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    Mediocre application support, bad sysadmin, terrible coder

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  1. I'm going to take a break from modding for awhile so if anyone wishes to copy/dupe/fork or update or reuse parts of any of my mods (see "EXCEPTIONS be" below for the exceptions) for 1.0 and beyond, feel free to do so! Permission granted to everyone, etc. per the "Unlicense" license i put in them. All my mods source is on github under my username. See the 1st page of this post for links. EXCEPTIONS: Any mods i may have on my github that have a different primary author (anything a20 and previous that has my username and theirs in the repo name and details in the readme) does not have this permission as i was just maintaining a different persons mods, so they are not mine. They all have a github repository name like "7D2D-Doughs-<Primary Author Here>-Mods-<game version>".
  2. just spitballing as i love the "have a camera and take a pic and then have an in game poster/art to hang"... There was/is? A mod that lets you put images on player made signs (i thibk) and i think you had to just enter any URL pointing to an image on the sign. So if my memory is correct then i could i imagine that you could start a web server up on your local PC to get a local URL and have it serve images from it? Edit: looks like it may be in the SCore mod, and you have to edit the "ExtendedAigns" config in blocks.xml from "false" to "true" to turn this on. May also? Only work with gifs but i imagine any URL pointing to an image would work
  3. Update: yeah, i just tried making it "as dark as i used to be able to do" and i cannot. It also appears other modders are making it "darker" but the light levels are still super high (to me) even during 2AM on day 5 which was in previous versions "the darkest because of the least moonlight". so: my darkness mods are useless now, and appear unfixable. I even turned the vanilla "game video options" brightness setting down to 0%. my only suggestions at this point are: - load someone elses "darkness" mods (there are some on nexusmods) to get a bit darker. - maybe load a "dense fog" mod as well. I loaded my a21 one (not the foggiest, but generally very dense fog) and it was foggy but useless to block anything far away. my only hope for darkness is now the overhaul mods others have written (or any mod not using xml) only may be able to pull off the darkness with custom code/hooks i to the game. it just depends on who will do it, when they release, and how dark they are able to make it. but my opinion at this point is: its waaaaaaaaaaaay too bright (visibility at night too far, etc), with no easy ability to make it dark. Im not sure with this new change if darkness is added (with mods) if zombie sight detection suffers (like "its so dark, zeds cannot even detect me!"). Brightness/visibility is so high i dont even care to test it as I'm bit playing it with this level of brightness seemingly built in. Theres no point in using lights/torches/anything light based, which i enjoy doing when its super dark. anyway: yeah im not updating my darkness mods for v1.0 because i cannot, and ones already exist in nexusmods that do the best they can so use those, but i al very unhappy with light levels/modding ability if them as they currently are
  4. Ah, my bad I can run some tests this weekend probably, and they are "simple" mods so testing/tweaking for 1.0 should not be hard. I think some other modders have already released 1.0 compatible "make it darker" mods already for 1.0 so it should be doable.
  5. For those 2 mods: they dont work well with afterlife, im not sure why (i usually load all my mods in any game i play, and pull those with issues. Ive logged the ones on ky mod page that seem to/to not with with afterlife on a21). Given that: It does get pretty dark though at some nights and in some interiors, just "horde night" its very bright. So i think afterlife has messed with the darkness settings a little. Its not "total dark" but I've died looking for mushrooms at night in the pine forest because i couldn't see zeds coming.
  6. Ahhh, i finally have traps and generators and vehicles using gas and solar! The base is lit up with lights and electric doors are locked and closed! Let's eat! Just let me ...add. firewood to my campfire ... i built indoors....on top of this stove... right next to this microwave.... and coffeemaker.... and toaster...none of which i have found a use for no matter how many books i read. Built my own 4x4 but this campfire, its all i got yeah once you see it you see it
  7. Been playing afterlife. Afterlife's infection so far has worked like this: - you are not infected until you get hit and (a chance to catch?) catch infection. - infection increases slowly (days). - once it hits 100% you "turn into a zombie" but not really, you get a 10% permanent debuff to all? Stats (im pretty aure). notes: - i dont know if every time you die of infection if its another 10% debuff or permadeath or something. - you can drop (and pause) infection with antibiotics, honey just pauses. There is a honey based syrup you can craft thats like 50% as good as antibiotcis - there are ways of farming honey - you may be "forced" to go put at night and hunt glowing mushrooms as ingredients to craft the syrup. anyway: i played and died to infection 1 time, and that was enough To understand how i was going to have to adjust gameplay to keep infection at bay once infected (im never not going to het hit as i play sloppy). Now keeping infection down is just another mini quest to do unless i accidentally loot some antibiotics. Once you get used to it its just another mechanic to manage. You may have to travel a bit in the forest if you use up all the mushrooms in your area and cannot craft herbal antibiotics yet. also: afterlife can be grindy, especially with higher tier guns and vehicles. The forge mechanic is different. Its got a lot of different. Building is grindier so choosing a poi to live in is prob best early game, but building a small place is not impossible early game. It has a mix of "learn by doing" and "read magazines to increase crafting skills" and even a perk you can put points into so doing makes you learn a tiny bit faster. and it has a lot if ores, and apparently? No traders, just bending machines for guns and food/candy. So far thats all i have found. i did find that i had some issues adding mods to it as it changes quite a bit (like a new rain effect which is cool so weather mods i tried were a no go as it changes the weather. horde night blood moon is "lit up" so all fog lofts, etc, which i kinda am not a fan of. personally i like it as its grindy early game, and it does fire off "large hordes you run from"from time to time.
  8. I hope so, and i kinda want "same damage as the bullets i have" as we are all using the same bullets/caliber. Of course generally same "base damage" and not with all the perks i have. Of course: no one wants to be 1 shot killed without some warning/ability to dodge so hopefully if they have 1 shot capability (like a major rare boss?) you will get a "laser sight effect" on you (your vision) for a sec or similar warning. i shouldn't get hit with, say, an arrow and take 5 dmg and then turn around and shoot with the same arrow and do 45 dmg
  9. Yea: spear used to be throwable. They removed that ability in.... a20? I miss it. ricks and snowballs (and grenades/pipe bombs/charges ) still are throwable
  10. Orrrr... if players can look like zeds.... then this might make for some really interesting pvp servers. Choose to be a "human almost zombie faction" or human faction. Actually encourage people in pvp to team up possibly! of course, everyone would be dancers and jens so need to have some sort of guard against that. i would love to have a base with random humans who joined me and up drives a gang of zombies on bikes and 4x4s.
  11. Agreed! Its a neat mechanic that keeps you on your toes a bit when not prepared (like when you base in a fresh poi vs building fresh specifically to defend against it). If climbers came back i would be overjoyed. Like if I found out Santa Claus was actually real, he came to my house on my birthday and gave me all the presents (just pallets of cash thank you) and then told me how i was always his favorite and all others were worse than me. And then he personally bakes and leaves me cookies. Cookies that when eaten teleport me to the elven village at the north pole. Once there the elves and i all dance and sing. After eating a big meal of food from my childhood Christmas memories i ask why this is happening and the elves tell me that since climbers came back, all the children stopped asking for gifts as they spent all their time playing 7D2D and had no need for more material possessions. anyway, something to think about TFP. Think of all the children. Only you can make them truly happy. Bring back the climbers. Save earth from unhappiness. Give santa and the elves a much needed vacation. im serious: i really miss them. and shooting them too.
  12. Not sure who it was but i watched a youtube vid yesterday and someone tested "blocks to see if screamers can see you through them" and it was quite a bit and there was (as they reported) not an obvious pattern to it. It *seemed* to me there was more chance of them seeing you if the block was not centered (was offset so it was on the edge of a voxel cube) and was thin (like less than a 1/2 block).
  13. ahhh, i see. Yes these would be cool as well and i would categorize them as "open building challenges" or something. Hmmm... just thinking aloud... The first one could almost be there today but yeah they dont seem to ever make you place blocks to get around a poi. Even like for a small gap/break in stairs/ledges. I would think the "easiest" and cheapest way to be "sneaky" would be using the rope and maybe a block that could be placed above (like in a hole in the ceiling) to indicate "rope can attach to this block and you can climb up here". But its rather simple and doesn't even exist (craftable rope in vanilla). The "trap blocks" could almost do it too: see loot and walk to ward it, fall down, have to build to access it. Other than "TFP doesn't want to do it" (and this seems to be the case, judging by all existing pois) the only "gotcha" i know of is if you are trapped and "have to build to escape" that is painful if you don't have blocks or tools to harvest and craft them on you. TFP could probably easily make 2 (smaller)loot rooms and 1 is "on the path" and the other is "have to build to discover/access" - for the second one: yeah that would be fun, but nothing in game comes even close except maybe "the digging quests kinda counts block removing in an area showing a circle" so why couldn't it count "block adding" and (simple concept) to count to say 100 blocks in an area around a point/npc/trader and then spawn attack waves? Basically: fortify around x and defend. You get to place x blocks. Hacking it would be to place a lot of blocks outside the determined area (and that would be a lot, given area size) so... spawn zeds inside the area at the edge. Something like that. I could see the traders having a tiny hut at game start (or living in a trailer) and your defense quests keep asking you to build it up, with larger and larger area for more and more waves. You fail, trader is now zed food, you lose your trader! You could base at the trader too, because that that point why not?
  14. I know this talks about "picking up crafted blocks" but its also more of "fixing misplaced blocks". There have been overhaul mods (gnamod, afterlife) that (only for blocks though) make you put down a "template block" you can only see when holding an upgrade tool like the hammer, and then you choose when to build it (using resources from player inventory) after its put down. this would also possibly solve the problem, without using a timer? Not sure how "easy" this would apply to workstations/non standard blocks.
  15. Also: for all the nerdpole lovers/haters and my comment to remove it via slow build, i would like to elaborate: i guess to me its just a bit too much "not reality" and allows an immersion break thats too far for me. But ultimately (as you can just build ladders and this is "reasonable" in a way) its more of the quickness and speed at which one is allowed to nerdpole. If it were slowed down enough so that you couldn't pole up in 2 seconds with a few blocks in your toolbelt and escape zeds/bears/etc without any planning i would be more ok with it. And i also feel when playing multiplayer it would make the world a little "nicer looking" if all the pois that had been nerdpole looted had ladders or some decently crafted effort to get there from the outside vs "yet another stack of 40 straight up frames that looks weird". I guess its a minor annoyance to me and for a survival game it just feels like a huge hole (to nerdpole fast like today) to take away a lot of the danger of surviving. I do like there is at least ways/mods to turn off nerdpole ability (works in multiplayer as well) and its not baked into the game but "slower building" would probably be a middleground unless you really like to be able to just hit all the lootrooms directly and escape almost any situation by just "up and on a roof". I know everyone has different playstyles (and time to play) but "fast cheap nerdpoling is the default" seems like it should not be the default settings for this game (or any survival game with puzzle buildings or attacking enemies). I guess its also Its kinda like having a "super high jump" and you can just jump over and on top of everything, day one. No need to fight anything (mostly.... the loot rooms are usually/always defended)
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