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Everything posted by MechanicalLens

  1. My character wiped my brow and I could already see Trader Jen off in the distance not 100 meters away. Sick start. I spent several in-game hours gathering resources before visiting my local merchant, looted her compound, and took a clear quest. I ended up settling in a farm house across the street. I was confused how to enter it at first, but everything clicked when I spotted the other house next door. In between and connecting both buildings was a flooded underground tunnel full of snakes. At first I thought I was being attacked by invisible zombies, it gave me quite a fright. Free meat though. I have Feral Sense set to "All" and it is bloody fantastic. Even so much as looking down the sights of my gun alerts the undead to my presence. For the first time in years I spent my night in the attic of a POI in the dark and unmoving, and still the zombies detected me. After a few moments of bashing against the door they left me alone. I've had a lucky streak of finding antibiotics. Two stumps granted me honey during the early parts of the morning, an antibiotic was contained in a zombie loot bag, and I honestly forgot where I looted them, but I also have two herbal antibiotics stored away in my meds chest. Weapons wise, I looted two quality level 4 pipe rifles in the place I'm staying at. Ammo has been alright, I'm on day 6 right now and I have roughly 100 9mm, 7.62, and shotgun shells. Food hasn't been so much of an issue beyond day 1. A couple of buried supplies netted me some meat and hobo stews and a blueberry pie. I found the grilled meat recipe in a filing cabinet on day 2 (along with the pumpkin pie recipe and the chili dog recipe in the same loot raid), and chickens have been plentiful enough. I've run into a few bucks and a couple of wild boars - thanks to the insane buff bows/crossbows received, them wild pigs are no longer death on legs in the early stages of the game. The town generation is amazing. It genuinely feels like this place was lived in at some point, rather than a random hodgepodge of buildings slapped together on barren roads. Whoever did the new sunrises/sunsets, I give you a round of applause. Edit: And I just found a Bob's Boars POI.
  2. HELP Okay so I went to create a new world, tinkered around with the settings (blood moon frequency, day walk speed, etc.) and once I was happy I selected 10k map size, a game name, and a world seed. I went under advanced generation at the bottom left corner of the screen, tinkered around with those settings (mountains, towns, etc.), put in the identical world seed and map size, and clicked Generate. 10 minutes later it showed a preview so I backed out. The Generated World Name and the Game Name were in red text and the option to click Start was grayed out. How does one customize their world in the advanced generator and then play that world?
  3. The Kraken has been unleashed at last!
  4. Fair enough. It'll be interesting to know if that was a design made by choice or if it is due to technical limitations.
  5. Playing Devil's Advocate here, but this game is meant to be set in a post apocalyptic world. Even on day 7000, shouldn't the player constantly be starving and should always be in search for food? Unless they wish to consume crappy foods all the time, and in saying that the higher end recipes should be heavily regulated and farming, to some degree, discouraged. You have to admit, farming was severely OP in A19. It was plant and forget, and within a few weeks you'd have enough food to feed an entire village. Man people do like their handouts. ^^^^^ Again, playing Devil's Advocate here.
  6. I'm loving all of the new visuals in A20, but from what I've seen the blood splatters that erupt from zombies when you attack them with melee/ranged seem a little bit too over the top imho. They were fine the way they were before I think. Now they just look like dirt clouds.
  7. 1. There seems to be an issue with zombie pathing on ladders. If there is a block above the ladder, even if it's 100 blocks in the air, the zombies may no longer see it as a viable path to the player, even if the ladder itself touches the floor.
  8. Then perhaps that should be changed so they only give the player forged iron.
  9. The farming changes sound excellent. However, the snow biome are full of walking mountains of meat (mountain lions, dire wolves, and bears). Hopefully this will be addressed in the future and all the predatory animals wandering the snow biome will only provide the player with rotten flesh instead of red meat.
  10. Still, if people are concerned about farming as a whole and don't want to participate in it, that's fine. Just make a trip to the snow biome and butcher a bunch of cougars, bears, and dire wolves for stacks upon stacks of meat. (Imho bears should be replaced with zombie bears in the snow biome, and dire wolves and mountain lions should only give rotten flesh, but that's another can of worms.)
  11. My only real concern about the farming is super corn. What if you get to the point where you run out of the stuff, seeds included? Therefore I have the following questions: 1. Are there more POI's that have naturally growing super corn in A20? 2. Do traders sell super corn / seeds? 3. Can you find super corn / seeds in loot in the wild? If the answer to all of these questions is "no", then I can easily imagine generating a world with only 1-2 Bob's Boars present, you collect the super corn at max level Living off the Land, do a few harvests, and then by bad RNG you are left with nothing to plant.
  12. (Spoilers) Considering that JaWoodle found one on day 1, unless that's not intentional, they're not an end-game find as they were once advertised, so that's some additional info right there
  13. The Urban Combat book that increases damage done and decreases damage received while indoors... What counts as "indoors" exactly? And does this include player-built structures or just POI's?
  14. I was watching TacticalFriedRice's stream and he encountered an interesting bug about mountain lions that leap onto blocks do so in extremely slow motion
  15. I was watching someone play A20 on stream and I asked them to look at the perk. There seems to be no change. It seems that rank 3 = 5 fruit per harvest, meaning at that point farming is sustainable. I personally iffy most on the pipe machine gun. It seem a little too OP in my eyes. I think it needs much higher recoil to balance it with the other pipe weapons.
  16. Pretty sure, yeah. You need max living off the land perk to make farming sustainable, as far as I can tell.
  17. Pretty sure TFP mentioned that you can only have one drone at a time and/or it doesn't affect your "robotics count".
  18. So every time you punch a crop, the seed doesn't automatically go back into the ground. There's only a 50% chance you get the seed. AFAIK, Living off the Land has received no changes. I guess farming is no longer sustainable??? Edit: Since you get 2 crops per harvest by default, I suppose if you max out Living off the Land, it'll be doable?
  19. I also count the current day as an additional day.
  20. And the floodwaters are starting to recede earlier than expected. Crisis averted. Bring on A20! ...in 5 days.
  21. A small town in Western Canada. I won't go into further detail for obvious reasons. Also @Jost Amman Very funny man...
  22. So I just got a call from the local fire department that my hometown is possibly going to be heavily flooded so a potential evacuation will be in order within the next few days. Nice, perfect timing. I hope the rest of y'all have a great time playing A20 on Monday.
  23. Change loot respawn and sleeper/zombie respawn defaults to 7 days Final one, promise. 😛
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