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Posts posted by Star69

  1. 6 minutes ago, LOL said:

    When I tried play 7 days to die again yesterday, I kept getting an error and it didn't go over during creating player.


    Summary: an error appears in creating player


    Game Version: A20.5 b2

    Platform: Steam 

    OS/Version: Windows10

    CPU Model: AMD Ryzen 5 2600

    System Memory: 16 GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1050 4 GB

    Screen Resolution: 1920x1080(16:9)

    Video Settings: Low


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? Yes

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? off 


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:  The yellow letters keep showing 'Calling Animator. GotoState on Synchronize layer' and it loads indefinitely.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) join steam friend server

    2) loading

    3) When creating player, the console turns on and loads indefinitely.


    error log - Pastebin.com

    It looks like your player profile has been corrupted. Many times this occurs when the game shuts down incorrectly like when the power goes out when you’re playing or killing the game another way than the normal quit way. Also, I “think” a temporary loss of internet can cause it too.


    To fix it, bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab and you want to Clean files. Put a check in the box next to player profile and press Clean. Now when you go back to your game, your player will be level one. Bring up the console and type dm then hit enter. You then can use the giveselfxp command to get your levels back and use the creative menu to get your inventory back including books that you’ve read. 

    The only other option is to delete that save and generate a new world and start over. 


  2. Your player profile looks corrupted. Bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab then go clean. Put a check in the box for Player Profile and press Clean. Now when you join your game, it should work but you will be at Level one. Use the giveselfxp command to get your levels back and use the creative menu to get your inventory back.

  3. 2 hours ago, marshall7788 said:

    I’ve tried all of everything above as well and I’m still getting the same error. I’m not sure if it’s unity's side or something else. I did look on Reddit and someone said it a generic problem of unity's.

    i hope someone has found a fix.

    the most weirdest part is, last weekend it was working fine and since I didn’t touch the game until today when I was trying to join my friends server. It’s a 6k world as well he’s using but as I said last week I managed to join him fine. 

    You need to post a copy of your log file using pastebin. Not all null reference errors are caused by the same thing. The answer to your issue can be found in your log. Post it and someone to suggest a fix.

  4. Enter your saved game. Once you spawn, hit F1 for console, type dm then hit enter. Use the command giveselfxp to get enough xp to get you to your previous level. Use creative menu get get all of your inventory items back.

  5. I have a 5-high wooden bar fence around the base. By day 7 horde, 4 of 5 rows are upgraded to cobblestone. By day 14, 3 are upgraded to concrete and by day 21, at least 1 row is steel. For horde, I carry a hammer and repair material and spare wooden bars, alternating shooting and repairing. Remember, those bars can be shot through. Grenades/pipe bombs are a bonus. When you have limited upgrade material, remember that zombies attack the second row first, followed by row 1 then row 3. Pile ups take row 4 & 5. I get occasional breakthroughs when they attack multiple sides at once then I fall back in the base and I attack from the roof. Very successful perimeter defense and have used this technique since A15.

  6. 2 hours ago, Beelzybub said:

    No, you only need port forwarding for WAN connections. Connect by local ip works on the LAN.

    Related question…..since a dedicated server needs a specific port forwarded to show up on the master server list, should the lan game need that same port forwarded to show up on the master server? I ask because of all the complaints of people playing lan games needing to connect via ip because the server does not show up on the master server.

  7. This is a shot in the dark but try the following: bring up the game launcher for both machines then select Tools tab in order to clean your files. Check all of the boxes and hit clean. It will erase your current game and since you just started, it shouldn’t be much of a loss. Now on both machines, go to the Local files and run the check integrity of game files and run it twice on both machines. If this doesn’t work then the next step is to post the latest logs from both machines, be sure to use pastebin.com where you paste a copy of your log there and then post the links generated. Logs are now located at %appdata%\7daystodie\logs.

  8. According to your log, the last version you have played is 20.3 and there are a ton of missing prefabs that I know are present in 20.5. You need to ‘clean’ your files. Bring up the game launcher, Tools tab and you want to clean files by checking all boxes then press Clean. However if there is single player save that you really, really want to keep, back it up first. Once you clean the files, go verify the integrity of the game files and run it twice as sometimes the first run doesn’t get everything.

    However if you are wanting to run 20.3, the proper way to roll back to 20.3 is to perform the clean function above, uninstall the game then before reinstalling the game select 20.3 from the betas then install.

  9. If that is really your entire log, it is something outside the game that is the problem. The log ends abruptly with no errors. You might check Event Viewer for an event logged at the same time as your game crash. If you noticed, your log’s title actually contains the day & time of you log. Bring up Event Viewer and scroll through to the day/time of your log and let us know if any errors are logged there.

  10. You need to forward tcp 26900 and 26900-26903 udp. “ServerDiasabledNetworkProtocals’ value=“SteamNetworking”/>


    If this doesn’t fix your issue, you might post in the pinned thread above about gamepass issues. The QA team is monitoring that thread for any and all issues regarding gamepass.

  11. Your bedroll should stop spawns however if the base is larger than the area that the bedroll covers, you could get spawns in your base. If it's a single player game, you can go into the game settings and increase the amount of ground that your bedroll will protect. If you are on a multiplayer server, I'm afraid you are stuck unless someone else knows of any other tricks.

  12. The Event Viewer is part of the Adminstration Tools on Windows and you should see it in the Control Panel. Easiest way to find it is to type Event Viewer in the search window bottom left of your pc. The Event Viewer logs many event and errors and are listed by date and time. If you look in your 7 Days log, its entries are also listed by date and time. Post any Event Viewer messages from the same date/time as your crash to desktop. Someone here usually has an idea how to translate those messages.

  13. Server tools greatly increase your abilities of maintaining a server. Things like kick/ban list, online map of discovered territory, simplified repair tools, automatic scheduling of backups and server restarts etc. There's much much more but definitely something to look into if you plan to run a public server. If it's a private server then they are needed as much but still have some handy tools. Here is just one example:

    Server Tools - Tools - 7 Days to Die

     Others can be found in Game Modification/Tools

  14. I’ve used Bluefang for 4 or 5 years and am extremely happy with the performance and customer support. As for server saves, that isn’t handled by any of the server providers but is handled by server tools that you install and manage yourself. Search these forums and you’ll see several server tools and check them to see which one fits your needs.

  15. Bring up the Game Launcher, select Tool tab and your files. Check all of the boxes and hit Clean. You will lose any saved single player games but it should fix the issue. If you have a save that you really want to keep, try just checking player profile then hit Clean. Your log shows that your player profile is corrupted.

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