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Posts posted by Star69

  1. On 3/8/2022 at 12:49 PM, Ash Housewares said:

    Recently have been experiencing random crashes while playing the game. The crash is so bad that it automatically reboots my computer each time. I can be playing 10 mins or 3 hours into it before I crash. I would say this started to happen after A20.2 was introduced, never experienced this while playing on A19. I typically play on a public multiplayer server called Salty Zombies PvE Casual.  This crash and reboot only seems to happen when I play 7Days. I am running Windows 10, 16 GB Ram, and have the latest video card driver.  Any suggestions about how to eliminate these crashes would be appreciated. 


    This is my latest crash log :




    UPDATE 3/14/22

    I took my PC outside on a warm day and spent about 2 hours cleaning it with compressed air, anti static cloths, cotton swabs, and small plastic brushes to get into the hard to reach areas. Acting on Jugginator's advice, I also removed  my RAM sticks, cleaned them and the seating slots carefully and re-inserted them. Since then, I have not had any reboots since playing 7Days.  My RAM temps seem to be hovering around 100-115F at times when playing the game though. Not sure if this is too hot for RAM. CPU has hit 80F but usually around mid70s. 

    Maybe all my PC needed was a good clean and re-seating the RAM. I will keep monitoring the temps for now but I want to thank everyone on the forum for the helpful advice!


    EDIT: Well crap, my computer just rebooted unexpectedly while playing 7Days after several days of being incident free. Ugh.



    Since you said that you weren’t very tech saavy, why not run the Windows Memory Diagnostics? It’s built into Windows and is an okay way to check whether you have a bad sector on your ram. It does take a bunch of time to complete so plan for that.

  2. On 3/13/2022 at 7:33 PM, meganoth said:


    He doesn't need to forward any ports on the router if he isn't hosting a MP game himself.

    Oops…..thought server was another computer on his network…my bad. Still think it’s some sort of network issue since none of his pcs can connect.

  3. 16 hours ago, DannyFranky said:

    I have a Gigabyte 3080TI Vision and I'm experiencing the same error and result.  Did you ever find a solution to this problem?  This happens to me consistently with A20 and A19.  The only way to mitigate the issue is by locking the frame rate to 60fps.  With that, I can play for hours before it crashes.  


    As near as I can tell, the problem -- for me -- is only with DirectX 11.  I can play the game with Vulkan and OpenGL and it's much more stable.  It hasn't crashed on me with OpenGL.  With Vulkan, it's crashed once or twice but that's after hours of playing.


    Always the same errors in the logs: failed to create staging 2d texture [887a0005]

    ...and failed to create buffer [0x887A0005].


    I've swapped every piece of hardware in my system and the error only occurs with my video card.  I can play rock stable with my wife's EVGA 3070.  


    It also happens in Unreal games, so, for me, it's not specific to Unity.  I've had it crash in 7DTD, Conan and Phasmophobia.  All with the lockup and crash to desktop.


    If you or anyone has any info on this issue, I'd greatly appreciate it if you shared.  Thanks.

    Have you tried uninstalling/reinstalling video drivers?

  4. 5 hours ago, Rollo said:

    output_log__2022-03-12__13-44-29 (files.fm)

    I can't get to any server. I disabled the firewall and antivirus software.

    There are no errors at all in the latest log. You mentioned that you are having the same problem trying to play on a different computer on the same network. So with no errors in the game log and two different computers having the same problem, that points to your network as being the source of your problem. Since your internet provider says that your connection is fine, that leaves your router as the most likely source. It still could be your antivirus even though it is disabled. Some antivirus software still have some functionality even disabled. So, first I would create an exclusion in the antivirus for both the the 7Days folder and also your save game folder in app data/roaming/7daystodie. If you don’t know how to exclude folders, instructions are in this pinned topic for the most popular antivirus software:     https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/


    Second, I would access your router and be sure to forward all the ports listed in that same thread. Once you are done, use an online port scanner to check that those ports are indeed open. Some routers are notorious for being difficult to forward ports. Also, some internet providers will not allow users to forward ports. You must contact them by telephone and have them forward the ports for you.


    If all of that fails, I have a final suggestion to uninstall the game, clean the files and edit the registry. Let me know if the above suggestions do not work then I’ll walk you through the extreme uninstall process.


  5. I’ve been running a single player, quests only game. Turned off horde nights and just doing quests, all the different types. Currently, I’m up to tier 4 at one trader and haven’t been able to replicate any issues. All fetch, clear, fetch & clear and buried supplies work as expected. Next I’m going to start the night missions. Once I finish through tier 5, I’ll move to another trader and start over.

  6. 7 hours ago, 7DaysBuilder said:

    So I lost my drone after some files got corrupted, and I got teleported way off the map when loading up my new single player game (location was something like 800000 E 500 S).  I was able to use the console command

     junkDrone clear

    to get rid of it, and then used creative mode to give myself a new drone, which I was then able to deploy normally

    That’s great news! I had figured that there was no way to deal with lost/stuck drones so now we know of one trick to try. Thanks!

  7. I spend a part of D1 chopping tree stumps to get a jar of honey….just in case. My D1 poi of choice is the roof of one of the white motels. Ladders up the front then jump off ac ductwork to get on the roof and set up base there. During the day, loot the motel to get wrenches, aci, glass jars, clothes etc. Also has a nice vending machine & 2 safes. Very safe from zombies when on the roof. 

  8. Read the pinned topic about posting a problem. Specifically, we need you to post your log file using pastebin. Instructions are in the pinned thread. Once we can see your log, someone can probably suggest a fix. Without that log, no one can help. As for refunds, those are handled by Steam.

  9. Your log file is pretty clean, just missing a custom prefab file, and it ends abruptly with no errors which also supports everything said above that you have a hardware issue that the game reveals. 7 Days is a heavy stressor on the cpu and ram which is why it happens with 7 Days versus some other software/game. If you follow the others advice, you’ll discover your issue.

  10. On 3/3/2022 at 6:10 PM, Casketman said:

    Well here's mine. Granted, I play WotW but since last week, I haven't been able to get onto my server. Even after removing my player file and also starting a new save.

    Gets to "Creating Player" and hangs.


    Hmmm.....a bunch of errors though not sure if they are 'normal' errors due to mod or if they are a real issue. First thing, I would use the Game Launcher->Tools tab and check/clean all boxes. Second, try verifying game files......twice or three times. Lastly, reinstall WotW as some of the errors mention missing files/attribute. If you do all of this and you still can't join the server, I'd go to the WotW forum and ask there. Maybe someone else running that mod has run into this as well.

  11. On 3/3/2022 at 12:48 PM, GlidingTiger said:

    Yeah, I reset my game and then my friend reset his world. But I still can't loot anything.

    Try posting your log file here using pastebin so someone can look for errors. Usually with issues playing the game, the answers are in the logs. Instructions on how to do this are in the pinned topics above.

  12. 3 hours ago, Darthbob2000 said:

    I think I figured it out.  It was something with my mouse and my game controller (Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2).  As soon as I turned on my controller everything started working as normal.

    Interesting. I’m a huge fan of Logitech mice and keep buying the G502 because it has been flawless for me. I don’t use a controller at all which is why I probably haven’t had the problem you have. Glad it’s fixed though it’s still curious why you need the controller turned on.

  13. I agree with everyone here....most likely power supply. If you have a multimeter, there are online guides that are very simple that you can test your rails(pins on the 24 pin adaptor). It's easy, cheap and accurate plus costs no money, only the pain of unplugging. Power supplies are finicky little @%$#s. Generally, I take an easier yet slightly more expensive track.....I always have a backup power supply so if I'm questioning the ps, I'll just swap out and run the rig with the  replacement until I take time to test the potentially faulty supply.

  14. Most games have anticheat systems to combat people with these hacks but every time the react to one particular hack, the hackers find another way to exploit the system. It’s a cat and mouse game that has not been won. It’s no different than the hackers exploiting operating systems and the same cat and mouse game with antivirus companies. If the OS keeps getting hacked, how do you expect a piece of software from being hacked? The onus for this, at least with 7 Days to Die is with EAC not the Fun Pimps. Hackers be hackers.

  15. Don’t worry about the disabled route analytics warning….it’s in everyones log and not a problem. Your new log is clean so the problem is only that first save. It’s too bad you have to start over but at least you know that you don’t have a continuing issue that needs resolved.

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