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Ragsy 2145

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Everything posted by Ragsy 2145

  1. Yes go to the biomes.xml and decrease the prob value of spawnVehicleBlock in each of the poi name sections. regards Ragsy !!
  2. No problem i have copied the text from pastebin and I have uploaded the replacement localization file to the main gitlab source now ....again many thanks for doing that work for Vehicle Madness , if anyone else has translations feel free to do so using the new file as a base. Regards Ragsy !!
  3. Thank you for doing a spanish version .... the localisation file can be attached to your post here they are quite small in size. I can link to it from main page for those then wanting the option . Regards Ragsy!!
  4. Appears this has gone from the listing . Regards Ragsy !
  5. Sorry for late reply .... You need the modlet on both client and server for vehicles as they use custom assets. If you want server side only you could try Snufkins Server Sided Vehicles Mod which is being updated by a new talented team of modders who are keeping that mod alive ...
  6. Yup close ... Some good work can come from modding collaborations and its a good way to learn new stuff if you are new at modding I can say that because i have been on that journey . https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/23400-unnofficial-modding-discord/ UVM needs updating moving forward for A19 and beyond , Dust2Death has been away for so long it may not be possible to get the original assets (convertion to linear lighting is required and Dust paid for the assets) ....if he does not return by May 2021 then it will have been a year and we can look into updating it if possible. We all are hoping he comes back to modding but it seems unlikely at this point . Regards Ragsy !!
  7. Thanks for the kind words .... I did post up in early days that i would do a Jetski , ended up doing the bathtub boat first as fits the apocalipse more . The windsurfer I looked for ages to get one in game but in the end gave up , ActiniumTiger my partner in Vehicle Madness spotted that one above so have him to thank for finding it . I have a Speedboat , Riverboat , Small Fishing Boat and a Rowing Boat in the works but holding back on them a while as i would rather get the rowing boat sorted first . The bigger boat stuff would be more endgame . Also toyed with the idea of player finds a rubber ring and can swim with it lol ... Ragsy !!
  8. I dont understand ....it works without DMT its just Standard Modlet required on client and server . I have now sorted out particle system for some of the water vehicles , basically offering a choice , if you press F you can have particle effects showing and if you have an old potato PC you can switch them off I found that the FPS was dropping a lot , I managed to optimise the model and particle effect more and now the FPS drop is minimised (although i do like my settings on high and Ultra lol) so the Jetski will be available soon , also now with a better floating motion. I will try optimising more before release. I will add the Particle options to the other boats over the next month as they do look good on boats with propellers Also incoming soon the Windsurfer ...few more bits to sort out Regards Ragsy !!
  9. Not sure as to why you would get no visuals with various mods .... i have had no feedback from others on the Helicopter regarding a crafting issue yet. I tested on vanilla today and i can see the visual icon for the Helicopter in workstation. UI mods ? Linux Server ? If you are a Linux server check the folder names as linux is case sensitive maybe ... Ragsy !!
  10. Changed download link to Gitlab now ..... and updated original Hind post https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/11266-ragsy-s-modlets/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-412209 Ragsy_and_Tigers_Hind_Helicopter Regards Ragsy !!
  11. Thanks for the feedback. Well having weapons working would be the way forward on vehicles , at present its not easily done however not to say it can not be done as we have some fantastic talents in modding for 7 days to die community so who knows. The speed of the hind can be faster or slower but I set it fairly slow because it is literally a flying tank . In this type of control system 'force1' controls the speed currently set at 0.12 , you can go up in increments to perhaps .2 at the most . Regards Ragsy
  12. I have been busy with other things of late and other real life stuff ... I have started working on Vehicle Madness updates and trying to get time to sort of some more watercraft . This however was done as a project learning curve on Helicopters in Unity for myself and Tiger ... we needed the practice :). This is Heli is using different controls compared to the Gyro , Controls are spacebar = up/ tilt back slighlty C = Down /Tiltforward Slightly W = Forward and Shift for Turbo S = Slow/Brake/ reverse AD = Left /right Helicopter will go to ground when you run out of fuel , also will not have any lift to take off from the ground if no fuel . I think it flies quite well using these controls you can climb and use C to level , when descending hit C to go down and use S to brake if needed and use spaceback to tilt back a bit. With a bit of practice and you can get used to it. For those interested in the xml , motor 2 is to spin the tail rotor propeller with no forces applied as the only way this style of control will work, Motor1 has to be set to input forward which without the secondary motor looks odd as tail rotor would come to a stop and spin down when hovering . Also additional forces applied via Force 6 and 7 to add the tilt back on take off and tilt forward on decend. Feedback appreciated on this control method Regards Ragsy n Tiger Download from Gitlab Ragsy_and_Tigers_Hind_Helicopter
  13. Thanks Its client and server as the mod has new unity assets added so both require the mod files. Ragsy !!
  14. Thanks for your feedback on this regarding spawning ... we will be tuning things a bit for the next release. Regards Ragsy !!
  15. I will take a look at the Firetruck when i go on a server ...... not had that reported by anyone else yet so will check it out. regards Ragsy !!
  16. There are lootable versions of military and emergency vehicles , the probabilities on getting working versions are set very low to spawn so you may have lucked out on rng . I have lots of feedback saying there are too many spawned working vehicles .... some do get the miltary stuff and emergency vehicles so its a lottery on what you get which is the point of the overhaul. I had one test world that I got one vehicle in 20 days of exploring and that was a rusty taxi, others i got the quad taxi, sedan and military truck in 10 days . Ragsy !!
  17. I appreciate all the feedback and the time you have taken to play the overhaul so no problem there my friend Ragsy!!
  18. I have fixed the motorcycle error for the next update, tweaked the spawning rates, added some new vehicles and so on ..... realistically the next beta version will be out in January 2021 unless I get more free time , recently Actinium has just started a new job also so his time is limited on the overhaul at present as well. regards Ragsy !!
  19. See above on the reply for engines .... thanks for the feedback , spawning was an area that we needed more feedback on and is difficult to balance .... as for MP servers needs a few more spawns but on single player you could be in one area a long time before venturing out to find other stuff but will reduce spawns for next version. The 'bounce in' is an odd one but will take a look at the rusty white sedan car as it has been mentioned before somewhere and the Miltary Truck can bounce when loggin in to game again .. not entirely sure why at the moment but will look to improve that. The vehicles do not get so much damage as the first version of VM this is due to the vehicle hit scales being changed to damage things (wood) on impact , the vehicles will be adjusted to compensate for this in the next update as you are right it is harder now to damage them ... Zombies will damage vehicles rapidly and i have been playing with a method that makes zombies move towards vehicles more when player is in them .... which may make horde night interesting if you jump in a vehicle lol. Regards Ragsy !!
  20. Great feedback much appreciated ... sorry for late reply been offline for 3 weeks . What we can do in next update regarding the auto workbench is add a recipe for making a compressor and up the chances in loot for ratchet set ...... i like the idea that Crazy Alumininum posted regrding being able to make a standard engine from say two damaged VM versions and will add that in next update as you need these also for generators and at present the only place you can find them is in rare vehicle loot and even more rare in vehicles and motorcycle chassis. Storage capacity in vehicles is to be looked at in next update so hopefully that will help.... Vehicle speed can be reviewed but the idea is too not have certain vehicles out perform the others and give incentive to go say for the meaty vehicles such and the Cobra Mustang or fastback stuff. Big vehicles like the trucks are intentionally slower as they would be in real life . Gas is intentionally reduced as Guppycur stated to balance things out and encourage making your own and make it so that finding a vehicle early on in the game means you have to factor in that you have to find gas for the first refill. regards Ragsy !!
  21. Bobbing can be done but it is permanent and not easy to get the right look , for the Jetski it would look ok but the vehicle bounces up down at full stop. I Tried to do things in unity to simulate bouyancy but unfortunately to make it work 100% would have to go for code C# solution and mod then becomes a DMT version ..... which I am trying to avoid . If there are breakthroughs I will update but I rather suspect boats will break in A20 as TFP are actively working on changing water in the game ... so it may be will be a start from scratch situation probably. Particles animations are in the works and this for me is a new area of unity so bear with me on this Regards Ragsy !!
  22. Thanks for the feedback Tengu, We are actively looking at making all vehicles fit in more over the course of the next updates .... adding new vehicles and re texturing some with a rustic look . As for the looting of vehicles that is still completely 'vanilla' so follows the Fun Pimps amounts in everyway , no alterations were made to that side of loot apart from adding extra loot container for Ambulance and Miltary / Police loot, will look at vanilla loot in vehicles regarding ammo amounts , yeah sure you may find some but vanilla is always OTT on ammo. Spawning was something we need feedback on and so far had some useful feedback on amounts of vehicles spawning ..... thanks for yours Scale of vehicles is being reviewed and always difficult to get right lol ... Unity sets the size of the gameobject , you can alter scale in XML but there are consequences ..... the player size on exit is affected ... and strange things happen lol ... below is a mini Chevy ...on exit player arms changed size . Regards Ragsy n Tiger !!
  23. The UI icons are in the mod in UIAtlas but the xml for nav objects is not ... we feel it spoils emmersion when vehicles spawn thats the reason the xml is not included. If you really really really want them to show up then place the attached nav_objects.xml into the mods config folder ...... then go into entityclasses.xml and uncomment the bottom line on each vehicle entity by removing the <--- and --> from the line statement nav_objects.xml or remember where you parked ... Regards Ragsy!!
  24. Well i have it installed on A19.2 and all seems fine so far although the AI seem dumber than in A18.4 lol .... I just needed to remove progression.xml ( Headshots) as that is not working in A19. They also come straight at you if you lay down spkies so far so good .... I will test some more whilst i am doing my other stuff and all being well will upload a A19 specific version/ regards Ragsy !!
  25. Thanks I have this to finish setting up ... Still working out stuff on a speedboat and the bigger boats but put those back a bit as Vehicle Maness seems to take up most of my free time. regards Ragsy !!
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