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Everything posted by meilodasreh

  1. Happens for me with edge (Win11), and also with a mobile device (IOS/safari)...and also with a linux laptop, but that cannot really be counted cause it's a very outdated ubuntu with an also outdated firefox. But that one even tells me "your browser is outdated" and then won't load the page, but next time it works fine...sometimes. 🙂 Yesterday I wasn't able to login here at all. Only the initial page (which is the "news and announcements" main page in my case) worked sometimes, but after the next click it hung up with the "check page" in every case. Maybe I should quit my job at the North Korean Ddos Department after all. 🙃
  2. It has become significantly better since yesterday, though not completely gone. I didn't change anything on my side. Next time it happens I'll post a screenshot of it. It says something about Cloudflare, with some "ray ID" which is being used. Thought it is part of security on the server side.
  3. Getting into the forums is a pain in the a.. for now about a week at least. Clouldflare keeps checking the connection for being secure, sometimes it works for the main page, but after a few clicks it gets stuck in that "just a little moment" page forever. ...or occasionally some "oh this is taking longer than it should, try refreshing the page..." page replaces the other. Either way it doesn't work, and I'm really not expecting it to "generate" this topic when I click the submit button. But if it does, is there anything I can do to stop it? Is anybody else having the same issues?...ah well, if so, good luck on answering me right? 🥴
  4. As how you are describing your base configuration, it might be the case that at least one of your turrets hit the zombies on their way to you at your horde base, when they are in the vicinity of the "electric support pillars" or under your main base. So then they beat a little "frustrated" at those before moving in your direction again. So in the end it is some "rage mode" initiated stuff going on there, just - as Ramethzer0 already suggested - coincidentally looking like intended behaviour towards electrics. Maybe rework the line of sight of these turrets and it might stop happening.
  5. 1. agreed 2. "accidentally damage a police car" ...how? ...and why place a bedroll near it before? 3. not sure what you mean there. What "modes" do you mean, and what is "Zombie Crazy Horde"? Do you want more options to sort of configure random wandering hordes? Isn't it already adjustable how many spawn and what number? 4. Yes, that's an almost inevitable thing and TFP cannot be blamed for it. They code the game ("vanilla") and can't consider compatibility of mods when they code/release a new game version. In fact that has to be the other way round, the mod developers have to adapt their code to work with the newer game version. If it would be the other way round, development of the game would be severely slowed and could never reach the goal the developers want. You would have to wait for your mods to be adapted...or just try to reinstall them. It might be just a problem with your game installation when you just updated the game without clearing the mods which prevents it to function correctly. 5. You are already using mods, so why complaining about the vanilla map generator being insufficient. Use an alternative one.
  6. All these different opinions are indeed a good sign that the game is well balanced to fit a whole lot of different play styles! Nobody seems to agree in one/few things that are mandatory, although there should be some that would seem to stand out, like e.g. workstations, but no, look, almost everybody has named a (totally) different thing that might seem "meh" for everybody else. Cheers TFP!
  7. Agreed. The axe might relatively early become invalid as a hordenight melee weapon, to clear lots and lots of zombies that are directly in front of you, but then again that does pretty much count for every melee weapon. Sooner or later you have to rely on firearms anyway. But the axe is always a good and funny way to "chop away" smaller groups of zombies e.g. sleeper volumes when quest-clearing pois, or the normal biome spawns. I like to use it from time to time, just for the fun of it, and never had the feeling of it being too underwhelming in said context. Well that said I have to "admit" I turned away from vanilla pretty quickly, and I don't know exactly how much the mod(s) do tweak with damage output. And of course it depends on difficulty settings too. Btw funny thing would be if tools would benefit from a corresponding "armor/outfit set", e.g. a "miner's set" would make the pickaxe a very good weapon, or a "lumberjack's outfit" for the axe...or even a "boozer's gear" for molotov cocktails if you really wanna specialize 😄
  8. For me it happens most/is most obvious when fighting a group of zombies close distance, just moving backwards and taking my shots. The zombie that is right in front of me doesn't seem to be recognized as a target, but arrow goes through (as mentioned before by others, there is no reason it shouldn't hit). Zombie animation is just normal moving forward, no ballistics and/or any valid amount of time between shot and supposed hit does apply then. I'd even be tempted to say the closer the zombie is to you, the more frequently it does happen. I don't know if that might be a factor. As Roland mentioned, I also never had it happen with sleepers or zombies that are really far away. I play "SP online" (1max player allowed, game invisible)
  9. Hey I'm on page404 now but it still works. Must be a glitch in the matrix.
  10. my game crashes (stop/freeze) frequently after around 3-4 hours of play, I'd assume that's just some kind of mem leak or due to whatever trash is collected after such a long session. But I don't even bother, cause I should have taken a break long before that amount of time. So it's a welcome feature. 🙂 How long is it for you til it stops? Also hours, or right at the start?...or after a completely random time?
  11. Yes the one should be aldos cabinets in the tempered biome, the other would be the cathedral in...well can't recall the name of the snow biome city...damn so it's about time I give Navezgane another try in A22.
  12. Last time I brought up that point, I was told that my aim is a bit off, and/or the zombie moves out of the invisible "crosshair-circle" right in the moment / frame when the arrow should have hit it, followed by elaborate explanations about ballistics...😑 I'm at a point where I just ignore that this bug/glitch is ignored.
  13. Geez, just as I found some refuge by trying to convince myself of the thought that the dew collector is an empty jar spawner that also immediately fills them with water, people start to foil that concept too. 😄 That at least had some logic to it...Rolands idea with the door-jars exceeded my imagination by several astronomical units 😄
  14. A "deliver package" quest type would be nice, similar to the "fetch" type we already know, but with an additional "twist". "Deliver" could work like: You'd get the "package" from the trader and have to take it to a poi, where you'd have to fight your way to another NPC and deliver it. The NPC gives you a reward (maybe also chance to trade stuff), but this wouldn't be the end of it, but instead a squad of bandits would spawn (they're after the "package" too), and you'd have to fight your way back out (maybe also having the NPC follow you and you must protect him until the location is cleared of the bandit threat.) This type of quest would be a convenient choice when you want to go to a certain direction anyway, but not want to return any time soon (which you have to when choosing a fetch quest because the damn satchel is stuck in your inventory the whole time)...and of course for the reward. Instead you'd have the opportunity to get the reward "on the way", plus the opportunity to have that "one-time-trader" (the NPC) where maybe else none would be in the vicinity. I think that would be a nice addition to the quest types we already have, and also help smoothing "quest grinding" because it reduces traveling back and forth.
  15. Yes on a theoretical/philosophical perspective, without having any personal involvement, that's true. That said, what about that point of view: Imagine TFP would introduce something completely new to the game, and you totally don't like it right from the first moment. You express your opinion about disliking it. And you're told "hey, just imagine it was always there right from the beginning, then you cannot complain anymore, because you'd never know it is something newly introduced." Imho it's a foul argument to just take away/shift the "original perspective". Can I claim I can jump 10ft high when I bury the bar 8ft deep...
  16. Which is why you are such a good 7D2D forum mod, and also an inspired discussion partner when it comes to things people don't like with it. 🙂
  17. I never carry all the stuff around with me to craft something newly unlocked/found. So there is no "immediately" for me. Always have to return to my place. Well maybe early game when stuff is only made of cloth and other basic materials, which easily "clutter up" my inventory. But then again, there's nothing among these things that is particularly exciting.
  18. Wouldn't the ultimate question rather be: Why do people play Valheim instead of 7D2D? I can't tell, as I only know one of them. 🙂
  19. Didn't know about it before, but a quick google check brought up that it is a speed buff you can give yourself via console/creative menu. Seems that has been around ...forever? ...couldn't find out in detail, but it's not new, that much I can tell. You can tell the shots were made whilst "tweaking" around with the game (one shot day 1, one shot day 9), so surely these are not real ingame shots. funny side fact: I did read "memorial challenge" (possibly my brain did that because of the cathedral background theme), and I was "oh cool a new quest type"...but then on the other shot with the better contrast it became obvious... 🥴. Really, brain, very funny...
  20. Yeah maybe, why not, making it possible again to fetch water from a lake (and store it for later use) might "improve immersion" - in the sense of said basic survival logic. Emtpy container/real or simulated item aside...it is now strange that you can gather e.g. fuel from a vehicle and carry it around, but not get water from a lake (just lets it use it immediately, but not carry away to store). Same logic would be that you could only refuel your vehicle by parking it next to a wreck and fill directly from one to another. That would also work somehow, but would I like it? I guess not. What I'd really like is a system where you can find and later also craft emtpy containers, and/or reuse full containers, but they degrade (can only be used a certain amount of times before breaking (maybe also lose capacity each state), and then you'd have to find/make another one. Crafting skills could make you craft bigger/higher capacity containers for late game, and early game you'd find/craft only small ones (for "gamestage-scaling"/balance) In the end similar to food spoilage, which sadly also isn't in the game, but I'd like to have that too. Hoarding piles of fresh meat in a wood box over weeks and it's still good is...well, convenient, but from the survival perspective...meh. Well the system with the empty jars was at least partly what I was wishing, but now it's completely gone. But all that is a rhetorical question anyway, because I know emtpy containers will not be back, so why do I even go elaborate on answering that point any further... And I guess having the ability go take - lets say one or two - "water units" away from a lake would still not really make it any better in the whole context, I don't know. Hard to say how many it should be for good balance. ...maybe next alpha when I give it a fresh start, I'll try that out and "cm-allow" myself two water everytime I walk to a lake, to get a feeling for it.
  21. Yes I get that. But then again, there's no need to try and convince people that they're wrong when they say they don't like that change. They had it, they liked it how it was, it was taken away from them, they don't like that change. That's it. Maybe that's just what they wanted to express, nothing more. But take a look who is first to make a longgoing story of it. Take this thread as a good example. The OP titled it "fundamentals of survival" (well he wrote "survivor", but of course he meant survival) He even emphazized his main point by using capital letters: "BUT removing bottles/cans etc means also removing the absolute BASIC FUNDAMENTAL ESSENCE of SURVIVAL." So he explicitly was complaining about the fact he did like to follow intuitive survival logic (find empty container, get water), which is now gone. You didn't even acknowledge that point by one single word, but immediately took the discussion away by giving examples that there are not any other containers in the game too, e.g. for getting/storing fuel. Well ok, that's a thing, but that already has nothing to do with basic survival anymore. Getting fuel for your vehicle is mid/late game stuff, just as getting hundreds of forged iron, or thousands of rifle rounds, which btw. nobody complains that you can carry those around, despite it should not be realistically possible (weight/space). People are aware that there have to be compromises for the sake of fun. But again, that's not the topic people are complaining about. It's just about that basic survival thing (meaning "getting water, making fire, finding shelter"), that you can't do in the most basic/logic/intuitive way anymore. You cannot discuss that away, especially not by ignoring the central/original point of discussion, but instead take it to other logic contexts that are not really comparable (or even to other games). That's what I meant with my post, by saying "just tell them "yes, you're right, regarding that context the decision sucks". Then you at least acknowledge that you get their point. Instead immediately bringing up "no containers at all" and "water scarcity"...I think In the end you are contributing to a good extent that this whole topic keeps being so "wildly" discussed over long periods of time, no pun intended.
  22. I have never played Valheim, so I don't have any feeling of how it does play, and what might feel weird, or what items seem to be abundant or scarce. Also I don't read the forums of it, so I can't tell what is discussed there. And I also don't know what that game claims to be or not, or what aspects are dominant or faint. And I definitely don't want to invest any time to gain all that knowledge/experience/info to prove that your point is even viable. And really, to what end? It's a totally different game, so it might or might not be comparable at all, and who can claim to decide it is? Anyway, if you claim that your "zero hit search" for "valheim forum missing containers" does mean that everybody is fine with how it works there, then just repeat your search with "7D2D forum missing jars",...the number of applicable results is far above zero...which does tell you what?
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