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Everything posted by q123

  1. hey, there's a new all-time high today: congrats @TFP!
  2. 2024-02-28T07:04:56 0.054 INF Command line arguments: G:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\7 Days To Die\\7DaysToDie.exe -force-d3d11 -disablenativeinput -nogs -noeac -UserDataFolder=C:\\Users\\Larson Stole\\AppData\\Roaming\\7DaysToDie -logfile C:\\Users\\Larson Stole\\AppData\\Roaming\\7DaysToDie\\logs\ did you manually add all those starting parameters to steam or was it some kind of a custom launcher which did it for you? I would try to remove the following part of it: (it is pointing to the default folder, so not really needed) this space in your username smells like the reason...
  3. Initialize engine version: 5.3.6p8 smells like Alpha 16.x from 2017 (?)
  4. you're right, with EAC I got an access denied error, lol. (I'm using it every time - but I've never played with EAC, so... was worth a try )
  5. you could use a PowerShell command to change the affinity of an already running process: (get-process 7DaysToDie).ProcessorAffinity=[int]0xFFFC just start the game in your favorite way and after that fire that command above.
  6. No mods are loaded at the moment (your mod folder is not found): 2023-09-02T21:38:48 18.778 INF [MODS] No mods folder found And your game is missing assets from the mod "MoreContainers", which you had in use in the past: 2023-09-02T21:44:08 338.979 ERR [MODS] Mod reference for a mod that is not loaded: 'MoreContainers' 2023-09-02T21:44:08 338.979 ERR Loading AssetBundle "D:/Steam Jeux/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/../Data/Bundles/@modfolder(MoreContainers):Resources/Containers.unity3d" failed: Parent folder not found! 2023-09-02T21:44:08 338.980 ERR Model '#@modfolder(MoreContainers):Resources/Containers.unity3d?CrateUV' not found on block with name mcCubeUV Hint: just move all your Mods to this (new) location: C:\Users\Utilisateur\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Mods\ This should help your mods to be found again
  7. (ot) WTH, "Hidden - This content must be approved" what's wrong with my posts? lol
  8. so... it's a completely diffent issue Your drone is lost? I'm pretty sure you have this issue:
  9. just to add my two cents... I'm 99% sure that this is already being exploited. The bug description sounds exactly like the problems on the TFP public server in july: Trader Joel had destroyed terrain inside his compound (e.g. due to explosions), workbenches were placed down, the door to his private rooms was open and more.
  10. This would explain the problems which were on the TFP-Testserver weeks ago. Someone destroyed parts of a trader, opend locked doors, placed workbenches etc. in the trader compound. @SylenThunder was there as an admin and saw it too... You should create an official bug-report about it: https://community.7daystodie.com/announcement/11-report-an-alpha-21-bug/
  11. This is your toolbelt-error (->SMX): 2023-08-11T08:08:48 69.811 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'toolbelt': 2023-08-11T08:08:48 69.815 EXC Method not found: int .Inventory.GetItemCount(ItemValue,bool,int,int) at SMXcore.XUiC_HUDActiveItem.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x000a7] in <931c52e9547742feb872d92e1c835996>:0 at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00131] in <d7dcfa4979674f179c13273f8b30b551>:0 ... and here you go for the solution (update SMX for 21.1):
  12. Don't expect usefull help without an actual and valid logfile, sorry. If your only existing logfile is from "E:/SteamCheckout/testing_trunk-windows-client/..." then I'm out... (cause casual users should not have access to this version.)
  13. I just checked other peoples logfiles with xbox app an they have the following in the logs "XBL": [Platform] Using native platform: XBL You on the other hand you have "Steam" in it: 2023-04-19T15:51:55 0.161 INF [Platform] Using native platform: Steam according to your logfile it is a steam version. hmm... dunno what this really is. Update: the date is "2023-04-19", the version is "Alpha 21 (b265)" - are you sure this is the actual logfile? I don't think so. Update2: this is a logfile of an unofficial version, not for the public audience. Where did you get it from? Testing_trunc?? I smell something here...
  14. IMHO you have 3 options: A) find out, where those parameters are defined and remove them (I can't help here if it's really a xbox app, cause I only own the steam version...) B) wait until someone with xbox experience find this thread... C) try to start the programm manually. To do, find "7DaysToDie.exe" on your system and start it with a double click. It may be located under "E:/SteamCheckout/testing_trunk-windows-client/" (?)
  15. sorry, I don't know anything about the Xbox app.... but your logfile smells like a Steam version to me (?) Regardless of the version - those startup parameters are most likely the culprit. Especially "nographics".
  16. have a look at your starting parameters in Steam, there are a few strange things to notice: 2023-04-19T15:51:55 0.072 INF Command line arguments: 7DaysToDie -logfile E:\SteamCheckout\testing_trunk-windows-client\\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__2023-04-19__15-51-54.txt -quit -batchmode -nographics -configfile=serverconfig.xml -dedicated -quit -batchmode -nographics <-- THIS is the reason for your NullGfxDevice -configfile=serverconfig.xml -dedicated is this a server or a client installation? For a client installation they are all not needed (remove them completeley). and btw., "testing_trunk"?
  17. the following is from A21.1 b12 EXP Patchnotes: Junk drone path smoothing, better door and teleport decision reaction not sure about, but it may help here (?) we will see 🙂
  18. For any chance, do you have a drone? If yes, than it's most likely this issue: Not sure if it is fixed in A21.1... Maybe you are able to manually fix it with deleting your "drones.dat".
  19. I finally managed to read this report completely About the drone, I think you might be on the right track here. The two people who posted logfiles in the threads I linked above also had a drone in their logs. (I personally don't have this problem myself, but I don't have a drone either 😉)
  20. There are more people atm. with a similar problem. In case you need more logfiles, have a look at these two threads:
  21. ok, there is only one log inside which is looking interesting: output_log_client__2023-07-12__22-53-59.txt This looks like the moment when all that started (the others are newer...) What is "Chunk regen"? Is that the new chunk-reset (?) dunno.
  22. even faster. Immediately after the first download the file is deleted, i.e. it can probably only be downloaded exactly once. from https://www.file.io/about
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