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Everything posted by Aldranon

  1. There is some good material here for a TV sit-com. Kinda like a Seinfeld theme meets Neebs Gaming. Bunch of young kids trying to make ends meet in this modern age, under one roof. It could work with the right actors!
  2. I would say some streamers are very skilled at their favorite games. Last time I heard, a Youtube streamer can get somewhere between $1-$6 per 1000 views. That's very little money for the time they spend trying to entertain/inform plus editing (most do some editing). But thats not the point, is it. You want to play and it annoys you that a weekend is "wasted". I get it, I think everyone gets it.
  3. Sounds like you're bored, maybe an epic book to read: My choice would be a biography on Temujin (Chinggis Khan). It would read like high adventure mixed with some unbelievable action and combat.
  4. True true. If they were dead they would not be moving. And if they were alive, they would be in this thread, arguing with the rest of us! 🙂
  5. You guys worry about when a computer game will be released. Bah! Muons wobble faster than they should! The day reality as science knew it, fell on its face! Remember you were alive when something stupendous was found.
  6. I would say the few survivors remaining (as 7D2D looks like some "double tap" disasters happened) would have found various levels of NIJ armor in various police stations. The super duper NIJ level 4 is heavy and most people would not want to haul that heavy of armor around. But the lighter ones would be common IMO. But many of the ones that are still alive would have NIJ armor or a very good off grid location. I'm not sure what the military armor is called, but I'm sure its good too and would be used as well.
  7. ^ THIS is a great idea! Maybe double the chance of berserk after a game hour passes. Or at midnight, all zombies go straight for the player, destroying all blocks in the way. Call it "Midnight Madness" (until 2am), Then, have all the super strong zombies for that level come at the "Witching Hour" (3am-4am). Maybe signal that time with a "Screamers call". Of course people who really like to cheese things might not like it so much. But I think many would like an increase in challenge.
  8. Thanksgiving weekend would be great for the streamers, they would get some large numbers of viewer I'm sure. The weekend before Christmas would be a good marketing ploy. However, now would be good for me, just PM me with a testers key and nobody will ever know! Well, just a few would know, from my squeals of laughter and joy!
  9. Didn't Prime die over 2 times as well in that playthrough? Just speaking for myself, success through dying is not a meta I prescribe to. I stopped watching after his second death. Now I don't know what he focused on, but it sure seemed pretty bad. The "Death bonus" is very strong however... For my first go at A20 I will put most points on Strength. If that's too easy then I will change things up a bit.
  10. Who would ever do that?? Real men/women don't need no sissy walls. It just slows down on the kill'n that needs to be done! My horde base is a six-pack of beer and something that causes them zombies to stop a mov'n!
  11. #This just in!!!# The CCP has informed the United Nations they will invade the Fun Pimps as they say the Zombie wasteland is their rightful wasteland! They will reconsider if TFP release A20 as soon as possible, and not one day after! #That is all#
  12. Yup, I feel the hype train coming! I like the Strength/everything else in about a 70%/30% split. Then a "Forget this" elixir, once I can get max INT for steel and a motorcycle if I don't already have one. I play that for awhile if I have two sledge turrets, because too much fun if they are place just right!
  13. After watching the dev streams, there is a 100% chance that I will focus over half of my skill points on strength. Madmole was doing well in Ep.1 and I know he focused strength. A20 seems to be a step up in difficulty (I don't know what difficulty level they used, however). Dying twice in a survival game (if the first time was a computer/program/interface thing) is always a delete save file and restart for me as believability is gone after that. So, strength for my first go at A20.
  14. With the map's borders you could allow for interconnecting maps in some future alpha or game. Have some JIT process, so precreation of maps would not be required. Of course having one "Mother-of-all-map" matrix already made for some huge city (like NYC for example) would make it so you could include the airport, accurately placed, as well. It would not be overwhelming difficult, but it would be another thing to code, test and debug. Also you could prompt the user with some non game breaking message like: : The highway ahead says 30 miles to the next town, do you want to go down that road? (1000 Gas required). Something like that.
  15. Well done, you're a true gamer in the best sense of the word. I do that sometimes, but the temptation is always there to go down the "Dark side"... or more accurately, the OP side. I allow myself one fall from a gyrocopter, if I do it again (90% of my deaths) the game is done. I don't use gyrocopters until late game (obviously) by then I'm a bit bored with my invincible setup anyways.
  16. And this is the key, even if you wanted to stay away from strength, you almost cant as a solo player. The temptation of playing strength ("Just one more time.") is compelling. With strength at "full power", a tweaked auto-shotgun and lots of ammo... (Lets add a tweaked set of heavy armor, because YEAH BABY!) Everyone knows what happens when you step into ANY POI (as of A19 anyways). They're all speed runs. Admittedly, I LOL'd myself through many POI's and made timed runs through the tougher ones. (Edit: Clearing runs that is)
  17. Each player stat category allows for a new game feel, as the way you play can be different, if focused on. INT is not the easiest, but if played to it strengths, can be great fun (the sledge turrets are real monster killers if placed well). Strength is powerful, but can get boring if played all the time. So with A20, I plan doing many builds, knowing they will not all be a "Super Rambo". I'm ready to add 1000 hours to my play time... SOON!
  18. I would not doubt if they used a large, well known city that had an extensive subway/sewer system. It would be only a partial voxal game (some blocked areas could be destroyed) to improve performance. There would be missions/endeavors the player would be given/self-motivated and a base with NPC's that rise and fall with your success or failures. Good candidates would be: New York, Moscow, London or Paris. In that order. You could have major DLC's for the other cities, Running between $20-$60. Depending on the detail of each city. Apocalyptical devastation would allow for creative short-cuts of course.. That would keep any company busy until the year 2034.
  19. Or allow the trader to be destroyed by zombies or players even! It should be well defended however. I think one of the mods has that.
  20. 7D2D is a specific type of survival game and it seems that its not exactly for you. There are many games that are different enough that might be more appealing to you. One game is free and was made in 17 days on a bet (basically). Not an overarching survival game but more of a shooter. It's surprisingly good for the time invested. Oh right. the name is: 死寂 Deathly Stillness The 死寂 is basically resaying the title: Die Quiet
  21. There are several ways to gimmick the game so BM nights are little to no problem. But as its a game, then doing what is pleasing/exciting to you is where the win is. Someone basically said if your having fun in a game, you're winning if not, your whining. 🙂 Make changes if your not having fun. Experiment.
  22. That was me... Every time I get a Gyro ("Al go splat") machine...
  23. A climbing spider zombie would put the game in a great spot! I would go so far as letting them climb ceilings too! Oh yeah, that would be scary! Webs might be a problem to implement but could be worth it, if it uses the same code for some type of zipline casting for NPC's and players. But if they don't have it for this game I bet the next one will have that.
  24. IS THAT RIGHT? Around 1400 new shapes and POI"S ??? Holy cow that is new game hype train right there for me!!! SO I'm reading it as around 200 new POIs and the rest are shapes. Is that about right? Talk about a modders paradise right there!
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