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Everything posted by MechanicalLens

  1. For various reasons TFP never give out approximate release dates anymore. It'll be done when it's done.
  2. Just go ahead and plant about 400+ trees (spawned in from the creative menu) in one general area and check your FPS afterwards. Especially for lower end PC's, the results would be quite drastic. Just because they can do it doesn't mean they should.
  3. I just crouch in the corner and do nothing until I have level 5 iron tools by the 5th or 6th day. I don't have the tools to mine effectively, I have minimal food, and sub-par weaponry to defend myself with. So I just sit in the dark and put a podcast on. No point watching paint dry in silence, even if it breaks just that little bit of immersion. Once I get my level 5 iron tools, I mine every night from then on until the end of my game. Sorry for the double necro. Lol Perhaps I should check dates more often huh? @Roland For unobservant people like me, is there a feature you can enable that automatically locks posts from further replies after no one has posted in said thread for x number of weeks/months?
  4. You think the Facebook comments are bad? You haven't been to Twitter, have you? 😜
  5. This was back in Alpha 16. I needed an engine for my minibike, but of course RNG was not on my side. I started counting and I continued counting until the end. 98 cars later, the 7D2D gods finally bestowed me with... a level 1 engine. 😛 Remember that back then the quality levels were between 1-600, so... I really got the short end of the stick. The same thing happens to me occasionally with the shower curtains, plugs falling on me, and the metal bar holding the shower curtains up after I destroy the curtains, since it isn't properly connected to the wall. Nowadays I steer clear. Lol
  6. Turn down the brightness then? 😜 Also, high density tree locations cause a horrendous amount of lag. Can you name one game that has trees placed every few feet or so? Answer: None do. Trees are particularly taxing in any game, as are reflections, shadows, and water.
  7. Alpha 48, actually. People often get that alpha mixed with A26 and A92, so no worries.
  8. I usually move traps after further brainstorming. (Ex. Perhaps my blade traps should be moved to there instead of here, or I should move my tripwire posts a block further away from the passageway because they were destroyed last horde because of cop explosions.) Regardless of how this is tackled, going on a side branch here, I want uniformity. There are plenty of electrical devices that you can pick up simply by pressing "E". Instead, I think that holding down "E" and selecting an option to pick up the device would be a much more elegant solution. That would save some headaches of the player trying to pick up their powered drawbridge or powered vault door accidentally. @faatal Could this be considered as a possible change? (Quoting you since I honestly have no idea who is in charge of LCB functionality.) Also, I don't demand anything. You know why? You never get anywhere with demands, not in game development. Healthy, civil discussion is a far better alternative.
  9. The LCB is useless in a horde base unless you're moving traps or workstations around.
  10. The trick is not to punish the masses by focusing on the few. The silver and gold idea is a pretty shoddy one, sorry. Imagine if you're continuously moving LCB's between your base and your horde base. Without silver and gold, you wouldn't be able to do that. Perhaps as a compromise to all of this, the LCB could take 10+ minutes to craft. Either that, or nothing gets done with it. Live and let live if you can avoid it and all.
  11. Then let me ask you, how is that the way other people play their game affect you if you avoid that "playstyle"? I hate cheese bases for instance, but I don't go around asking for them to be fixed. I just don't use them. If the devs fix them, they fix them, and if they don't, it isn't the end of the world.
  12. There is one mod that decreases zombie reach. The consequence of it was exactly as OP described. Uninstalling it fixed the issue. @Anxiety123 Check for this mod and if you have it, uninstall it.
  13. While I have faith in TFP, I'll believe it when I see it.
  14. I wonder if this image takes place in Navezgane or RWG?
  15. Speaking of which, some people criticize that we can't power on the lights in POI's. With the Restore Power quests this might become somewhat of a thing...
  16. No, but they could increase the quantity of steel you harvest from them.
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