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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. A lot of the reason why these suggestions about fixing PVP are met with skepticism is MM's many times stated mentality of "it doesn't do that on vanilla settings"... it's disheartening because he comes off as if the current game is good enough, and any problems you have with the current setup aren't important if you're changing options, much less modding. I mean, do y'all even realize the lcb doesn't work properly? And that's not even a mod! That mentality has been extended to PvP quite a large number of times, too. "This is meant to be an 8 player co-op game", blah blah blah. When take something as simple as say, "if you have too many recipes, because all recipes load in all workstations you'll get serious lag" and he responds with "oh well, play vanilla", he's NOT saying "we're in alpha right now and we'll work on that later", he's saying "suck it up, we aren't worried about the future." So I'm /hopeful/ that these things will eventually be addressed, but MM's method of communicating make people think otherwise. /hoping he explained the skepticism well enough
  2. Arena's are definitely where it's at in terms of fun... to be able to specify areas for PvP in a PvE world would also be great... sub-biomes, copies of the biomes, I don't know or care, but it would be FUN to enter an arena and either toggle PvP on/off for THAT PERSON or have it on/off when they're in the arena. Obviously someone who isn't toggled PvP on cannot hurt someone who is. As a whole, the only way I see 7days integrating nicely with a true PvP environment is to either increase the hell out of the gameplay mechanics to it at least feels like PvP, or make death meaningful. Just my 2cents. Well, I'm up to at least a dime now, since I keep basically saying the same thing.
  3. True. The server browser needs better clarification and tool tips.
  4. Older players will by nature be better prepared... Various claim block types would add to the game regardless of any of this. I say go for it.
  5. They are going to make the game to the base level player. That's a fact. What you want to argue for are options, and fixes.
  6. So... the server sends the data that tells the client to change the data (dying, etc), but it's the client that actually changes it?
  7. Is the headshot mod part of it? If so, then those body shots are useless.
  8. <buff id="healInfectedWound" duration="10" actions="se tvar(scratch, 16)"/> ...no closing /buff
  9. @poo What's the argument FOR having lcbs in a PvP game?
  10. Depending on how serious tfp is in making a viable and different experience for PvP, long term sustainability as poojam suggests has to be taken into consideration. If PvP is just going to be a slight variant from pve, then ignore him. If PvP is going to be done right, then consider him. I was a competitive fps player back in my day. I don't PvP 7days because it sucks for it.
  11. It happens to me a lot. I'd call it mad genius but I think it's actually functional retardation.
  12. Oh yeh; get rid of bedroll respawnimg too. And fix the underground glitch and Minibikes-push-you-forward-when-dismounting glitch. Glitches first, feature set later.
  13. Also, claim blocks make it easier to find bases.
  14. Again, not against options. I am against MM constantly talking about their vision of how the game should be played, so my concern is fewer options. ...but this thread has been focusing on the wrong stuff from post 1. The real issues that need to be solved are the ease in which one can hack, and the general cludgliness of the controls. Not to mention lack of 1 block crouch and lean.
  15. My logic against making it available is the pimps making it the ONLY option available. I like options.
  16. I honestly don't get why getting your base destroyed isn't an expectation. Does it suck? Sure, probably... But it's one of the few things that separate 7days from a normal fps.
  17. If you're building an elaborate and pretty base in PvP, you're doing it wrong. Just saying.
  18. I see it as a role play of sorts. You log in and have stuff. Everything you have is fair game; why should there be a special block that makes your stuff not fair game? Just doesn't make sense to me. You log off, it's as if you "wandered far enough away so you can't get killed", but if you didn't take your stuff with you, too bad for you. It's still fair game. Don't want someone to destroy your base and take your stuff? Stay logged in. Can't because you have a kid/job/life/whatever? Then maybe PvP isn't for you. Why should other players have to suffer? Just doesn't make sense to me. If you have a lot of time invested into a PvP server then you already don't have to worry about this happening to you, so why bother catering to the casual players? <--- This is not an insult, it is a comparison of effort put in by people who are on a lot and people who are not. ...they don't have a lot of time invested into the server, so they shouldn't reap the rewards of having had a lot of time invested, i.e. block protection. If you /really/ want to make it so that players can keep their stuff safe, then just increase the backpack size so they can log out with their stuff and be done with it. LCB's are used as punishment far too often as it is, they don't need to be in a game that really IS "Survival of the fittest". Gotta disagree with ya on that one big R. - - - Updated - - - AND AS ALWAYS, the most important thing is to find the right server for you.
  19. Bloom has always had a special way of sharing his feelings.
  20. PvP by Guppy LCB's are dumb. They cause players to scale faster towards invulnerability, and just don't make sense in a PvP setting. Not online to defend your base? Tough. Why should people suffer because of your schedule? Game mechanics like skills, are what makes this game not UT. Removing them to make this a straight shooter is dumb. Leveled loot is already a dumb idea, but further exacerbated by PvP. The current "not really" random spawning is dumb. Death penalties as they are, are dumb. The victor quickly stays the victor, since the loser gets weaker and weaker far too quickly. PvP should be Dead is Dead, and Drop All, to make it fair, otherwise it's dumb. Even the level 200 purple guy will think twice before challenging a level 1 bow guy, if the bow guy actually has a chance to totally wreck his world; he would be dumb otherwise.
  21. Building hills in Hals does indeed take time... ...but ripping hills from RWG or NAV, then placing them into your prefab, takes very little time at all. Especially if you're fluent in the I asked Hal to put in. - - - Updated - - - In your case (And I'm making up numbers here), I would rip a hill range, cut the layers to the height of your enbankment, say 12, cut the depth, width, and call it a day.
  22. Oh, I was only going to bring it into nav so I could rip it easier. Nav is faster to work with in Hals. Wasn't going to keep it there. BUT, the info you just gave me saves me some research, so much appreciated. I really like what you did on the north side of the river; that little hilly area. Ultimately I wanted to edit it to make it look more or less like: - - - Updated - - - This is San Antonio's River Walk (Texas), and basically you go beneath grade to get to it. The roof of the 2nd story is "ground" level in the city... so you would have a deep recess with a river in it, and buildings on the banks.
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