her face is almost fully rotten off! Brute: this big strong bulky zombie looks like a bodybuilder but... a zombie and a lot meaner! it a Light Behemoth, with the same HP as a Demolisher and just the same size but it has different abilities. They can Charge at you and deal alot of damage to blocks, cars and you! the Melee attacks near always stun you, they are very hard to knock down!. when feral they move a bit faster and they are even stronger! Infected Wastelander: this zombie is more of a "base" term for Survivors/NPCs that become infected. if the NPCs die they have a chance to either die and be eaten OR they turn into a zombie, they will spawn in with there armor/cloths but the NPCs eyes are white, and whatever armor they had, they will keep and uses against you!
  6. Well that was just a cut zombie type. the zombie miner. but it would be net if when bandits come out, you can find them and White river people as zombies and they would spawn in with there armor! there face would turn into a Generic rotten face and uses the body of the bandit as a template for a zombie
  7. i think the hunting rifle can be reused as a Bolt action deer rifle. that has 3 shots. rather then one!
  8. they tryed that before A long time ago when i was a little boy! and i never heard of 7DTD cuz i was eating dogfood and i was like 6 or something but it would be nice. Hell just some extra zeds would be nice! like a Zombie that is super rotten like the crawler but it walks, or a Armored survivor zombie, riot zombie, A full radioactive zombie (it takes the role of all rad zombies) like this is one of my Rad zombie!
  9. not really. tier 0: i would see the Pipe rifle as the old Hunting rifle but it only has one shot and is made of pipes. tier 1: Hunting rifle. it would look the same as the classic one we have but it has a Small clip (3 shots) can get 5. and thats a right amount for a Deer rifle and it would still want players to get that over the pipe rifle. tier 2: the Marksman rifle would be the lever action and it would have 8 shots. (think it will be neat if it shot 44.mag rounds) tier 3 would be the Sniper it would have 15 and still deal high damage and can be Pimped out more, with stuff like a drum mag Also a little change for the Sniper so they can be used over say a AR. sense most people uses stuff like the TAR or AK as a sniper. maybe the sniper will deal more damage the farther the target. so you could uses it as a closes range weapon but its better for long range
  10. well you see.... i am god, why? becauses i am!
  11. its the same on twitter too but thats for everything! But i did it to you! I HAVE THE POWER!
  12. Some can't be in there due to generation reasons so.... no some stuff like the sewer drain with the bear, The docks, fishishy, and some other things will not come
  13. Car boat! Hire me FUN PIMPS! I feel bad for wastelanders in the coastline! Zombie sharks are no joke!
  14. ohhh yeah thats a Crime! its like how in Iraq how they have so many old cool Surplus guns and they mess them up by adding scopes. flashlights, and other modern stuff!
  15. Madmole told me! Ill be fired if i say this but!
  16. im not going into the gun ban thing cuz that will causes a Forum war but! not all, it depends on the gun maker. Like some Modern Level actions have Polly stocks, metal rails, all metal etc. but some make there look like old ones but with better items. i was hoping the Marksman rifle would look like a AR15 sense they are simi auto and they fit well for a Marksman rifle. Maybe it would have a wooden stock, long barrel port, AR Iron sights, and some tape wrapped around it. but a Lever action is cool too! i wonder what primitive Sniper is? i don't think its that level action because then the OG hunting rifle would have no role. the Pipe rifle should basically be a long tube with a stock, Bolt, Iron sights and a Front grip, it would have ONE shot like the old hunting rifle. while the Hunting rifle would have 3 rounds and would have a clip on the bottom. the scope would be placed near the bolt like a real rifle sense you don't need to load it via the Bolt. it would be a Classic deer rifle. and what about the pipe AR?
  17. oh that makes sense. NM madmole has left us its ok snowdog... we will get him back soon!
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