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Everything posted by Star69

  1. There is nothing in that log to suggest what is happening. Any chance you could post the server log that shows the friend dropping out?
  2. So it sounds like a connection issue on your pc. I can offer a couple of options to try. Log out of friends, join the server and once connected properly then you can log back in. Why? The server is logging you in via steamnetworking because you have friends on the server then you get litenetlib timeout. The other option is in the server config, disable steamnetworking thereby forcing the litenetlib connection. Finally, if neither of those things work, you can try to disable IPv6 on the server machine. These are solutions I’ve found by searching the forums for litenetlib timeout. How is your internet set up? Pc wired to modem to internet or is there a router in ther or are you running on a vpn?
  3. Can you join any other, random server? If you can, it narrows it down to something between you and your server. If you cannot join any server then there’s something up with your machine. I noticed that you have EAC disabled on your computer….is EAC enabled on the server?
  4. For A20, EOS(Epic Online Services) is software that will 7 Days to offer cross platform playing. You do not need an account but it must be active for the game to work. It does create a EOS number similar to your steam ID and, in fact, is associated with it. It’s all about allowing pc and consoles to play the game together. Google EOS epic and you’ll get all the info you want on its functionality.
  5. It looks like you have A19 files mixed in with A20. I’d do a cleaning, uninstall/reinstall using the procedure posted when you click on the blue banner at the top of this page. See if that solves your problem.
  6. You have some odd chunk errors in your log. Did you clean your files before going to A20 as described by clicking on the blue banner at the top of the page? On top of doing this, I would turn off dynamic mesh as it causes issues with lower end machines and I’d consider turning off occlusion but not as positive of that helping. But a file cleaning, uninstall/reinstall plus turning off dynamic mesh should help.
  7. If you used the search function on your pc and it wasn’t found and verifying files didn’t help, I’m afraid cleaning, then uninstall/reinstall is your only option.
  8. What is the server setting for player killing? It can be no killing, kill strangers only or kill everyone.
  9. It looks like your save was corrupted. The log shows the server attempts to load the original game save and it failed so it created a new game save. Any time a server is not shut down properly, it risks corrupting the save which, unfortunately, happened to you. So power outages, updates etc can result in save corruption.
  10. Interesting. I think that what you found just might be a bug. I’d recommend submitting an official bug report so the QA team can take a look at it. Thanks for working that up.
  11. Yes, I know that Pingperfect corrected the mistake. Hopefully other server providers will eventually fix their stuff. Glad you got a working server.
  12. No it’s something that will usually be installed along with the software that needs it. Follow the link Sylenthunder posted and install version 2022 and it should solve your issue.
  13. Your log has no errors, the game didn’t even try to shutdown itself, the log just stopped. I’ll wait for others to chime in but this is usually from a hardware issue, not the game itself. If you are a little computer savy, you can see if there are any errors in Windows Event Viewer. It doesn’t always point to hardware problems but it can sometimes so worth looking at. There are several free programs out there to check various parts of your machine: Memtest for ram, Prime95 for cpu and Furmark for videocard. If any of those programs crash or you get errors then that’s where your problem lies.
  14. The reason might be recorded in the games log file. Post the entire file using pastebin so someone can look at the whole thing and give you some help. Most of the time, the answer is in the log but we need to see the whole log.
  15. That’d be great. I don’t want to keep going with the “you have residual A19 files causing this” but unfortunately that is a very common issue. I want bugs like that fixed as I’m sure you do but TFP has very stringent guidelines on reporting bugs so we have to ask these questions. They don’t want to chase down 50 bug reports that end up being someone not cleaning their files. We do a few things here, someone tries to duplicate it and if we do, a proper bug report can be made so they can fix it, make this great game better.
  16. I guess it’s possible. A20 rollout has seen some weird file issues. A bunch of server providers loaded a bunch of their rental servers with A19 files in their A20 builds that took them a while to figure out the issue. Definitely some missing blocks. Any chance you have old A19 maps saved on the server with the same seed name as this map? At this point I’m reaching for a good explanation for you. Edit: how about telling me the seed name, map size, any special generation changes as well as map coordinates of that poi and I’ll generate that map and see if I see what you see? I guess it could be a real generation bug.
  17. A quick google search mentions excluding game folder from your antivirus might do the trick. Now I have my entire Steam folder excluded from my antivirus but at a minimum, try excluding your 7 Days folder.
  18. I don’t use spikes so can’t help with your issue but to find bug reports, click the blue banner at the top of the page. At the bottom of that page, click on the word HERE to go to the bug report section.
  19. Posting your log file using pastebin will go a long way to finding why it crashes, also posting your pc specs will help. Until then, all anyone can do is guess.
  20. I’ve seen this complaint several times and it’s due to remnants of A19 files in your A20. A straight update from A19 to A20 will cause this. Click on the blue banner at the top of the page and it will give step by step instructions on cleaning and uninstalling the game. Before reinstalling, be sure that you are opted out of betas so it doesn’t reinstall A19.
  21. Unfortunately, Windows Update screwed up some software and in your case 7 Days. (Big surprise !! /sarcasm). You are going to need to uninstall and reinstall the game. I guess you could roll back the update but it might be a needed security update so I wouldn’t go that route. Click on the blue banner at the top of the page for instructions on how to properly uninstall the game then reinstall. Let us know if that doesn’t fix your issue.
  22. The log file shows the game is looking for files that aren’t there and also directx is having some issues as well. I’d recommend wiping the the server and reloading just A20 and not A19 upgrading to A20. FYI, there is always more info in the log file than is shown in the dropdown error that you see in the game window. The stuff I’m seeing in the log is not on your screenshot.
  23. If you go to the first page of A20 Diary, it literally says water will be worked on in A21. They had initially said that they wanted to fix it in A20 but, since it will take a lot of work, they pushed it to A21. You should read the deveopment diary if you want to hear what the developers are doing or what their plans are rather than spewing nonsense. That is caused by not all of your A19 files being deleted…..been posted about many times and in each case a correct cleaning and reinstall fixed this. You should bring up the game launcher, click on Tools tab, check everything then hit clean. Uninstall the game. Delete 7 Days and The Fun Pimps folders from steam apps->common and app data->roaming(or local, I forget) if present. If you had a mods folder it must be deleted. To be extra sure, pull up Regedit and search for any reference to 7Days and The Fun Pimps and delete. Before reinstalling, be sure that none is selected under betas tab then reinstall. If you do this and you generate that same map seed and your map still looks like that, then it is indeed a bugged rwg and should be reported in the Bug Report section so they can fix it.
  24. Yes, but remember the server is running the game. If the server has bad files, you’re going to have problems too. Now if you tell us that you are playing the same map on single player and are seeing this problem then that’s different. From the info you have given us, you have the problem on a multiplayer server game. Play it on single player and let us know how it works.
  25. @voge3 I agree with everyone that the issue is outside of 7 Days causing your issues. However, once you get this figured out you need to start a new seed. Your log file is showing several chunk errors which usually means that the save is corrupted. Most likely it got that way from the crashes you’re experiencing. Good luck and keep us in the loop as to what you find. Two other tests that I’d recommend are Memtest for the ram and, if you have a spare, switch out power supplies. People good with meters can test the ps in place but I’m not so I have a cheap ps of same wattage to use to rule out power issues.
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