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Posts posted by warmer

  1. It does seem a bit high, but think of what it is offsetting two level two pocket mods is the equivalent of spending 1 point in pack mule. That's a big advantage over spending that point in carrying capacity.


    While the recipe is exaggerated in amount. I feel the weight of it relative to spending a level up point is justified. Otherwise no one would choose pack mule and that would become essentially useless.


    I guess I am a masochist, because I enjoy the encumbrance system and the choices it forces you to make.

  2. 23 hours ago, theFlu said:

    It's a combination at the very least; if I were to make a 7dtd vid, I wouldn't pull in the numbers JaWoodle is getting. I don't have an audience. People are pretty devoted to the specific random streamers, not just because it's convenient, but because they like the guy. 

    You forgot how the search results work. The highest subs/views show at the top of the list.


    Who ever looks at the second page of the results?


    I agree on devotion. However, that only applies to when they are playing what you are looking for.


    If you are looking for a specific game you choose someone playing, that someone is almost always the highest sub/viewer count.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Crashtian said:

    "The majority of People show up because of the game you are playing. NOT simply because of who you are."
    Citation needed

    apparently you haven't noticed how streamers tend to stick to a few games and rarely deviate long before they come back. It's pretty obvious. If they didn't the average views on random games would be the same, but it 100% isn't. Why did everyone stream Baldur's Gate 3 when it got released? Because they knew that is what people wanted to see. Streaming is a business.

    If these points aren't obvious to anyone, all I can say is I have watched it first hand and know a handful of streamers that make their living this way. They ALL pick what gets the clicks. There isn't one exception to this. You find your niche and your core audience and you play Resident Evil 2 for the 100th time because the last 10x you did you made a $250 in 6hrs. lol

    That's how it works folks.

  4. 3 hours ago, Krougal said:

    "Not exactly the same thing. I mean for some "no-name" band that hasn't made it, playing in some @%$#hole dive bar, yeah sure.

    Obviously you aren't going to get anybody big to go for that and certainly not in some big venue. Music on the radio would be a better example though."

    I've been that band for dozens of gigs, playing original music, and the venue collected entrance fees and sold drinks.

    Music on the radio is a horrible example, no listener is actively making money from the listening while the song is playing. Twitch people dropping bit donations is exactly like buying a drink. Good venues pay the band a portion of drink sales because the reason the person showed up was because of the band. When you are a cover band playing someone elses songs, YOU also pay the band who wrote the songs. If you don't own intellectual property rights to the product you are using to generate income without any true transformative work being done on your end (sorry playing a game isn't transformative. it's doing exactly what it is intended to do) then you haven't added anything to it that is unavailable to anyone else who buys it. You are effectively playing a cover song in a bar and expecting to keep all the money for using someone elses work.


    3 hours ago, Krougal said:

    Now back to the Twitch and Youtube, because really you are just deflecting and doing "whataboutism" at this point. Where does the revenue from Twitch and Youtube come from? Advertising. So don't tell me it doesn't have a tangible cash value and that free advertising doesn't either. There are plenty of games I have tried because I went to look at say a base design tutorial, and that streamer does a lot of other games and one catches my eye and I watch and it looks fun.


    We've already paid for a game. If you buy a saw and hammer and you use them to make furniture and sell them, should you have to pay the manufacturer a cut because you use their tools to provide some other goods or services?


    The majority of People show up because of the game you are playing. NOT simply because of who you are. If you are interested in a game you search for it and watch. They showed up for the game. Did they show up for you? Maybe a little, but really it's the game. As a streamer you should be paying royalties to the creator of the reason they showed up in the first place.

    I've been on both side of this, as a band getting paid in exposure and as someone who lived with a full time streamer for years. They always picked what game was hot, because the wrong game doesn't get you eyeballs, and no eyeballs means no twitch partner, and that equals no revenue. The revenue comes from advertising yes, but the majority comes from subs and bit donations. That equals WAY more than advertising. Advertising is a small amount in comparison. You watch 1 add at when you launch a stream. I saw my old roomate make $100's in subs and bit donations in 4-5 hours all the time. You also have to think about all that traffic cost. That is a ton of internet traffic and someone has to pay for it. The advertising doesn't even begin to.


    If you actually modded something, that the devs added, I think you should absolutely get paid, but playing a game, which anyone can do doesn't hold any value like a skilled trade of a laborer does. Anyone can play 7 days to die with a PC and $20. VERY few people can walk into home depot and buy a few tools, build a piece of furniture of ACTUAL quality and convince someone to buy it from them. I'd say the ratio is likely 100 7d2d players to 1 furniture maker and that's being generous. 

  5. 22 hours ago, Krougal said:

    However, you seem to discount that it's free advertising, and advertising is what is driving the whole thing.

    You are echoing what every music venue tells a band when they don't get paid. 


    "You guys are getting paid in free exposure."


    Exposure doesn't equal revenue ever. I have seen 1000 McDonalds commercials in the last year and that hasn't gotten me to spend a penny on them. That aside. Quite a few people watching already own the game, so you can't assume 1000 eyes balls on a stream = 1000 potential new buyers.

  6. 17 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Also, while speaking about difficulty, what EXACTLY do the difficulty settings change the game?

    It just affects damage done to player and done to zombies as a percentage of the default.


    I believe easiest is 50% damage to player and 200% to Zeds and hardest is reversed 200% to player and 50% to zeds

  7. 7 hours ago, Kyoji said:

    There are ways to increase difficulty without adding such mechanics of zombies spawning on triggers. It's immersion breaking to see the zombies spawn right before your eyes and it's not much more difficult to force trigger zombie spawns once you know the mechanic. It also ruins much of the luster behind an entire perk tree as many new POIs abuse the trigger mechanic making them impossible to utilize stealth.

    I use stealth and have never felt it was ruined by this because you can't stealth your scent. This is a fundamental aspect of how all creatures identify prey in the when they can't see them.


    That aside, stealth with immunity to be detected would completely ruin this game in terms of difficulty. It's really easy to make your way through a POI without triggering a single sleeper, all without a single point in stealth if you take your time. Without ambushes, my same point remains. All the difficulty is sucked out of it.


    For me cranking up the HP/lessing damage down doesn't increase difficulty, it just makes things bullet sponges which I can't stand in games. It's not harder, it's annoying. That is just a lack of creativity in enemy/gameplay balance. 


    The hardest part of this game has always been time management. How you spend your time is the most difficult choice when you play solo and that is me 95% of the time.

  8. 8 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    I completely agree, but this is exactly why I don't like this system. 

    What you say may be correct for the first, maybe the second time you do a poi.

    But after that you know exactly when and where you will be abushed, and from where they will come.

    Sure there is some variety, sometimes one of the hiding spaces is unpopulated, but still, where's the thrill then?

    Wouldn't it be better if the zombies would kind of have their own life within the volumes, so that you can only expect them to be there, but they are in different spots every time?

    If you ever double dip on a quest, you'll notice some POI have several spawn variations. It's not drastic, but they do change locations, I do agree having a more dynamic system would be cool. Personally my ideal would be some sleepers and a few wandering in a poi. The closets make sense when you think about it. Where would you hide from zombies? lol they just all got infected before hand, that's why they are there.

    I do like the blocks that break suddenly. Those still surprise me quite often because of how many POIs they add with large updates.

    A good one to add would be one that crawls out from under the bed. We have a crawl animation, it would be cool if they could work that in for the skinny zombies. The big zombies would probably clip through really noticeably

  9. I can understand the lack of realism, or "cheese" when they pop out of walls/closets. However, without this stuff, the game completely loses any sense of danger for me. Once a game becomes to predictable I cease wanting to play.


    Everytime I barely make it out of a situation with single digit HP I think "this is why I keep playing" that rush is what I aim for. Without ambushes, I personally, wouldn't feel any POI is a challenge after 1000+ hrs of gameplay.

  10. I think it makes good sense the only places you find it are toilets and cupboards/coolers. This is lore consistent regarding a point at which an "open to the water cycle" source have become contaminated. Dew is unique in that each particle is so small it doesn't contain other chemical elements like rain does (collecting contamination as it travels through the atmosphere)


    The big issue with reworking this change is the value of a water filter mod for a helmet is huge. It is a milestone point for any characters evolution. I think keeping it as is, and forcing dew collectors or boiling none wild sources is the only way to maintain a crafting balance as water is a huge component in the crafting economy. Once you have unlimited H2O then you next bottle neck is bones for glue, then cloth for duct tape.


    Water keeps crafting paced in my opinion and slows progression for a balanced MP game.

  11. 44 minutes ago, Riamus said:

     However, if your distance is enough to get beyond the loaded chunks, they will just dig no matter what.

    That is what I am thinking. The back wall is 70-ish meters from the entrance and about 50meters below ground. Probably 34-40 rock in between the surface and the base layer.

    What is the total size/distance across a chunk? Is it the size of the prefab block/sections in cities? I have read it's a 16x16 square from bedrock to sky, but the zombie spawn much further out than that on horde night. I'd say at least 100 blocks away and run.

  12. I have a straight path going into a slope/mountain that is at about a 45 angle. The distance from the front is almost identical to the depth.

    My idea is to make a series of easy to destroy frame bars with camp fires between them. Ranged Damage, plus fire, and easy clean up to exit.

    At which point will they choose to dig down vs, run through the front?

    Is there a maximum distance between you and the entrance, that they will just spawn directly above and dig down?

    If anyone has some metrics or a video to point me to that would be much appreciated.

  13. 31 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    Note: Pille is looking at a way to be able to share a preset as an image (similar idea as a QR code, though note quite the same thing) so you'd be able to share presets easily on a forum that doesn't allow sharing .ini files without needing to include all the text of the preset.  No time frame on when that will happen but it'll make sharing them easier.

    That would be great! Awesome map above by the way. I really like the cracks in the road, that's pretty interesting.

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