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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. Thanks! I've been thinking of adding more stuff (my last attempts to do doors and the forge didn't sound good so I didn't add them in) and it's a little time consuming but I still want to eventually do some more variations on: - Door open/close (and maybe add fridge door/cooler) - More glass breaking - More "walking on trash" - I've heard a lot of complaints about the vehicle/chainsaw/auger sounds. Those might be tricky but if I could find some good sounds... - More zed groaning, screaming, etc . So you're not quite sure which zed is "behind the door". I tried this already and it was bad so I put it aside for a bit. I think a lot of the zombie noises are slowed down/sped up sounds actual people made (like humans made them... TFP or friends of TFP?) and it's hard to splice and mess with them without it sounding really bad, and you can't really add any effects to them either. - Maybe do more of the dogs barking. its a little repetitive when they're outside trying to get to you. - Wood + metal "upgrading" (and wood "breaking and downgrading") as its so common - Cloth breaking as its a weird sound breaking up a lot of cloth (tents, etc.). to me the vanilla game cloth break sounds like a basketball bouncing
  2. Interesting. Thanks! In some of my "test" games it seemed like it was too bright (it would be dark(er) and then lighten up after a few seconds). However, I did recently find myself inside some attics where it was 100% darkness, which is what I'm going for (in an enclosed space). I think both the weather and "lightness" are affected quite a bit by how close you are to an "open hole". Like, a single window, even if you are 5 blocks away, will indicate "you're not entirely enclosed" and you'll have some light in the entire room as well as be affected by outdoor weather (and hear the outside wind) as I've seen the weather effects (hot/cold) come and go in strange ways when running around inside large buildings.
  3. I think she should have free will ;) and if you don't try to make a safe place to put her or the base starts to get overrun, you can either run away knowing you left her there to die .... or stay and fight to the death. Actually, a "grief" buff would be interesting to apply every time one of your pets/bots die. Once it reaches 80% there's a random chance you'll drop all your items and fall to the ground and just let the horde eat you. The only way to drop the number is to build/spawn more bots/pets ;)
  4. @ReckisI generated a new one with the newest settings. I dropped all "top speeds" down a bit and bumped up the size average... assuming it all randomizes properly The new one is "Doughs-RandomizedEntities-For-a19_0_all-entities" Changes are: - 5x cloning. There are 410 randomized vanilla zombies in the modlet, 60 hostile animals, 20 friendly animals - This one contains animal randomization - I also made special customizations for exploding zeds ( cops and demolishers), so their explosions are random-er (block damage, radius, etc) and for the demolisher the time he takes to blow up is a little random as well. The "boom" properties of these is a little on the higher side as well... I haven't run into one yet in my own game to see how it feels. Let me know if you have any more input! Also: if you load this one, be sure to remove the one you're using! Loading 2 of these at once probably won't work at all.
  5. Yeah, I have actually :). I also noticed in my latest personal modlet generation (not posted on github) a lot of the zeds are "too small". I was afraid they might be too biog and get stuck in doorways but a lot of them seem like I'm fighting angry teenagers. There's still a lot of tweaking to do to get a nice "decent range" for the settings. I did try to make the settings a bit on the harder side just so it was more fun (and noticeable) but I may have gone a bit too high. Let me see if i can tweak the newest settings I have and generate another modlet and post it on github.
  6. 7D2D-EntityRandomizer script and usage/docs released on github Notes: - WARNING: I'm still testing this myself. It may be buggy or generate really bad zombies. You are essentially testing a very new script on your system if you choose to run the script - WARNING: The script was built on UNIX, and I haven't tested on Mac/Windows yet! - WARNING: I highly recommend *NOT* using the script unless you know how to get perl set up and running properly on your OS. If the script deletes all your data, your computer teleports to my secret bunker, and everything you own bursts into flames, you have been warned! - I will continue pre-generating modlets to use (so you don't have to run the script) on github. The current modlets do not have randomized animals in them (coming soon!) The randomizer script supports randomizing animal and zombie entities, and generating multiple copies of entities, all with random properties. It then builds a modlet for them that should hopefully be 'playable'. Only simple numeric properties can be randomized, nothing nested in the XML. Some functions are provided to randomize entity health (which is a nested XML property), for example. The purpose is to make all zombies look the same but act different, and generate enough of them you never know what you're up against. If you want to ride a road to hell with a big floppy blueberry pancakes for underwear, it *should* be possible to randomize any entity/zombie/animal (like in the Creature Packs) but this will take a specialized configuration I have not documented. I'll document it or try to help if anyone asks. This can get messy and may require custom by hand configurations. I can imagine certain entities ( like robots, or NPCs that are tagged as EntityZombie ) might not work or the randomizer will break them.. I'll try to support this the best I can, but it's not something I'm going to guarantee will work OR will generate a modlet that works!!!
  7. The medium and low settings are just for the "visual effects" because the more visual effects the more of an FPS drop you may get. It won't change the temperature issues. I'll see if I can make some adjustments to the cold (and likely the hot too) temp min/max values to make it less likely to get so low/high. I'm going to see if I can get some input on the forums first though as it may help. Curious: What biome are you in that you are seeing this?
  8. Thanks! I'm hopefully (this week?) going to be able to release the script that generates the modlet(s). The first version was only a test and I wanted to make it so you could configure it more without having to edit the script (I have this set up already. Still adding features I think will be useful to future proof the code a bit. I want to be able to randomize some things like demolisher exploding time and explosion power without having to write code that's too specific to them). The unreleased script allows zed and animal randomizing. Once I get it and the "how to install and use" documentation set up I plan to generate a small variety of modlets with different configurations (maybe: easy, medium, hard?) for people who don't want to do all the install and "figuring it all out" work as you can always go into the pre-generated modlets and make your own changes. I also want to test if it can work with the Creature Packs and any other "entity" mods (which I can write instructions for how to use, but cannot easily pre-generate mods for because of there being too many possibilities of what people will load into their game). Anyway: Let me know what you think! All input is welcome. I've made some decisions that may not work too well and am still tweaking things. I'm playing my own game with it and it feels like the basic idea is working well. I had a few zeds come running at me so fast I didn't know what to do (no way to outrun them), but then I had the nighttime settings on "nightmare" mode so I probably shouldn't have done that while testing
  9. This is a great mod. I recommend it to everyone to try it out. Thanks for all those who worked on it! i had a game set on harder “zombies run fast” settings and actually found a drive-able car on day 1. Drove for quite awhile ( I guess I went the wrong way from the towns) and finally found 2 crappy houses. I Had to keep fighting then running back to my car to survive . Also had to use it to run over a wolf and some zeds. it really makes it feel like people abandoned the cars. Being able to drive/rebuild/repair them is really cool.
  10. Short answer: "Maybe". If you're in a cold area and you have heat sources, they should provide heat. My weather modlets can possibly generate "you're going to die" temperatures, and I don't have any way (well, I didn't set anything in my weather modlets) to configure indoor weather protection conditions. Long answer: I'll try to keep it short General: - My weather mods only modify the overall weather conditions of the biomes (but there's more than just this for weather!). There's no (purposeful) lowering of the heat generated by objects like the campfire/forge/or just "being indoors" in my weather modlets. So in theory if you started a campfire or something with a heat source you'd get some heat. I believe its the same if you go indoors (*but I'm not 100% sure*). Putting on clothes that protect against weather should be working as designed (no changes in my modlet for these either) - I did have a "Survival" weather modlet that attempted to make it colder as your elevation went up (like going up a mountain), but I'm not thinking I can get it to work in a19. So if you're using the "Survival" weather modlet I made this *might* be part of it, if you're high up in elevation on the map. It looks like TFP changed where these configurations are so I'm waiting until I can learn more about how to change temp by elevation, so I'm likely going to suspend/deprecate my "Survival" weather modlet for a19+ for now. - I tried to my weather mods to be more harsh (but not insanely brutal) in terms of the possible weather extremes that *could* occur. I did not test/calculate all extremes out, but if it does get hot/cold enough to kill your character that was considered to be 'ok' in terms of "this will be allowed". More about this below... - I don't know a lot of about how TFP handles the weather (more below). If anyone has any info on my unknowns below, or I'm wrong in some details, please call me out! All 'I believe' statements below are my beliefs/reasoning only and are *not* some sort of internal information I have about the game mechanics/workings. Specifics: - From what I believe, TFP has a "global weather" that cannot be modded with XML (my weather mods are all XML). Then they have a "biome" level weather that you can mod with XML (this is what I'm using). They have it set up so for a biome (say, the "snow" biome) there are several things you can configure up to make that biome overall feel like a snowy area (make it cold, make it windy, have some snow fall, cloud cover, etc). HOWEVER these biome level settings *are relative to the global game weather settings not absolute for that biome*, meaning if you set "temperature = -10C" (or 14F), it will not necessarily be -10C/14F. What happens is that the global game weather may be 21C/70F and the XML configuration for the biome is actually just an add/subtract from the global temperature!. There's more to it (like you get to set a "randomness" in the biome to how cold it should be x% of the time), but essentially the global game weather runs the show, and the biome level XML is like a tweak to those settings. - From what I believe, the global game weather is the weather for the entire map, and the biome XML is to tweak the biomes. If true, I believe that the global weather would not fluctuate wildly (like go to -10C" (or 14F)) but instead would fluctuate a little. I believe the starting and "base" temp of the global weather is 21C/70F. *What I do not know* is how much the global weather fluctuates! I also cannot control how the game chooses what settings I have in my weather modlets as several properties are just "make it this x% of the time" and the game chooses the percentage - I believe the game has some sort of calculations it uses to determine if you are "indoors". I don't know what this really is, but I believe if you're in a room and there's a hole in the ceiling, you have to be X distance from the hole or you can be considered "exposed"/outside. Same with an open door. I'm not sure if weather affects these (like if its windy or super cold does the X distance change). - When I made my weather modlets, I tried to make the weather not be as nice as the default (but also allow niceness, for a short time. The % "nice possibility" is just rarer). "Niceness" is subjective, but also there are several parameters to change, so the "real" odds of getting nice weather drop significantly because 1 parameter may be "no fog!" but another might be "its really, really, cold". Having them all line up to be "no fog, no wind, and not so cold!" should be rare. I also wanted to make the "harshness" for a biome match what it really was (snow = cold, desert = hot). So, I basically just took the default biome level settings and added some extremes to them (both above and below the default...but skewed towards the biome. Meaning: if its cold, skew towards colder), then made these extremes be the more common occurrence. Additionally, generally I then added a 1-10%? chance of "yeah this is over the top cold/windy". So the "extremes" could all line up and happen all at once - I made the weather modlets mostly because I wanted some visual darkness and gloom, but also because I feel that the weather in the vanilla game really isn't an issue to work around, meaning: if its cold, so what. clothes are easy to find, put them on, meh. With more extreme weather suddenly clothing (and clothing modifiers) start to make a difference, or at least you might have to actually think about the values vs "take the best, all the time" and "take off my coat, I guess". I wanted there to be a real chance you might die due to hot/cold and you literally might not be able to make it. You'd have to choose to maybe try to build heat sources (there's no cold sources..hmmm) or maybe make a run for it and get out of the biome. Generally this means (for my modlets) that the burnt forest and desert are bad places to put bases in them as you cannot cool down with anything but clothing). I can't do the math to figure out what specific settings in my XML modlets need to be (to avoid death conditions) because I don't know how to determine how much heat a forge/campfire puts out or how cold/how the global weather might get. So I guessed and fudged a bit based on the biome level default settings so it seemed reasonable that it *could* get bad enough to kill you. I don't know how much weather protection you get from being indoors either. In general, I wanted you to worry about your character being able to survive in every biome... but less so in the green forest (as its basically the safest biome). - Its possible that there's a bug in the game that if the temp gets too cold, heat sources/indoors not work? Anyway: If there's some way to determine (or someone knows) any of the unknowns about weather that I have, let me know and I'll tweak my modlets (likely with an override modlet) to try to remove any possible issues like the heat issue or "certain death conditions". I just don't know what settings and values to change to "know" what the min/max values of weather are going to turn out to be after global weather is taken into consideration, or if there's a "too low/too high" temperature that negates heat from campfires/forges or weather protection from being considered "indoors".
  11. Updated You've got Mail to work with a19 General Changes from last version: - Made game pieces a little harder to find as they are more of a "collector" item with a secondary purpose of being a game (they were showing up more than intended). - Added 1 "Geocaching" treasure map. A standard treasure hunt and dig, but with a very small loot container (only 4 slots) that the RNG gods may bless you with good items....or stuff you would normally find in a geocache...or both. - Added more Boxes/Parcels to open. Some give very good loot items. - Added more notes/papers to read - Added more books (these are not perk books). Added EXP if you read them or the ability to burn them for fuel or sell to trader. Note: the purpose of so many extra books is for fun AND to dilute the loot tables in places you find books so perk books are harder to find. - Added a few alternate recipes for vanilla items that use some of the "junk" items you can find, where it could make sense. Junk Turret Ammo (Regular) Blunderbuss Ammo Armor Water Purifier Mod Cloth Hat Armor Leather Knuckles melee weapon Candle There are a few general types of items in this modlet: ~60 "useless" items: Items that are not of any use, clutter up your inventory, OR can be scrapped or used in recipes. You never know until you try! ~45 books. So you can find more in places you normally find books. ~60 paper items/notes ~40 unopened parcels/boxes: Contain various items. Some good, some bad, some really good. 3 games to play: Soduku, Chess, Checkers, Tic-Tac-Toe. If you have time to burn. Specially sized containers for the game boards. Have to find or craft the pieces/puzzles depending on the game. Collect them all! 1 "Geocaching" treasure map: Who knows what it will contain? 1 Weapon: BB gun (and brass BB ammo). May actually be semi useful if heavily modded in early game and bullets are scarce. If you find it. Or give it to a "friend" and watch them try to reload it and realize it takes only BB's
  12. Added Nerf Flashlights and Player Crafted Lanterns From the current v1.0.0 docs on Github: Description This modlet makes it so flashlights/lanterns are a lot harder to obtain. Removes flashlights and flashlight related mods in loot and traders. Parts to create flashlights are found in loot/traders but should not be common. Adds new items (recolors of existing items) that can be found or bought from trader: Flashlight Case: An empty flashlight case. Can still melee with it. Small Bulb: Small Halogen bulb, used for crafting flashlights. NevRDie Cell: Small C Cell for flashlights and lanterns. Modifies these recipes, to require different ingredients: The melee flashlight The placeable lantern Adds new recipes: Can make a car battery out of many NevRDie Cells. Can scrap a working flashlight for NevRDie Cells. Details: Why? Because flashlights/placeable lantern are too OP/bright and I like a darker game. If brightness could be adjusted I would have made them easier to craft, but hard to craft a quality, bright one. This will force you to use torches (heat sources) and/or have a harder time looting (for awhile) vs turning on your headlight all day/night. The new parts are not common in loot, so it should take a little while to get all the parts and craft, and by that time you should relish the fact you have anything related to a flashlight mod in your helmet/gun This also means those who loot a lot will be rewarded sooner. Tested on: Game version This Mod version Note alpha 19.0 v1.0.0
  13. Modlets Added/Changed: Aug 15 2020 - Added Nerf Backpack Carrying Capacity Aug 14 2020 - Updated 7D2D-EntityRandomizer to add generated modlet for a19 b180 Aug 8 2020 - Updates for a19: A fork of KHelldons a17 modlets. Notes: A fork of KHelldons a17 modlets - Added a little more documentation to most modlets - Finally got KHelldon-GetFramed working, which is a pretty cool modlet. No more adding wood frames to make long horizontal runs in the air UNLESS you use nails to upgrade them first. Made small change to the original modlet so you can build out 1 frame without nails. Previously you could only build "up" with frames, not horizontally This makes it a little more in style with the natural building style of the game. If anyone liked the original style let me know and I'll release an override modlet to put it back. See notes on this as there's a modlet by Guppycur to fix the initial quest progression that requires you to upgrade a wood frame. I didn't add it to this modlet as I wasn't aware of the issue until I ran across it in the forums. Maybe I should...?
  14. "Many of the blocks used to decorate houses (roof edges, window frames, columns, etc) are now upgradeable!" That's pretty cool. I've gotten more used to the "pick a POI then reinforce/rebuild/etc as necessary and live in them as long as possible, then move on if needed" game style. Being able to upgrade more block types will likely make this more fun or at least have something reinforced that looks more "home sweet home like" vs "I repair my house with ONLY cinder blocks"
  15. Thanks, I'm glad you like it! Once I get some time to clean it up, add animals, and make it "user friendly" I plan on making the script that generates the modlet(s) available to everyone (its a perl script, so it might require installing perl, which might be a turn off for some people). *In theory* it should be able to randomize any entity added to the game as long as you do a little work to point to the right files. The dilemma is that once you randomize against any non-vanilla entities, it starts becoming very version/install/client/server specific. The current settings is an attempt to make the added zeds "playable, but mostly harder", but I'd like to add options so you could choose "easier" or "ridiculous" settings. I agree that hopefully TFP will start making more settings/properties "randomizeable" in the XML so every time a zed spawns its random-er, and I can retire this! Also: Until I make the script available, I plan on generating a modlet for every update that comes out. If anyone wants a specific one (or some a18 or possibly earlier versions... it might work?), or I miss one I'll happily generate a modlet for it to see if it will work. I can't promise to generate any for DMT zeds because I'm not able to get DMT working on my system, so you'll have to wait for the script ( not sure if it can even handle DMT generated entities) It is pretty awesome Khelldon (no longer on the forums I think) is the one that made the original mod and gets the credit. I think I actually tweaked it to make the explosion radius *a tiny bit smaller* as it was originally causing extreme frame drops on my system (like the game would freeze for 10 seconds). I laughed the first time I used it too, just for the sound it makes when you throw it!
  16. I'm not sure what Sphereii has made (have a link? I think its the "Transmogrifier: Allow random walk types and sizes for zombies to break up the monotony ") but whatever his is it's likely better as a general rule . Mine doesn't use DMT and randomizes more properties than the Transmogrifier appears to, and I may add more. The best way to think of it is: Imagine you wanted to make zombies more "random". You *could* hand write a modlet that changes/replaces attributes of existing zombies (or do something with modding deeper than XML offers, DMT, etc) or you could do what I did and (have a script) write a modlet that just makes a copy of each vanilla zombie and then changes some specific properties (like run faster). If you ran this script a few more times and put it all in 1 modlet, you'd have a similar modlet the script generates. I'm on UNIX not Windows and I haven't found a way to get DMT modding tools to work yet. Also: If others have good "randomizer" modlets ( Gupppycur has one for zeds randomly getting up) I'll happily leave those attributes out of my script/mod (or junk it altogether, unless UNIX people still need/want it) as I don't want to duplicate or create overlapping modlets with others if I can avoid it.
  17. Added 7D2D-EntityRandomizer Basically: I'd working on a script to clone existing game entities (currently just zombies) and give them some randomized properties, but still make them playable (e.g. no 2 story tall zombies). The script is not yet released, but I put out an example modlet that it generates that just clones the vanilla zombies in a19 b173 with some random properties. There are 332 randomized vanilla zombies in the modlet (4 cloned copies of every vanilla zombie). These are not new skins or colors or anything, just randomized behaviours and some other properties so when you are approached by a zed you probably won't know specifically how its' going to attack/approach or how much health it has. It also may be just a vanilla zed The generated modlet (that I made) doesn't interfere/modify the game other than adding in the new cloned entities (zombies) and adding them to existing entity groups, so it should work with any modlets that don't remove zombies or entity groups. If you're interested, read the docs on Github first before trying to load it! Also: In theory, it could also be used against any other loaded zombies (like the Creature packs, overhauls like sorcery, anyone elses zed/animal packs, etc) but I'd like to get some of the animals cloned and randomized in a similar way before cleaning up and documenting how to do that with the script before making it available as to run it against anything but vanilla is going to need to be run on the client side. Not sure if it will work on servers (would love if someone could test it for me :) but its pure XML and only 2 XML files so in theory it should work?
  18. The Doughs-Buff-Ambiance-DarkerInside mod is just 1 line of XML inside the /config/worldglobal.xml file. The latest version is setting the ambientInsideThreshold value to: 2 <set xpath="/worldglobal/environment/property[@name='ambientInsideThreshold']/@value">2</set> The default value in the game ( a19 , latest as of today) is: .2 ( notice the decimal!) <property name="ambientInsideThreshold" value=".2"/> This mod is an attempt to get it as dark as possible, but is still very "work in progress". I'm not really even sure what this parameter "does" other than it seemed changing it to 2 made it a lot darker indoors. For what it's worth, I've tested these settings and this is my memory of the results: 0 = seems to have no effect 1 = Seems to darken the inside considerably more, then at times it "brightens up" indoors and then slowly darkens again. then "brightens up", etc 2 = Seems to darken the inside considerably more, and appears to not have the weird effects as 1 10 = no different than 2? 20 = no different than 2, but FPS seems to be affected. Anyway, I'm not really sure what the setting "really does" or how high/low the acceptable numbers are. It seems reasonable since the default is "0.2" that the min-max is 0 to 1. Setting it to 2 was just an experiment and it seems to work. Its weird. Anyway... You ?may? be able to get the effect you want by setting it to something like .5 or .8? If you want to try making changes to it on your system (just edit the line in my modlet) This modlet is hard to easily test for a couple of reasons: 1. It appears that the "indoor brightness" is heavily affected by the outside/outdoor/world lighting/weather. This appears to change slowly "while playing" but can change a lot when restarting the game (I think). Basically I had a lot of issues testing as I'd restart and it would be "bright outside" and the next restart would have some clouds rolling in. The clouds, moon/sun brightness has an effect, and the "phase of the moon" also has an effect at night, which changes every day. Even my current modlet has varying darkness inside because of this. 2. The "starts to turn dark inside" effect isn't immediate when you go inside. It takes a few seconds to start kicking in. It also seems dependent on "how far inside you are". For example: I tested with a house with an open garage door. Outside it was "sorta dark" and I could see inside the entire garage. When going into the garage...brightness didn't change.. When walking all the way to the back of the garage, it slowly got dark. Anyway, if you want to mess around with it and find a setting you like (or a combination of things headlights, etc), please let me know! I'm going for "full darkness" but if there's a nice balance it would be good to document it for others. Also: The setting I have of "2" makes indoors on horde night "red darkness". Just discovered that in my own games. Its kinda neat, but not what I wanted
  19. I don't know the answer, but I don't think so *unless* you were able to do it with modding that's deeper than basic XML modding (DMT or Harmony I believe are the main ones people use), or use a server manager, hook it up to your game, and code it into that so it sends the weather commands at the specific times. Both require more coding/knowledge expertise than I have time to figure out. Also: I don't think anything that's at the "XML only mod" can perform actions based on the time of day. Another terrible option, but sorta do-able and I'm not sure it would affect all players (just the person running the command?) would be: - Have the fog mod run with the settings like you show/have, where its mostly *not foggy* all the time. - When nighttime comes, pull up the command window, run "dm" to turn on debug mode, then run the weather commands you want to exist (there's a list of commands somewhere, and I think you can type "help" and a list of commands come up, sometimes with what options they need. Basically whatever command "turns the fog on". Then , if the fog doesn't dissipate in the morning, manually turn it off. Kinda breaks the immersion though, especailly if it's just you playing in your own game without others. With others playing it might be more fun as you'd be acting like an admin, so you're enjoying managing teh game for others, even though you'd also be in it. I've had some admins just start spawning hordes in when the game starts to feel "boring" to too many people (like the day after horde night, people shooting each other too much for fun, etc) and they start causing shenanegins, just to put focus back on playing the game.
  20. Modlets changed/updated: Bugfix for Punishing Weather - Core - A few values were a little off in a biome. Not a big change Added Punishing Weather Rain More - Overide modlet for "Punishing Weather Core" to add conditions to make it more likely to rain. Added Punishing Weather Temp More In Burnt Forest - Overide modlet for "Punishing Weather Core" to make it much hotter in the burnt forest (hint: its because everything is on fire in the burnt forest. No effects/graphics changes just a temp bump). Added Punishing World - Newbie Coat - Remove - Removed the Newbie Coat buff when first spawning into the world. Note: only works if you have spawned after this modlet is added. If you already have spawned it does not remove the existing Newbie Coat buff. I think some other people have written a modlet like this so if you know of them (or are them , please let me know! I didn't steal their idea (well, I knew people have made mods to do it), I just wanted the modlet. If someone already has a modlet that does *just only this thing* and they're maintaining their modlets for a19+, I'll happily deprecate this on my side. Added Buff Ambiance - Darker Inside - An attempt to make it darker indoors. It appears the brightness settings for nighttime apply differently to when you're indoors. If you know of a better way, or something I'm doing badly/wrong, please let me know!
  21. Update (see above post): So, here's a chunk of documentation about the weather and how the "probabilities" work. Note that this documentation may be outdated (TFP seems to update it, but there's some really old documentation/notes floating around mixed in with the new stuff) but it's all I have to go on. Example: <weather> <Fog min="0" max="0" prob="0.1"/> <Fog min="20" max="30" prob="0.95"/> <weather/> "This would mean there's a total probability of 1.05, by adding all the 'prob' values of the 'Fog' conditions. There's a 9.5% chance there will be a 0 fog condition and a 90.5% chance the fog condition will be between 20 and 30. This is because 0.1, from the first line, is 9.5% of 1.05, the total probability of the fog conditions; and 0.95, from the second line, is 90.5% of the total fog condition probability of 1.05." Note: It may be easier to visuallize your control if you make sure all your probability values for each condition add up to 1. given this, my "core" modlet has this (a random biome CloudThickness section taken just as an example): <CloudThickness min="0" max="10" prob=".05"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="40" prob=".1"/> <CloudThickness min="40" max="70" prob=".2"/> <CloudThickness min="70" max="80" prob=".45"/> <CloudThickness min="80" max="100" prob=".2"/> All the probabilities add up to "1", so as I read it the probability of the CloudThickness being between 40 and 70% "thick" is 20%. On a side note: It appears that the weather changes really slowly (on vanilla game time settings) so I don't know if the CloudThickness was 0%, and the game recalculated the probability and it landed on 100% CloudThickness, exactly how long this would take to go from 0% to 100%. Based on some games I've played, I *feel* it would take several "real life minutes", like 5-10 minutes. I have no idea how often the weather is "recalculated"! Anyway...If you changed the 0.05 line to to .5 (and did not add another line) we get this: <CloudThickness min="0" max="10" prob=".5"/> <CloudThickness min="10" max="40" prob=".1"/> <CloudThickness min="40" max="70" prob=".2"/> <CloudThickness min="70" max="80" prob=".45"/> <CloudThickness min="80" max="100" prob=".2"/> which means the probabilities add up to 1.45. Doing the math above (warning: I could get this wrong!) that's .5/1.45 = 0.3448. This rounds to .34 which is 34% . So 34% of the time the CloudThickness will be between 1 and 10%. My guess in the above post of 30% appears close . Honestly, I'd say try playing with the setting change you made and see if its close to what you want. If the "clear days" are too many/often, simply drop the number of the line you changed until it feels right. I didn't do a lot of testing to see how all the weather conditions "felt/played", I generally just took the "biome weather default" settings for each weather parameter and then worked around the average of that setting (for temperature for example), making the "nicest/cleanest looking" weather condition only a 5-10% chance of happening *for each metric*, so if there ever was "nice clear day with no wind and a nice temp" you could really appreciate it as the odds of that happening for all metrics combined are really, really low. Likely only one of the weather metrics will hit the 5% "nice" probability at a time.
  22. Thanks! I love playing this game when it’s super dark and you don’t know what’s out there (well, the sounds usually give it away. I tried making more zombie sounds that “fit” and it was a lot harder than I thought. I’m still chewing on that idea). I also like that you can’t go into a POI or underground when it’s dark unless there’s lights in inside or you carry light as it can be pitch black at its darkest. I wanted to do a “flashlight “ mod where there were batteries and “tiers” of flashlights so you mostly could only find weak/dim gun and helmet lighting (or parts), and would have to work up to crafting the flashlights that are the current brightness in the regular game. It might be possible with a19. When I first tried in a17? I couldn’t make it work, so I just didn’t use flashlights ;). Also: Throw something like the community creature packs in near total darkness and it’s a lot of fun .
  23. I would love to do seasons. I could imagine setting each season to last... 7.3 days that way you get to battle the horde in each season for the first 4 horde nights, then after that it gets a little unpredictable when seasons change. Additionally. I would start day 1 in spring to give you time to build up for summer and winter. thr big problem I see with this is I have no idea how to control the weather like this in a plain xml modlet. The only way I can see it happening is via a DMT mod (which I cannot do but is likely a good option for someone with more skill than I have) or a server side process or mod to one of the server tools. I might be able to pull that off but I don’t know how many people would want to go to the trouble installing it. If I went this far, I’d likely put in some “random hellish weather” events, like rain for days, etc. or wherever the land claims are make it extreme weather for a day, etc. it would be a lot of work for me though. I’ve looked into it just a little, and all of the tools are in languages I don’t use on a daily basis . anyway, I might make some more override models to the core weather modlet for more rain, snow, wind, etc so you can tune it more to your liking without having to hand edit the xml. I’ve looked a little into maybe making some biome mods to go along with it (like snow in all biomes.... or snow patches at least, for an “all cold world”, maybe like the Winter Project mod) but technically those are not “weather”. I’ll check and see this weekend. Your changes might work (just guessing). The last updates I did for a19 I tried to “standardize” all the settings so it would be easier to make and maintain override modlets for the core weather mod. I think I decided there would be a 5% chance of “nice weather setting” for each parameter, which is where the 0.05 comes from. The o lot reason I’m not sure how well your changes would work is I made all the probabilities add up to 100%. There are some notes in the xml the pimps made that indicate that it doesn’t have to be 100%, it can go over 100% (which your changes likely do, if the docs are right) and that they do some calculations to figure out the final percentages/odds for that weather setting. So since you’re adding .5 (which is 50%) and taking away my 0.05 (5%) the total should add up to 145%.... and that’s where I’m frizzy as I don’t have their xml docs in front of me at this moment I do think it will work like you want, just not sure how well (will it be 10% like you set it or it will actually calculate out to be a lot higher percentage/odds which I suspect it is. I’m guessing probably 30%?
  24. Forgot to update you I tested them, tweaked a little and they’re released (see above). There are a few things I noticed I don’t like: 1. the nights are not as dark anymore. I made another Modlet to try to fix this, so you may also want to load it: “Buff Ambiance - Darker Nights” 2. the desert seems to have “intermittent sandstorms” with rather clear views, like every minute or less. It looks a little weird and I’m not sure yet how to make it better, e.g perpetual sandstorm visibility. Also: There are some things I’m looking into to make these modlets “better”, but I don’t think I can change the FPS or density of the rain but I can make a “rains a lot” modlet. Another possibility I’m looking into are some of the FPS “tweaks” people have posted. Some of them cut out graphics of things far away.... so maybe if the rain/fog/etc were so thick and constant around you you could activate those tweaks and it wouldn’t hamper FPS As much and you wouldn’t be able to see anything far away anyway.
  25. I haven't tried these (newest) ones yet on a19 but I plan to very soon. They look awesome! Thanks!
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