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Everything posted by MechanicalLens

  1. You're referring to information based on the 7D2D wiki's. Rookie error right there.
  2. Regarding the new ambient noises added in the newest A19 update, there should be some exclusive ones for Rekt. When you approach the guy you would hear eldritch whispers in your ear saying, "Kill him..." or "Blast his head off..." or "End him... He deserves it...", and then a little minigame could play where you have to resist shooting him with your gun...
  3. Not even that would be needed. There is a slider designed exactly for this "predicament"; it's called AI Blood Moon Block Damage.
  4. The fact it hasn't been implemented already tells me there's a legitimate reason for it. Save your breath.
  5. Careful, that could be used against you; sounds like you're offended over everybody being offended all the time.
  6. 1. I will have a think on all of this. 2. What do you mean today? There's a dev stream happening today? Edit: Ahhhh, I see it now. Great. Right when my sleep schedule has made me nocturnal again.
  7. Nah thanks. I'd rather have control over repairing my base and not having the drone waste forged steel on repairing blocks that are missing 5 or 10 HP from a few grenades I had tossed down during the last horde. Edit: Backtracking. As a feature, sure, but I probably won't use it regardless. 😛
  8. Is there a reason for there being a poop emoji in addition to a thumbs down emoji? As far as I'm concerned they carry the same message. 🤷‍♂️
  9. Some of us are bored without anything better to do with our time. 😜
  10. Ahh, so you mean lack of complete loot balance? 7D2D has needed this for years in my opinion. Seriously, just go back to A18 for a couple in-game days and bare witness to the explosion of overpowered loot starting day 1 onwards. It felt disgusting in many ways getting a T5 AK, a T3 junk turret, a T3 steel pickaxe, etc. within my first loot run. What we have no completely removes the possibility of this scenario occurring at any point in the game. But with that being said, hopefully gamestaged biomes in A20 satisfies your tastes. *now, not "no"
  11. 1. Are you a moderator? No? Then that's not your responsibility. If the mods sense a problem with toxicity, then they will take it upon themselves to put those individuals back in place. I certainly was. Unless you're a mod, and I know I'm one to talk, just stop trying to meddle in matters that do not concern you. 2. So you're better than us? That's the vibe I'm getting from you, and I'm sure others are as well. Edit reason: made myself seem less blunt... hopefully.
  12. That's a fair thing to ask for, but people are people, so unless you have them attached to puppet strings (in more ways than one), then that ain't gonna do much. Instead I would suggest you focus on your own path. Set a better example if you think that's what you're striving for. Guilt tripping people rarely works out.
  13. Some of us are whiners, others are skeptics, while others are critics and among us is the odd optimist. Oh wait, I can't say that because that would be generalizing, which is exactly what you are doing. One trait we all share in common, though to varying degrees between each person, is passion for this game. All of us want this game to be in the best position it can possibly be in, but with individuality comes opinions. At the end of the day though, TFP are the ones with the vision and they will execute it. Don't like an opinion and/or the way it was presented? You can disagree with it, but you can also ignore it. It's only a problem if you make it out to be one for yourself, or if the person is being genuinely toxic. As in, actually toxic.
  14. None of us are saints either, nor should people expect us to be. It's called being human.
  15. Perhaps Valheim should implement a feature where the longer you perform x task (tree chopping, ore mining, etc.) the more proficient you become with that skill, and it covers all future characters. Nothing major, just a decent boost to encourage the player to start new worlds without using the same character over and over. (Ex. You've been tree chopping for 30 minutes, so now you receive a 10% attack speed bonus for axes while tree chopping, if work/combat could be separated within the tool, or just make the axe shoddy at chopping down foes.) Otherwise, like yourself, I'll never be starting a fresh character. If anything, my time playing Valheim is over and done with already. I can certainly see myself playing 7D2D for years to come even after it goes gold however.
  16. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, yadda yadda yadda... Now where's Alpha 20? 😜
  17. Consider it another form of art. Take Terraria as a reference. 😛
  18. Recently I cooked up 7,000 glue from super corn. I'd say that's useful enough.
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