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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    Whenever its time to chew bubblegum and kick ass, Joe is always out of bubblegum.


    You need to pay closer attention. Not only does the xp payout pop up to let you know it is dead, the death animations as well as the death screams are different than the knockback animations and sounds. It doesn't take long for someone who is paying attention to always know exactly when the enemy is dead. I made a mod in which I replaced all death animations and sounds with the knockback and made the get up time variable so that you never were certain whether they were dead yet-- and it was much much better. Big no vote from me on adding any additional signs that enemies are dead dead.


    The zombie is on its back. It looks up at you with pleading eyes full of despair, trying to grab you one last time with one of its arms. And then, it dies; its arm falls onto its chest and its head turns to the side.


    Seriously though, that mod you mentioned... Is it updated for 19.4? :)

  2. I recently cleared the high school on day 1 and while there were a few trigger points, such as the army section and some of the hallways, it's not nearly as bad as described above. I was going stealth, so I would know. As for the roof, stick to the outside rim and frame up if you need to. The gymnasium was no problem at all. I simply peaked my head through and took shots at the zombies on by one. I got stealth attacks on all of them, including that POS feral biker. 😛

  3. 3 minutes ago, Matt115 said:




     Guys be seriouse : when need make it grimdark as possible so my suggestions : bandit cult of living dead - they capture surviors and throw them to pit with zombies . 

    corpses  don't disappear but decying like in previouse versions .

    drawing on walls like " we are all doom" or " no evac no hope" 

    sad traders texts like " hey  you still alive, i wish my wife was still alive too"  or " nice sneakers , my sons wanted similiar on his birthday but zombies eat him alive before i came from work " 

    Sad bloody teddy bear. 

    hanging corpes in forest  etc

    Trust me this is what do you truly want!


    I don't see "segways" in that wall of text.

  4. Just now, Juui said:

    I belive that there is no need for toxic behaviour :) I'm a very simple girl haha
    And I know that the devs are working hard both on the forum and the game. I keep checking the forum all the time for all the updates and I just thought that it is time to join and maybe say few words 😊


    Obviously I did not get enough sleep because I'm hallucinating right now, I need a strong tea or something. 😜 Again, such a breath of fresh air! Amazing attitude! Cool, calm, collected. Keep it up! Lol


    Again, I hope you're having loads of fun with the game! I personally believe in allowing people to figure things out for themselves, but if you have any questions, any one of us would be happy to answer in good time. 🙂 Hope you stick around! It's always good to have another voice of positive energy.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Juui said:

    Hi everyone! I just wanted to say that the game is truly amazing and I can't wait for all the stuff that are going to be added. I started playing it last week and now I'm addicted 😀Managed to get two more friends into the game so that I can play with more of my friends. The new models for the zombies are looking fantastic!



    Glad you're having just a great time with it! :)


    Man it's so refreshing to see a new face and not have them immediately be, erm, toxic incredibly passionate and outspoken (but maybe not in the best way). :)

  6. 3 minutes ago, Fanatical_Meat said:


    Not so crazy about the smaller lumber jack however if it makes the game run better or have the zombies path find better I am good with it


    The only taller zombie now is the wight. That one will probably be downsized as well. *Shrug* I find the biker, big mamma, and now the lumberjack far less intimidating than before, but so be it.

  7. 3 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

    You could try kinggen. Not as many options but is being maintained and evolving as kingslayer works in it 


    Thank you, I might take a look at it, given that A20 is looking to be a long ways off yet. :)

  8. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    You basically do that with the auto junk turrets, especially if you have it maxed out so both can fire at the same time.  I will place my regular one facing towards the direction I am moving forward and the one loaded with shotgun junk ammo facing backwards.  If I get oberwhelmed by the number or quality of zombies, I fall back so the zombies follow me.  Then my rear facing turret shoots them from behind.  Lots of moving around to keep the turrets constantly  firing with the baton strike when they get in close.


    I don’t have screenshots as I am bad at taking them when I play, but I should be able to fire up the game in a bit and try to remember all that I took - I won’t be able to recall the order though since it was a few playthroughs ago.



    Cool, thanks. :)


    I might start it earlier than expected, since I just deleted my 7D2D world on day 5... I haven't made it past that point since late A18.

  9. Just now, hiemfire said:

    Being as once they're placed outside of a land claimed area they cannot be picked up (so the only thing you get to hold onto is any ammunition left over, the engines and the wire tool), that is a pretty large investment in time and supplies (even with the crafting material and times bonuses that higher level Int perks get) for something that you're effectively just going to throw away. Multiply that over several POIs and several resets of the same POI, compare that to what you can expect to pull out of the poi's, and compare that to what you need resource wise to maintain your horde base and main base if separate. Also isn't exactly a negligible allocation of the limited storage space the player has.


    Then just carry a land claim block with you?


    The real cons are, as you've mentioned, the time invested in setting up and then picking back up this hypothetical "kill kit" as well as the inventory space it takes up. But who knows? It might save your rear end a couple of times. I've never attempted an Intellect build (waiting for A20 experimental for that), so I'm completely new on the subject. I'm just spitballing really.

  10. Regarding the Intellect build, just asking out of curiosity, has anyone tried to set up mini kill stations within tougher POI's to fall back to? (All you would need to bring along with you is some gas, a generator bank, some engines, a wire tool, a turret or two, and some ammo to fill them.)

    3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    You can not simply just compare Weapon A to Weapon B.  That is not how this is game was designed.  You have to understand how the setup you have chosen should be played effectively.  How you play a pure Strength build is different from how you would play a pure Agility build vs how you would play a pure Int build.  When I max my perks into strength build, I know I can stand toe to toe with zombies (Heavy armor, Club or Sledge, Shotgun) and tear them apart at close range.  When I spec into the agility build, I am all about mobility and getting in an initial sneak attack (Light armor, blades, archery, gunslinger, hidden strike, flurry of blows).  When I play Int, it is all about making use of my turrets with my baton as my backup should things get too hairy.


    In all of these cases though, I am always using weapons outside of my primary builds (including sniper rifles and assault rifles - nothing is preventing me in my current Agility playthrough of using the sniper rifle, the shotgun, assault rifles, or turrets).  Heck, the last time I played Int as my primary build, I was using a compound bow to get sneak shots in when clearing out POIs even though I didn't put one point into the archery perk tree.


    If you want to limit your weapons based on the tree you picked, that is your choice.  The game is not pushing you to do that and more power to you.  But you cannot claim that the game is unbalanced because you made those choices.  I have not seen any comments from TFP staff that should you perk into strength, you are not allowed to use pistols or assault rifles.  The same thing applies to Int builds.


    My biggest complaint about the Int tree is obtaining the stun baton.  Right now in Alpha, I can be very unlucky and not get it for a long time.  That is why I am excited to see A20 with the pipe weapons and the pipe baton.


    So you've obviously played an Intellect build before. Would you mind sharing some screenshots (or with just basic text) displaying the perks you personally selected? If anyone is still cautiously interested in trying said build (like yours truly), they could use it as a basic guide. :) Ex. When you take perk A, when you take perk B, etc.

  11. 1 minute ago, Junuxx said:

    This is still more of a dev history or chronicle than a dev "diary" (from diarium, daily), isn't it?


    I feel awkward asking for things that must have been asked hundreds of times already, like an ETA. But I'm not digging through 51 pages of posts, and without a FAQ or clear status in the first post, how else am I supposed to find out?


    By "ETA" if you're asking when A20 might be released, nobody knows. When it's done basically. Could be a month (very doubtful imo), or two months, or three, or six+ months from now. TFP have stopped giving out release windows or exact dates years ago due to very understandable reasons.

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