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Everything posted by AtomicUs5000

  1. Before discussion moves along too far, I just want to suggest that perhaps rushing to optimize your gameplay can also be the path to enjoying this game. This rush to survive is what makes the first days of the game so amazing. I don't think it should be frowned upon. As a new player, and from the game's title, you know right from the start that you are fighting against the clock. As a new player, you feel that sense of accomplishment when you have managed your time successfully and have survived the first blood moon. You have enjoyed it so much, that you are willing to repeat this multiple times and improve upon it each time in preparation for the next one. This urgency due to some impending doom is uncommon in survival games and has contributed greatly towards 7 Days to Die being one of the best survival games of all time. Let's not be too hasty to remove this quality from the game. My point is the game would do better to focus on maintaining the challenge and struggle even if a player attempts to optimize their gameplay as opposed to trying to persuade players that they shouldn't do it at all. For a game with so many systems that incorporate randonmess, it is surprising that the randonmess isn't enough on its own to throw a wrench in the works for players who attempt to optimize. It used to be enough. To be a broken record, I think putting so much importance on the traders has in a sense thrown all your eggs into one basket and has nullified everything that the randomness in all those systems were trying to accomplish.
  2. I see both of your sides on this. I have to add that when criticizing the current game loop, you should also try to do so from the perspective of a new player. I think when you play a lot, and things are not to your liking, you are more likely to shift your habits and try different things. The fact that you can even do this is great, but at the same time, is this really something that should be in the mind of a new player? It's easy to do when you are comfortable with the game and know every single mechanic. I have to agree that this feels like an LBD system. LBD might be terrible for some people, and it might not have been very exciting, but I see some differences. The LBD system was never intended to be the actual game loop for starters.. and although some people might have put focus on it, realistically it never was or could be the main game loop. For most people, it was something a little extra you could do if you chose to. Your survival didn't hinge on it and there was always something more important to do. In this case it is pretty clear, especially to a new player, that this is indeed the more important thing you should be doing (and really compared to LBD, there is actually less variety of things to do). "Just don't use it" or "just don't do it" I think can be valid arguments, especially in this game for some things. There was a time where I would apply that to the trader. I've always hated the trader, so I just didn't use the trader. It was pretty cool that it was balanced where the effort to survive was generally the same whether you chose to do everything on your own or rely on trades and economy. As a new player, you would quickly see these choices and decide on your strategy. These days, avoiding the trader is like removing half of the content and grinding the trader is the go to strategy, conveniently handed to you with no thought required from the player. The trader is the focal point now. Avoiding the trader and the missions for the sake of trying to harness that survival game feeling disconnects yourself too much from that game loop.
  3. Here, things appear out of thin air and they disappear into thin air. We take this phenomenon very seriously.
  4. Who knows if it's even anything meant to be scary. But anyway... yay. I think they've proven many times over that they will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to present what they envision. I'll be interested no matter the genre.
  5. I think they should go all out and make every meal look like a lobster tail with a couple lemon slices and a little cup of refined butter. It sounds ridiculous, but it is unreasonable to have a model for every item and this can be passed off as the character imagining better times.
  6. Brains and guts sliding down voxels and blood pouring over the edges.
  7. Don't tell me what I have and what I don't have, and don't decide what I am grateful for.
  8. Well, toggle sprint/walk can still help, sure. It might not be as effective as a toggle for autowalk along with a toggle for sprint in terms of saving the most fingers. One finger is a good start. (uggh, cue Snowdog)
  9. Will the "Random Event Manager" see any work in A21? I am picturing walking down a road and seeing a small horde of zombies munching on some dude until they notice something fresher.
  10. In most games it would be impossible if you couldn't steer while in autorun, which is why allowing steering in autorun is used. Sure, sometimes you can run into something, but you simply move and start autorunning again. No big deal. Quite convenient. Actually, for this game, it should be called autowalk because of the stamina. Not many people would be running for a distance. Some key activates it and then maybe use shift to toggle walk/run. The activation key, forward, or reverse deactivates autowalk.
  11. Usually in games with autorun, you still move left, right, and even jump to avoid obstacles. Pressing forward or backward usually stops it.
  12. I have a custom mechanical keyboard that my daughter put together for me for work. I wanted tactile keys with heavy actuation (80g force) because I tend to be a sloppy typist and it helps me avoid accidental strokes. I write software and anything I can do to reduce typos in my code is great. I use it for gaming most of the time too even though it can be very tiring... especially with that shift key. Jumping with space requires a bit too much force as well. So, what I plan to do next is to swap out the shift with a 30g switch (I'm not afraid of hitting shift on accident while coding because it would also require accidentally hitting another key simultaneously) and probably something like 50g for space. WASD isn't a problem for me at 80g because I tend to be aggressive on those keys anyway during those moments when it matters most so I'll probably leave those alone. Anyway, just thought I would bring this up because I think it's a good way to save on that pinky.
  13. Caps Lock is nice for autorun because it comes with an indicator light on your keyboard. Then while active, shift can do the opposite and slow you down to walking. I'm not sure if they would use it though. You can easily capture the event of key presses, but you cannot get the caps lock state easily. The way to get the caps lock state would be different on every operating system. This only poses the problem that if you launched the game with caps lock already active, then your autorun would be when caps lock is off instead. Could be confusing for some users. But, if you have software with a way to create macros that can set variables in the script, this is the way I would set it up.
  14. Clearly you are the only one with the power to figure out who kuosimodo is. Please help us.
  15. People will complain.

  16. My theory is that kuosimodo is indeed a second account but it was to replace a previous account and kuosimodo has not typed anything in the past 5 years to prevent anybody from figuring it out. I brought up some old forum stuff on page 6 to see if kuosimodo would react. I did not consider that kuosimodo might not react at all, which doesn't help prove my theory. kuosimodo might know all the tricks, or kuosimodo simply didn't care.
  17. Absolutely. I spent years playing because the stuff you can do with redstone is simply amazing. In fact, when I started playing 7 Days to Die, I thought for sure that was going to be the direction it was heading. It's sooo close to where it could be a robust system with endless possibilities, but they just won't pursue it.
  18. I picture bandits to turn out like most enemies in the first Borderlands. I can't imagine anything beyond that right now, and it's probably good enough anyway.
  19. We are lumping all possible topics into one thread to make it easier for kuosimodo to react. It's the least we can do.
  20. Are you trying to generate a 10k map with 8GB of RAM and it is not working?
  21. I'm assuming it's whatever they set as minimum requirements. They just recently approved support for larger maps, so I also assume they were already able to optimize it enough to fall within whatever those minimum requirements are.
  22. What's wrong with utilizing a lot of memory to generate a map? I would want to to use whatever resources it has available... that's what I bought it for.
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