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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. That would be pilles domain, but I imagine the form has a set minimum resolution so everything fits.
  2. Hm. I think we could have done a better job communicating the need for a wipe between 14 and 15... Hopefully we won't need any more wipes, but I'll endeavor to improve communication going forward.
  3. Ok. B15 absolutely required a fresh save from B14; there were many changes to what would essentially mess up the player file, so it sounds like that is the case here. ...now, if it was a B15 save and you're seeing issues in B16, we would absolutely love the logs to see what we broke. =)
  4. @squid ...what version was the game started on and what version is it now?
  5. I heard he drinks while doing xmls. ...warm milk. Because he's a girl.
  6. Use the direct link, then copy over the appropriate files to your server. There are so many variables to your question (self hosted, rented, ftp access, desktop access, can overwrite dll's, can't overwrite dll's, etc...) for a really good answer I'm afraid.
  7. Lol yeh, the ai is pretty intensive in the mod... if they want their pack back, then they need to stop being insane (definition is repeating the same thing over and again expecting a different result) and find a different way. Me, I'm stubborn (coincidentally has the same definition as insane), so I end up in that very predicament.
  8. Yeh I saw there were people on, I just couldn't pop in. No worries, I'll try again the next chance I get to play (tomorrow night likely).
  9. Ah, yours is the server I tried to join last night but couldn't... -1 ping, I assume that's bad. - - - Updated - - - Not crafting while you're not at a station is my desired result btw. =) (We don't yet have a consensus on that though) I want to be able to use my custom particles, not the campfire one, so that's on a todo list for later.
  10. Working on a few minor updates; nothing to break saves. ...but another reason to use some of the more... magical weapons.
  11. Yep; absolutely. Keep yourself full, that's the best way early game... there's plenty of food, so that part shouldn't be a problem. I do find it funny watching streamers with stacks of lettuce thirsting to death... =)
  12. Not for b15 I'm afraid. Too many little things and no one kept track. =)
  13. It looks weird placing down, but it will place down. B15 out. ABSOLUTELY requires a new save. Should be the final save breaking update. - - - Updated - - - Sweet, danke!
  14. What's the server specs? Also, b15 will be out soon; it will require a wipe, fyi.
  15. The mod is pretty resource intensive, and that biome particularly so... Likely the chunk didn't generate before he went in it, and now his player spawn point is an invalid location.
  16. After Jurassic Park I'll be able to test today, and I'm fixing to head out to an early morning viewing of that, so... cool.
  17. You could say, navesgane is... Old school. (Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week...)
  18. Thanks; it's been fun learning. =)
  19. Oh, and shaman blight spreads slower than necro blight. You shouldn't see necros until later gamestages, so that does help. These streamers are by far the farthest along in the game, and it will give you an idea of what the later game looks like.
  20. I will explain how it will work in b15 since it's more relevant, since it's changing slightly. Blight spreads, and any adjacent block gets damaged over time, so the town WILL crumble. Purge crystals will not only remove the blight on their aoe, but prevent blight encroachment. Yellow has a small radius, blue larger, red largest. The idea is to chase you out of town... Let's face it, it's a lootfest and the entities can be cheesed like Vanilla ones can (nerd poles, roofs, etc). Blight can't be cheesed. =) So, you get all comfortable in town, building your base, thinking you're hot ♥♥♥♥, then the blight comes and you end up running like a little girl with only the things you can fit in your backpack and saddlebag. Hopefully you have enough stuff, but in likelihood you won't. =) Now you're out on the Frontier, blight chases you on a more regular basis because the game stage brings the specific entities, you know now that it's foolish to establish a base, and now you have a purpose. Defeat the blight. Building yourself up strong enough along the way, so that you can travel to the crystal biome and get what you need. Will it lag? No. ...hope this helps. In theory you can recognize and target the specific entities that cause the blight, and actually prevent it from spreading far before you can contain it. But that is going to take playing the game differently than you're used too, as promised, and making different decisions.
  21. B15 release pushed back because stompy is a little sick. Should be soon though. ...but the delay did let me get the dragons breathing fire (as well as another nice surprise) as God intended, so that's good... =)
  22. Please post the stream link, I enjoy watching them. =)
  23. Huh? Post the log? I've seen those blocks in about a dozen streams; you may be missing the .unity3d file that contains them.
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