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  1. Nekko - I didnt see it on that list. I did scroll quick for the key line u quoted and still didnt see. Finally found it hehehe but the below still holds true As far as settings it isnt a setting option in the menus so not sure how much that would help. Any other insights?
  2. I havent tested this myself but the Journal entry for land claims says we can now have 3. I had a buddy loose active on a landclaim when they placed another.
  3. Summary: I died but food didnt reset even though everything else did. Night 1 , before lvl 5 Game Version: (A21 b317) OS/Version: (Windows 11) CPU Model: System Memory: (16 GB) GPU Model and VRAM: Screen Resolution: Video Settings: Game mode: (SP,Pregen6k) Did you wipe old saves? (Yes) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any mods? (No) EAC on or off? on Status: NEW Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: let ur food/water/health etc go down Die respawn Actual result: everything but the food bar is reset. Expected result: everything to be reset Log file https://pastebin.com/SwPfDRDM
  4. Issue 1 - On Death my food didnt reset but all the other usual items that reset did. Issue 2 - Compass - new marks dont show on the compass but show on the map but show on the compass after showing a new session. Issue 3 - The settings when setting up the game like day length and all those screens does not persist between each new save/world Issue 4 - I knew I had some loot items but now they cant be found - Fresh world Night 1 not much to look in. Issue 5 - More a forum issue then the game but I get pinged from the forum that I signed in from new device everytime I sign in and Im signing in from my same computer. Even with Remember me clicked it doesnt remember me. I am not sure if the above are true issues or intended. Wanting some insight. Running on Windows 11 thru steam Alpha 21 b317 Fresh Install to the point of Fresh Toon. I did try a validate as well before resorting to the nuke option above. Log can be attached if its really needed but not sure if it would show anything for the given issues except maybe the death? Tried to simply attach the txt file for the log but it doesnt seem to be an accepted type The most recent death was the only one on this save and havent encountered this issue before. The compass issue and Setting issue has been Persistent across all runs Ive done. even after a full clean reinstall to the point of having to redo my custom toon I make. The Misplaced loot thing just happened this run.
  5. I went to the newest build and I noticed waypoints sometimes compass sometimes no and my Rekt didnt have a cash register plus my first mission didnt have a mag bundle option but it did have like a mod book and it was a fetch.
  6. If what you are saying is true it wasnt true in past alphas and not the case for some people im watching. Anything in the waypoint list should show in the compass
  7. I have noticed a few things that I could use some advice for.. My Compass only shows my bedroll even though I have a trader and a camp marked that show on the map but not on the compass. Not sure y Also having the issue with settings where they need to be rechosen each time a new run is started
  8. My Settings dont seem to be staying the ones regarding how often and marking the air drop and those screens. everytime I start a new game I need to repick dont remember it forgetting like that in past alphas
  9. I tried creating a map in RWG. Things seemed fine but there was an issue of crazy roads again and trees and roads. One thing I noticed also is in PREGEN's 6k map specific is one of the HUghs have plants and stuff growing right in Travel paths as well namely right in front of the door. What is causing this to happen and is there a way to avoid it?
  10. I see there is a 4k option for maps again yet whenever I try I get red text anyone have any advice
  11. Tallman & King & Others I have map files for a 4k is it easy enough to just resize those to do the other sizes or do I need to redraw from scratch?
  12. I solved my issue to get a world to work atleast but now I have a question is there things in the POI list we can remove that isnt needed I have all ready gone thru and got the signs, bridges , NAV only stuff , but can u remove anything else like the STONES and stuff or will that lead to no big boulders?
  13. Ok , I need a bit of a hand. I updated KG and stopped using the required tag , and altered it like i was supposed to but otherwise my list is the old school list but Im getting the .PY list of errors any advice. Do I really have to go thru and regen the whole list ?
  14. I havent Generated new lists since KG updated and removed the required and unique tags. Is the list totally borked or just the lines using those tags?
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