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Posts posted by Star69

  1. 12 hours ago, Roland said:


    You ain't kidding and I largely ignored those from A6-A20. Now, when I see a house I run to it intending to hit the mailbox first thing with a smile of anticipation on my face. That smile changes to a scowl if it turns out to be one of those sucky houses without a mailbox...


    Oh, A21 mailboxes! How beautiful your profiles are as I look down a yet to be explored street and see you there in a line, your little red flags bidding me to come and read your contents!

    I’m going to agree with you but would change it to A6-A19. With A20, mailboxes are, for me, a huge source of money on Day 1 as they always contain books. The first thing that I do when I reach a town is to hit all of the mailboxes and some of the newspaper stands if I’m brave then sell all of them. At that point I have around $2000 or more to buy food and ammo or whatever I need. When they respawn on Day 10, I return and loot to read.

  2. Epic Online Services, which is different than Epic Games, was put into A20 to support cross platform play.

    7 minutes ago, Melange said:

    @SylenThunderGood to know. I had the same issue and about at the same time too. A reboot fixed it. I use Steam (which has its own problems here behind the Great Firewall). Only recently have I been seeing Epic errors. How did Epic get a hook in this game? And why?


  3. On 8/14/2022 at 12:12 PM, Fanatical_Meat said:

    I appear to still have the save file(s) in appdata where can I find the world name so I can start up the game again?

    seems like the server xml was replaced by a blank one. This is a home server not a rented server. 

    I cannot find the world config file in my deleted items. 


    Any suggestions?

    Go to %appdata%/7Days2Die/Logs folder. In there you will find your output log files. The date/time is incorporated in the name. Choose the date before the update and read that file. It should include everything that you need.

  4. Posting a copy of your output log using pastebin will probably give more information. IndexOutofRange error is pretty generic and can come from many different problems. The output log gives detailed information on what is happening when running the game.

  5. 7 hours ago, outhous said:

    Why would this be needed as an option/setting? You can just quit the game when you die? Why would/should TFP spend time working on an option that the player can easily accomplish already?

    The most important reason is dying on a pub server with absentee admins. If you want to keep playing on the same server, you need an admin to delete your dead player profile files in order to start over.

  6. Create an exclusion in your antivirus software for the game folder and saves folder. Uninstall any background software that claims to improve network conditions like Asus Game First or similar software. Something is blocking some of the connections needed to play the game online.

  7. It sure sounds like EAC, but hoping to find a fix in case you want to use it for a public server. Unfortunately, the 2 logs you posted are both with EAC disabled, one with no mods and one with mods. If it’s going to be a private or passworded server, EAC is not needed and will improve server performance a bit however I’d strongly recommend EAC if it will be a pub server.

  8. Game version mismatch usually means that the server is running a different version than the player. The server is definitely running A20.5. Start the game up and your version will be listed in the upper righthand corner of the screen. If your game says it’s also running A20.5, post the log from your pc.

  9. Gosh, you guys have it all figured out on how to ‘fix’ this game. Please make a mod with all those suggestions since it’s just a little c#, some Unity assets and some art. Should be a piece of cake, right? Very easy stuff. ( /s for those who need it said).

  10. 2 hours ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

    @schwanz9000 perhaps you can answer? Are there plans to add new textures for coloring? Or replacing some old textures? For example, this one (in the screenshot) I can't imagine in ordinary POIs, except for some... specific. Because it is too... what should I call it... too expressive. If a farmer, a football player and several other zombies were removed from the game because they could be too rare in the world, according to this logic, and such a texture should be replaced with something? Maybe add more wallpaper for living spaces? (please) You can also consider some other textures (for example, 3 types of awning). What do you think?🙏


    Needs a felt picture of Elvis and a table with a lava lamp.

  11. Hordes in this version are the same as last version and no issues. You might post a copy of your output log using pastebin. Instructions are in the pinned topic under General Support for locating the log and using pastebin.com to post a copy of the log. Most issues with the game are noted in that log.

  12. Kind of sounds like there are leftover files from a previous alpha. As Joe suggested above, we really need to see the output log, specifically from the person hosting the game or from the server if it’s dedicated. Instructions are in the pinned topic above. Or, you can try a shot in the dark by having the host verify file integrity from Steam and run it twice….takes about 2 minutes. Without logs, not much other advice can be given.

  13. On the biome sliders and, quite frankly, the other options for generating a rwg map.....will those somehow be added to dedicated servers so that we have use of those options? I know I can generate a map on my pc and upload it to the server but I was hoping to hear that we could use those options directly on the server.

  14. You can ignore the warning in yellow type.....it is meaningless and does not affect a server from starting up. You are correct that GameWorld=RWG however the GameName is the seed you are choosing and must have a name in order to generate a world. Put something in there and see if it generates. It roughly takes 8 or 9 minutes to generate an 8k map plus/minus a couple of minutes. If it still doesn't generate, post back here.

  15. The error is this:  ERR Loading Xui syncronously failed: xmls not set


    I can't say that I've seen that error before but since other players can join the server, something is messed up with his game. The majority of the xml's are located in the Data/Config folder so if he deletes the Data->Config (not to be confused with the Config folder in the main folder containing the serveradmin.xml) folder then validate the game files twice in Steam, hopefully that will correct things. If I'm wrong on this, hopefully someone else will chime in.

  16. Be sure that you have feral sense enabled. Also, there is an xml tweak to quickly double wandering zombies without increasing your count of 150. I'll go take a look and edit this post once I figure out how I did it. It was mentioned in a post by Madmole quite a long time ago.


    EDIT: In the spawning.xml, the very first sections are about spawning zombies in the different biomes during the day and night. Just change the max count of zombies. Be careful, start by increasing by 1 at a time or you will be overwhelmed by zombies.

  17. I actually haven’t done it in A20, but in A19 it was indeed 3 files and you didn’t even need to shut the server down to do this. I think in A20 it should be similar although it is a little tougher. In A19 and before, the players were identified by their Steam id. In A20, they are identified by their EOS id. You need to go look at the server output log and find where that player joined the server and that’s where they are assigned their EOS number. Then go to the current Saves folder and in the Players folder and delete the 3 or so EOS files associated with him. He will start over at level one, however a couple of things remain: any doors/boxes that had passwords are saved as well as how much of the map that he previously uncovered.

  18. Do you have an antivirus software on the server? This includes Windows Defender. Many times antivirus will block the EOS connections. You need to create exclusions in your antivirus for the game folder, same for your player pc and include the saves folder. Also, double check that the ports that you forwarded for the server are all still open using an online port scanner. I don’t trust that routers can do the right thing all of the time.

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