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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Kinda reminds me of that modded server thread you started. I guess you gave that one up. =)
  2. ...the game, the bug or the crappy wireless company?
  3. ...so... a dev (gazz) suggested my morning poops are content. Is this the right section to post pics? Or is it video only? I can make that happen. Oh yeh, I have a youtube channel I don't give one iota about, but I'd be happy to accept suggestions for improvements. I've already ditched some things I was doing earlier. https://www.youtube.com/user/oll1998
  4. Naw, talking about how *I* look at x,y,z; if the editor even has labels, I gloss them over when using it... I use more of a n/s/vertical to get my bearing, and visualize what I'm building. I definitely call layers z. I had a point, but it's long lost...
  5. @stomp I've always viewed it as when looking at a monitor, x is left to right, y is up and down, and z is towards me or away from me. Like Hal's was, with the layers being z. - - - Updated - - - @pille Yeh, Dropbox or drive ftw.
  6. Just as soon as I'm caught up on work, I'm testing the CRAP out of this.
  7. How is xyz different across the pond? I thought that was math...
  8. Lol, call it "advanced mode" and call advanced "standard". ...really mess with people.
  9. @Sphereii It may be time to get rid of Simple Mode. Just a thought (that I'm sure you've had).
  10. When you ask God why he didn't warn you that you were going to die in a fire, he's going to say he warned you twice.
  11. Lol wait, it was due to overheating hardware? Btw, I'm an insurance adjuster, and we like work.
  12. I've split too many logs with an axe in real life I guess, but if you insist on gating, duplicate the axe (call the new one a splitter, you can tint the icon for variation). Or, allow axes to spit wood, since, they can. Just watch out because I would build with those logs (like we could in the past). That's fixable too
  13. I thinking, just from reading his responses and having not yet seen your launcher, that he hasn't pointed your launcher to the game path, and its default is /7dtd/?
  14. One day I'm not going to fix my phone's autocorrect of sdx (it is sex), because it would be hysterical.
  15. Sdx will require more beef.
  16. Pap-smearing Vajayjay's Pleasantly?
  17. Pretending Violence is Practical. (little weak, but I like it)
  18. I wish they still had the teddy bear... Much more definitive error message.
  19. This is why we can't have nice things. ...is this bickering even remotely productive to the conversation, or does it just further illustrate the negative stereotypes of pvp? Speaking to no one in particular.
  20. Bah, Nm then. I'll spend the 10mins editing the recipe xml. ;-) (Cracking myself up since 1971)
  21. Saves me the trouble, thanks. Hm, I thought you were done, didn't mean to break your post string.
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