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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 17 hours ago, theFlu said:

    No crucible in a tree's nest..? Darn. :)

    Those seem to happen, very rarely, it's a tree and a bird's nest that somehow spawned into the same spot. The tooltip shows what you're aiming at, the loot table is from the nest. Or something to that effect :)


    Recently I found a chainsaw schematic inside of a tree (ironic, I know), indicating that a garbage pile had spawned in the exact same position, leading to this issue. So a crucible schematic is technically possible. :) You would just have to search a lot of trees.

    14 hours ago, Star69 said:

    There was a bug when a tree and birds nest spawned on the same spot and it appeared like you were searching a tree and got feathers/eggs but I thought it had been fixed. Haven’t seen this one in vanilla.


    I've encountered it numerous times in A19 RWG, so it's still a thing.

    As a matter of fact, I just found said image...



  2. I play too much 7 Days To Die for my own good. My life revolves around this game, I think about it all the time. It's even come to the point where sometimes I dream about it. That's an embarrassing fact I probably shouldn't have shared, but I chose to share it, so there you go. Once the Kraken awakens from its slumber, I can't wait to get sucked down this rabbit hole all over again, digging this pit even deeper around myself with no chance of escape.


    God I love this game.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Aldranon said:

    Anyone else feel that TFP are going for this weekend to release?  It would be something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving weekend.


    If it was when would we know?


    Roland has already confirmed that this Thanksgiving is not going to happen. It even says so on the front page. :)

  4. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    I hope with workshop support we can add individual POI's that are rated by the community. The POI packs we have now are mostly great but there are few stinkers in the mix.


    Like that one that is guarded by dozens of zombie animals, has an underground tunnel made out of steel, and has various locked steel vault doors guarding the final room that only has a wall safe and a toilet in it? 😛

  5. @Roland Since you're being very enlightening right now (I mean that with complete honesty, there isn't a condescending tone there at all), if you would be kind enough to sacrifice some extra time, I would enjoy reading your perspective on my experience.


    Regarding min-maxing from my experience, it's only ever related to perks, and generally one particular mold. Seeing me with level 5 iron tools by day 4 or 5 would not be unusual; I actively choose to focus my initial points on Miner 69er, Sex Rex, and Mother Lode. It comes down to both the small things (investing that next point into Miner 69er will allow me to destroy noise traps and garbage piles with one less swing) to the consequence of me always going grand with my bases, at least in terms of scale. I openly acknowledge that I am going overboard with this investment, especially for the point of the game where I am at, and I am always intrigued by people who make alternate decisions.


    Traditionally, I never venture into the Intellect tree unless I'm doing a stealth focused build. I rarely dig deep into the Perception or even the Fortitude trees unless I'm focusing on the weaponry within either tree respectively. Old habits die hard I suppose - Intellect and Strength are my match made in heaven.


    Nevertheless, I am still open to taking the path of a less specialized approached. Perhaps I should study the perks from each tree and attempt to recognize their individual worth without comparing them to others. (Ex. Salvage Operations, Run and Gun, Parkour, The Huntsman, etc.)


    Note: In regards to weapons, I switch it up every world, and I plan it out ahead of time. This world I'll be using shotguns, this one will be bows/crossbows/pistols & explosives/rifles, etc.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Roland said:


    A variety of games is probably the best solution. If you can't have fun playing one game in a variety of ways then simply play many different games the one time you need to solve their efficiency puzzle. The problem is expecting one game to continually remain fresh if you can only accept one way to play it. So far 7 Days has offered a "new puzzle" with each update but once the game goes gold and is done then it really will be done for efficiency players.


    I see what you are saying. Well, with the next Minecraft update coming out very shortly, perhaps that will offer me a break.


    Note: I'm not the type of minmaxer that is OTT about everything, for the most part. I don't clear POI's during the day and raid them at night to get the best bang for my buck. I don't (try to) use the traders as often as I can. I don't loot 4 POI's and then chug a looting candy to get the maximum benefit out of it. In fact, I've recently tried different settings - horde every 5 days, horde every night, 64 max alive (sort of a re-discovery there). I suppose my min-maxing lies in me focusing primarily on Strength and getting quality level 5 iron tools by the end of the first week, if not sooner. As for how to conquer this "need", that I am still working on.


    (I suppose this partially stems from me constructing unnecessarily massive horde bases. :P)

    Nothing is holding me back from trying out different playstyles, of course. But I suppose I'll have to deal with that voice at the back of my head for the rest of my 7D2D career.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Roland said:


    The answer for you is never. You cannot suspend your need for an optimal path. Bow and stealth will never be an option for you.


    For someone else the condition would be that they wish to challenge themselves by playing a game using bow and stealth and play as that type of character. For that person it would be fine because they would not be constantly preoccupied by the opportunity costs and self deceptions over how quickly they could progress using other means. For you it would be disastrous.



    They are currently balanced in such a way to anyone not obsessed with optimal efficiency.



    A player not obsessed with efficiency and who is playing stealth/bow won't have an AK-47 and several hundred ammo on day 2 because they will be going through the quests more slowly and stealthily and probably choosing other ways to spend their money. They also won't hear a voice in their head yammering on and on about a much more efficient way to play the game than they currently are playing. Instead they will be having fun taking the game at their pace, popping those day 2 zombies in the head with their stone arrows killing some in one shot and killing others with a few follow up hits but not caring in the least that maybe somewhere on earth another player started a new game at the same time they did and probably has an Ak-47 with several hundred ammo. That would kill you, we know.



    To you with your mentality it would be self-indulgence because you cannot let go of the compulsion to maximize efficiency. But we don't have this issue when we play. We aren't playing to solve the efficiency puzzle. And it most definitely is still survival. It is the survival that a particular character would go through if they survived the zombie virus and lived in the post apocalyptic world. We are playing that character and striving to survive as that character. THAT is what goes through our mind when we make choices. Trust me, we are not fighting to avoid thoughts of how to be more efficient. We are thinking about what our character would do and then make those choices to be true to that character. You are never going to understand and will always suspect that we are secretly struggling with everything we have to avoid slipping back to trying to be efficient but just indulging ourselves in our fantasy but you will just have to trust me that we just don't think that way. There is never any suboptimal angst boiling under the surface of our enjoyment of the game.




    So what I take from this is that min-maxing is an ill-advised path that leads you to an iron cage that has no key, and where the door slams behind you, never to let you out again? Where even if you give yourself the illusion of escape by trying another playstyle or even banning yourself from your min-max style for a playthrough or two, that player will always naturally gravitate back towards their own persona meta?


    This explains a lot... *Long sigh*


    Am I correct in that there is no way to backtrack from this?

  8. 3 hours ago, nielm269 said:

    I have over 1800 hours and have bought many copies of this game for people (maybe my favorite game of all time), I have one small request..... can you make it so I can cut the arms and legs off a striper zombie and keep it in my base......  for um weapon testing (yeah I'll stick to that reason).


    So I suppose we are 7D2D thumpers now, converting people to dedicate their lives to this game? "The power of The Fun Pimps compels you! The power of The Fun Pimps compels you!" 😜

  9. 3 minutes ago, Roland said:

    They almost made it for this weekend. It was just a bit too much to do especially considering getting the changelog document finished. I think that the first or second weekend in December are a reasonable bet but for sure it could always get pushed back again. Nature of the beast.


    I made a bet with someone for 5 dollars that A20 would come out sometime in January. Is there any way you could pull some strings, maybe intentionally create a MF bug or two that might take a week or two to finish? ;)

    2 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    <runs off to redo xml to lower it even more>


    This has gotten me curious though. Will pistols and hunting knives be removed from the loot table of toilets? I love the reference, but it can throw balance out of whack...

    Also, just an inconsistency I've found. The traders sell every food type AFAIK, except for pumpkin-related recipes. An oversight perhaps? :)

  10. 4 minutes ago, EffiJeffy said:

    So is there a small chance for it to come out on 29th of november or not?


    Read his message again.


    The possible streamer weekend dates in December are as follows:


    1) 4-5 December

    2) 11-12 December

    3) 18-19 December

    4) 25-26 December


    It could still be pushed to January or even February+ of next year, so take that into account.


    It'll be done when it's done.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Scythe-Messiah said:

    Lastly, while thinking about the physician perk: It'd be great to see the perk reduce time needed for healing a splinted broken arm/leg just enough so your friends will bother the physician to make a house call before horde night.


    The Healing Factor perk already does this. :)

  12. So I just happened across a tiny channel on YouTube of less than 20 subscribers that has reposted the A20 dev streams uncut. Should I just let them be or would you (ie anyone affiliated with TFP who happens to be reading this) recommend I report them?

  13. 7 minutes ago, Khalagar said:


    I don't know if there's any dev that's as actually good at the game as Madmole, and basically any min maxer at this game knows strength is OP AF including Madmole  lol. Many devs don't really play their own game that much / aren't very good at them, like last stream where they didn't even know what perk  tree spears were under, so comparing someone like Madmole to them is cheating


    There's not really a way to play the game for long without strength imo. Food, sex rex, miner 69, motherlode etc alone justify the strength investment to at least 5 or 6, but it also has what is undeniably the best ranged and melee weapon in the game if you are going for a try hard run.  Basically any build has to go 5 strength just for sex rex and miner 69 and at least 2 points of food crafting


    Strength has the best non combat perks, on top of the best weapons in the game. The other trees barely have 1 good perk each, if even that.


    All Perception has is the wrench perk which is far from mandatory, lucky looter which is a noob trap, and then the rest are just optional. Agility basically only has Parkour and nothing else that's even good since stealth is so bad / doesn't even work on the most important day of the week. Int is the only one close to strength imo, with robotic sledges and the quest reward perk and better barter


    And this is why all of my playthroughs are mostly Strength or Other/Strength.

  14. 4 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    I know it's been brought up before, but listening to JaWoodle moan about it for the millionth time made me think about it again. Has there been any change on balancing the tiers and quality levels of items at all? Just using this bit as an example:

    and how it makes anything less than probably a q4 of one tier no better than the tier below it. Seems silly that a fully modded q4 is the same as a t6 stone shovel. I know there is some rng involved and all, but that seems excessive. I was thinking a good way to smooth this out a bit would be adjusting the ModPowerBonus so that each tier gets a little more of a bonus. Doesn't have to be drastic, but would be one way to make each tier more of an improvement, since the stam increase from stone->iron->steel saps some of the joy of getting a higher tier tool. It also seem to hit shovels and picks harder than axes, at least in the stone->iron jump. There is almost always a good increase going from the stone axe to the iron fireaxe.


    A few months ago I looted a quality level 6 wooden bow after the day 14 horde. I loaded it with iron arrows, just like my level 6 primitive bow, and compared the two. They both had identical damage but the projectile velocity and max range was lower on the wooden bow. I ended up considering it about even, but it could very easily have been a downgrade with -1 or -2 damage, if RNG had its way. I've also had level 6 steel tools which have significantly less block damage than even level 4 steel tools of the equivalent tool type. The latter I can see some arguments being made for it (extending progression and all that), but when an equivalent quality level weapon of the next tier is equal or lesser than the tier below it, that's a problem.


    Also, again addressing this issue, the iron shovel is inferior to the stone shovel. If you put two of those shovels side by side, it'll take them the same amount of hits to destroy terrain blocks (provided they are near or identical quality level and number of mods applied), meaning the iron shovel's additional block damage is mute. With that being said, the stone shovel is faster swinging, uses less stamina, and only costs stone to repair and not repair kits. Some people may be against this, but I'm calling for an even greater nerf on the stone shovel, because as it stands, there's no reason to create the iron tier - just skip from a level 6 stone shovel to a steel version.

    9 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    I am aware of that.

    That was my own personal guess since TFP like to release around holidays.


    I am in complete understanding that you meant no ill will, and apologies on my end for being blunt about it, but what I'm properly learned recently is even a random user or community member - in no way distinguished like modders or TFP staff - giving out their predictions can stir up some pretty nasty rumors; the butterfly effect and all that. A20 probably won't be out for a while, but I believe it's for the betterment of the dev team that no one says anything beyond that, and even then, "when it's done" does its job nicely.

  15. On 10/17/2021 at 2:57 PM, Space4Ace said:

    So the trader sends you to a quest that was already given to someone else... How does the trader know the other person died and so giving you the quest?

    Unless the trader hasn't heard from that person in a while maybe and asks you to go check???


    If the trader has thousands of quests to offer and all of the people who previously attempted them are all dead (coincidentally?), we, the players, should all be concerned. ;)

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