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Posts posted by Star69

  1. Yes, she needs more ram. She only has 4gigs of ram and her videocard only has 4gigs videoram. There is a line in the log stating there was not enough ram to perform a function. She really needs a minimum 8gigs of ram and a videocard having a minimum 8 gigs of video ram. Not having enough ram can and will cause data corruption, and in this case player profile corruption. You can delete her profile as I mentioned above but the likelihood of it happening again is pretty high. It looks like she is using a laptop so upgrading the videocard is out but depending on the laptop, she may be able to add more ram.

  2. We really need a copy of her entire log file instead of a snippet of the error. There is ‘usually’ more info early in the log which leads to that error.


    That being said, it sounds like her profile is corrupted on your server since she can play on new seeds. To delete her player profile you need to go the current saves folder. Instructions for finding your saves depends on your operating system and can be found by reading this pinned topic:  


    Click into that folder until you find the player folder. In there are 3 files for each eos number. Now here you need to look at your server log at the point she joins the server or attempts to join and she is assigned an eos number which corresponds to her eos files in the player folder. Delete those 3 files. Now she should be able to join but she’ll be level one. Make her an admin temporarily so she can use the giveselfxp command to get her levels back and use the creative menu to get her items back.


    Or you could post the entire log from her game and we can see if something else is going on.

  3. 15 hours ago, sombie said:

    Hi is there any fix to it by now? Someone mentioned a bug was reported about it, does anyone know the link to that bug?

    You could go to the bug report section. Click on the red banner and then click on link and it will take you there. On the righthand side you will see the various categories for bug reports.

  4. 17 hours ago, XerLoth said:

    I get the "ERR [steamworks.NET]NET: could not send package to server." and my character would not save my profile. It will roll me back to the exact spot that i was in a few hours back. It does not save any character progression in terms or level or npc rep for missions. I tried reinstalling my game and deleting all traces of it before fresh install as well as disabling my windows security 

    Sometimes disabling Windows Security isn’t enough. Try creating an exclusion for both the 7 Days folder as well as the saves folder(users/appdata/roaming/7days)

  5. Looks like you previously had a mod installed that deleted vanilla prefabs and added custom prefabs. I see that you currently are not running mods but the previous mods messed things up. To be sure there are not changes to other files besides prefabs, I'd suggest cleaning/uninstalling/reinstalling the game to be sure all traces of the mods are gone and all vanilla files are in place. Unfortunately, just removing mods does not always reverse changes that were made to vanilla files.


    Bring up the game launcher and select Tools tab. Check all boxes and hit clean. Uninstall the game. Reinstall the game. Verify Integrity of Game Files at least twice. Now your game should start up just fine.

  6. 13 minutes ago, BobbyLee298 said:

    Should i say it...? will i get banned... or even worse, start a riot!


    Is Learn by doing (LBD) coming back for A21

    Or smell sense for zombies

    Neither will be coming back to the game, per tfp, and never will for this game. Best you can hope for is that they will make an appearance in another game.

  7. 2 hours ago, Roland said:




    What's really funny is when this thread began I thought about how back in the day before caller id but when the *69 feature was a relatively new and unknown command and someone would prank call you, you could call them back with *69 and they would answer and then you'd figure out who called and they'd be amazed at how you got them...lol


    Now if only your name was also your super power and you could *69 Kuosimodo for us all. :)

    Holy smokes......I never thought anyone would actually 'get' my user name! Most people think it's some sort of sexual innuendo lol. However, it does uncover your age a bit lol.

  8. This thread is hilarious. I just read and laugh. In fact, I bet Kuosimodo is doing the same. I have a couple of ideas on who it is, but honestly I  don’t stress over it. Watching what he is reacting to and why makes sense to me even though some people disagree with with emotes he uses on the posts he replies on. If it is a developer, they are most likely interacting with the community about the game without being dragged into long arguments necessitating long posts requiring a lot of time.


    I just remember back when Madmole was very active posting where some people dragged him through the mud and him having to reply to senseless stuff over and over. I’m not saying it is or isn’t Madmole but it is someone who wants to express their opinion quickly and to not be drawn into prolonged discussions. How he does things doesn’t bother me in the least. I figured this thread would appear however I actually expected it a lot sooner as he has been commenting a long time now. 

  9. From the log file it looks as if your player profile is corrupted. You could try and clean your 7 Days files, the only thing you would lose are any saved single player games and you would need to re-download the map on that server. If that doesn't work, you will be forced to delete your profile on the server and start over. An admin of the server could give you your items back and give you the ability to use the giveselfxp command to get your levels back.


    To clean your files, bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab and check all boxes then click Clean.

  10. 4 hours ago, kazangati said:

    Long time lurker off and on. but first post, what are the chances they will add Zinc And copper mining, It would be nice to make our own brass. Sorry if this has been asked before.


    Welcome to the forums. Madmole has replied to this question in the past and he doesn’t see the necessity of adding another ore. Brass has been made plentiful enough from various sources that brass supply shouldn’t be a problem.

  11. 3 hours ago, JackWailer said:

    7 Day to Die Bug Alpha 20.3 (b3) Date: 23.03.22


    if you Drive car or bike at full speed and exit the game

    after reloading the game, it break and throw you far away,

    mostly off-map. Your belongings are lost...

    Can also be easily reproduced, video is not Public.






    Intel Core I3 4130 (4x) 3.40GHz

    Ram 16GB

    GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 2GB

    Microsoft Windows 10 (10.0) Professional 64-bit   (Build 19043)

    No Mods


    And on STEAM > Discussion > ALPHA 20 BUG REPORTS

    > link "Before you post a Report" is Broken


    This is a known bug. A partial fix…..while loading in the game, before you spawn, hit F1 to bring up the console and type “tp 0 0 0” without the quotations and hit enter. If your timing is right, your character will teleport to map center. At this point you’re on the map so should be able to make it back to your backpack.

  12. 2 hours ago, Rollo said:

    with the first connection there was no error message. there was only the start screen to see. on the second server I was able to open loot containers in the first few minutes. I think that after the connection was lost, looting of containers was no longer possible. the question is, why do i have a disconnect?

    I agree…very frustrating. However, we do know a couple of things are not the problem. It’s probably not the router since you’ve swapped the first for the second. It’s probably not the game….no errors in the log. You’ve turned off your firewall so it’s not that. You’ve done fresh install of Windows and 7 Days so not those. You’ve created exclusions in your antivirus for the game and saves folder so it isn’t antivirus. Your isp said it tested your internet….I still have some doubts there but we will see. Your issue ‘screams’ network/internet but since the router has been changed, that part is likely out.


    Two more questions, do you have any background software that monitors network traffic or changes settings specifically for gaming like Asus Gamer First or similar? Second, are you on cable or dsl?

  13. I'm running nearly identical rig.....5950x and rtx 3090 with 32 gigs of 3800 ram. I'm running at 4K with most settings maxed and run a pretty steady 125 fps, with drops to 80 during horde nite. I get no stutters, it runs smooth as silk. The settings that I have that are not ultra are:


    dynamic resolution->off



    texture quality->medium

    UMA texture filtering->medium

    reflective shadows->off

    reflecttion quality->off

    water quality->low

    shadow distance->low

    grass distance->medium


    depth of field->off

    motion blur->off

    SS reflections->off


    I may be able to turn some of these features on or max, I just haven't messed with it further. You could try these video settings and it should steady your frame rate since our machines are so similar. The x5950 is only about a 10% improvement over the x5900, my ram isn't much better than yours. My rtx 3090 is factory overclocked(MSI rtx 3090 Suprim) which is just marginally better than base models. I'm currently not running my overclocked profile so that isn't affecting anything. In my opinion, anything to do with shadows causes major performance issues so I'd at least start there.

  14. No errors in the log file. I saw that you tried to connect to two different servers. The first one you tried, your litenetlib connection failed but was successful on the second server. You joined the second server and you lost connection after a few minutes. Is it possible that you remembered what your ping was when you couldn't play anymore? Also, on the first server that you attempted to join, did you get a message about not being able to join?

  15. A quick google search showed a whole bunch of folks have problems with Google Mesh and port forwarding.

    1) Some say disable ipv6, forward your ports then enable ipv6 when done.

    2) Another says to give your server a reservation on the dhcp table then forward ports. This recommendation actually came from Google Support so I'd try this. For some reason with Google the forwarded ports are based on device rather than IP address like many others do.

    3) Update your firmware, restart the router after each port has been forwarded

    4) set router to bridge mode

    5) Make sure that you aren't double-natted, that your modem has a built in router on top of your Google Mesh router

  16. 7 hours ago, Rollo said:

    Hello, it's me again. I'll summarize everything again now. I played 7d2d normally for months. on February 15th, 2022 I noticed for the first time that I can't open any boxes, loot containers, forges or chemical stations. this happened overnight without me changing anything in the hardware or software. I then completely reinstalled windows 10. but this did nothing. then i installed a new router. this didn't do anything either. i tried all the tips that my fellow players and experts gave me. everything has not helped so far. I also asked my provider to check the internet line. this has not been able to find any errors. i can play all other games (lostark, minecraft, rising world and various other games) without any problems. i don't know if it could be due to some windows update, if there was one at all at that point in time? I would also like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped so many here. but somehow it seems to me that there is no solution for my problem at the moment.


    Kind regards Rollo

    Well we can try and keep throwing advice your way in hopes you find a solution. So let’s try a clean uninstall. Bring up the game launcher, click tools tab and check every box then click Clean. Exit out, uninstall the game. In windows explorer, go to the game folder for example mine is D:Programs(x86)->Steam->Steamapps->common->7 Days To Die. Delete the 7 Days to Die folder. Next go to:

    Users->{your name}->appdata->Roaming->7 Days to Die and delete that folder. Then Users->{yourname}->appdata->LocalLow->The Fun Pimps and delete The Fun Pimps folder. If you don’t see appdata, you need to be sure to hide system files box is unchecked. Finally, open regedit and search for 7 days to die and delete all entries but be sure it says the entire phrase 7 days to die, don’t delete any partials. Go back to the beginning of the registry and search for The Fun Pimps and delete all entries and again the entries must include all of the words. Now your system is cleaned of everything pertaining to the game. Now reinstall the game and see if you are still not able to play.

  17. 14 hours ago, Glucoz said:

    thanks for your replies.
    I just performed a chunkreset, and it kind of worked
    The trader Jen POI has been reset, but the old buggy trader half-way through the floor is still there.
    So now I have 2 traders Jen on top of each other.
    This does not seem to affect the quests, it kept all my quest progression




    Twins! I’d call that a win lol.

  18. 23 hours ago, millititus said:

    I also verified using an online port checking tool that 26900 is open when I have the server running.  Interestingly, 26901, 26902, and 26903 are reporting that they are closed, even though I have the rule set up in my routing table.  Is this an issue?

    It may be what’s causing your issue. I have heard multiple times of this happening with various routers. My suggestion is to check forums for your brand of router or even the forums of dslreports.com. Maybe tell us make/model of the router in case someone here has experience with it.

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