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Everything posted by Star69

  1. You could try posting a copy of both the server log and his player log using pastebin. Sometimes snippets of logs don’t show the whole issue.
  2. Looks like his player data is corrupted and the only option is deleting his player and him starting over. As to why it corrupted, it's anyones guess. In general it just stinks.
  3. If you have admin powers, using god mod should allow you to get it. If you aren’t admin, asking one of the admins on the server to do it for you. This is a known bug that’s currently being worked on.
  4. Not without seeing your log. Post it here using pastebin. A wild bet would be that chunk is corrupted and the fix would be to delete that region and let the game reload it but you’d lose all changes including your base so posting your logs would be the best bet so we know what’s causing your problem.
  5. Your log shows no error and it just shows him disconnecting from your game after successfully joining your game. Can you post his log? Maybe there’s something on his end.
  6. Without being able to forward ports, there is no way to host a server. Will your isp forward the ports if you ask them to do it? Some providers don’t want people doing it themselves but will do it for you. I have this issue with Spectrum Business at my office. I had them forward ports to allow me remote access to my video cameras.
  7. Post the whole server log using pastebin so we can see what gets logged just before and after he has issues. It would also help to post his logs as well.
  8. Post the latest log, let’s see if any of the earlier errors were fixed. Use pastebin to post the log as per pinned topic above. It makes it easier to read the logs
  9. Problems are best reported in the General Support section. I don't see the reason for dying in your log snippet but there are a couple of unrelated issues that may be there. Repost this in General Support and include your entire log posted using pastebin. You have several warnings and I'm betting that there is more info about those warnings either earlier or later in the log. Is your server otherwise running normally? No other complaints or weird issues??
  10. Okay, I’m seeing several things going on. One is that there are a lot of chunk errors which generally means that the save is corrupted. My suspicions are that the crashes caused the corruptions. So what’s causing the crashes?? Well, I’ll admit there are some errors that I haven’t seen before but the errors that I recognize are that you probably have some A19 files mixed into your A20 install. I’m also seeing some litenetlib connection issues but they aren’t consistent….sometimes players connect with ease, other times they are rejected. This appears to be a home-hosted server, correct me if I’m wrong but generally speaking litenetlib connection issues are usually port forwarding/triggering issues so I’d check with a port scanner that the appropriate ports are open/forwarded on your firewall and router. As an additional step, I’d make sure that your 7 Days server folder has been excluded from your antivirus/antimalware software. Finally, you need to wipe the server and install a fresh copy of A20 server. You need to remove all traces of 7 Days from the box including any world saves, mod folders if you have ever used mods. Hopefully, if I’ve missed something, someone else will chime in with additional suggestions.
  11. I got two beakers yesterday, Day 8. One was a quest reward then the other was from an earlier air drop that I hadn’t got a chance to pick up. Now finding enough acid this seed has been an issue, only 2 thus far both purchased from the trader. Some day I will have a chem station.
  12. Another thing to consider….previous posts with similar issues, the server had some A19 files mixed up with A20 install. It was an issue with the particular batch files that some of the server providers were using to install A20. I know that Pingperfect fixed it on their end, I’m not sure about the other server providers. If the server is your own, then a wipe and clean install of A20 should fix your issues. You could also post the server log here using pastebin to let someone look and see if there are any issues mentioned in it.
  13. Could you post the server log using pastebin? It should have server specs in it as well as recording server fps during the bloodmoon. This would go a long way to sorting your issues.
  14. I have the same message in my log and always have, never have any problems with the game. The shader errors are in my current server log and the server works perfectly. I'm just saying what the people who actually made the game have said....you can believe them or not, I'm just sharing information that they have shared with us previously. Not looking to get into an internet argument here, I just hate to see someone looking at something that is been determined to not be an issue per the developers. /shrugs
  15. Looks like it's a network connection issue. The first thing I would do is to be sure you have excluded your 7 Days folder from your antivirus/antimalware software as 'something' is messing with your connection to the server. If that doesn't fix it, make sure your firewall is allowing 7 Days through it. Those are the 2 things that could mess with your connection to an outside server. I'm assuming you can play single player with no issues?
  16. INF lines in the log are just that....informational; that particular line means that the player is not running Steam in Big Picture Mode. It is not an error, it is INF(information). Pertinent parts of the log are marked with WRN for warning and ERR for error. Some WRN are informational as well such as the time it takes for some data to be unloaded. Shader error messages have been in logs forever and The Fun Pimps programmers have said we can ignore those errors when evaluating log files, they are there for them not us so when evaluating log files we ignore those errors as we've been told.
  17. The shader warnings are in every single log file even those with no problems. Those warnings are there for the programmers and not an indication of shader issue.
  18. Post your log using pastebin so we can see what is causing that error.
  19. Post the server log using pastebin. Usually the answer is in the log. I’d also suggest posting your log using pastebin as well.
  20. At a minimum, we need you post your logs using pastebin otherwise everything would just be guesses.
  21. Okay, looks like you have several issues happening that cumulatively are probably causing your problem. 1) zombie lootbag mod failed to load so remove or fix it. 2) physx errors; update your video drivers preferably by doing a clean install, I use Geforce Experience but there are other methods as well 3) litenetlib failed to connect. Make sure your 7 Days folder is excluded from your antivirus/antimalware software. Also be sure the proper ports are open/forwarded on your modem/router. The fallback handler warning you are seeing is not an issue, it happens in every log even those with no issues. If you are still having issues after doing those things, I would remove all mods and try to play a game together using a vanilla game to see if you’re still having issues. Let us know how things go.
  22. Also be sure that you have Microsoft Visual C Distributables(2022) installed, update your video drivers to latest version.
  23. Can’t access that log unless you have a dropbox account. Please use pastebin to post a copy of your log.
  24. On the Nitrado server, your GameName is either empty or has invalid characters and so config file won’t load which may/may not be the issue. I’m not being a jerk here but you need to set up your server FIRST as a vanilla server and see if you have the same server reboot issues. If vanilla runs properly, then you add one mod at a time to figure out which mod is causing issues. Once you figure out which mod is causing your server restart, you should contact the author of that mod to have them help you get your server up & running with their mod. Mod authors are available in the Mods section of the forums and may not be monitoring the General Support forum you’re posting in. There are way too many vanilla servers running perfectly fine from both of those server providers for this to be a 7 Days issue, your issue has to be a mod issue so your best source of help will be those mod authors.
  25. @paddydennis Bitte posten Sie Ihre gesamte Log-Datei mit Pastebin im Genera-Support-Bereich dieses Forums und jemand wird Ihnen helfen.
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