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Everything posted by Slingblade2040

  1. Any chance of lowering scream spawns when mining with an auger or even the steel pick? I don't mind roaming hordes falling me while I'm mining but the screamer spawn rate is on the annoying side.
  2. I go mining with an auger and screamers spawn like crazy even with a steel pick they still spawn alot while mining. the army they can call in can get a bit out of hand and almost turns into a horde night in itself and honestly it's a great way to farm experience but really frustrating when you are trying to gather resources using high tier tools. What exactly is the reason to even have them in the game besides to be annoying or to use as an experience farm? I'm fine with the random roaming horde dropping in while I try to mine but having to deal with screamers over and over and over gets really annoying and honestly it just isn't fun.
  3. PC specs are CPU - Ryzen 2700x, GPU - GTX 2070 and Memory is 16gb. Did Crack a book tower to go loot it for more schematics and wow. Also gamestage was 70+ which probably didn't help. Didn't die but was under prepared and had to run out the building a few times to collect myself. Now the main issue is the damn lag. I turned the settings down to medium and even then I was still dropping down into the 20s which is ridiculous. I know this is experimental and it will get optimized but man oh man the towers are really hurting things now which sucks because they are an amazing challenge. Because if the other towers are that much fun then great but the performance for those areas really needs to be better cause hitting low 20s in frames is a huge probelm.
  4. Wait why do you carry so much junk into a PoI? The only items needed when going out looting is a Melle weapon, pickaxe, fireaxe, shovel and wrench. Food and drink you find while looting, most of the junk you find you can scrap and for the rest be more selective..I've dropped paper or lead even if it was a pile of 50 or more since it's so easily obtained. Also if this is a multi-player thing then even more reason to prioritize what is more worth taking. Adds a layer of importance to the loot instead of oh I want to carry every piece of loot that's in a 2 story PoI.
  5. My settings for this are. .difficulty Nomad,, 90 min days,, 64 max alive blood moon and zombies at jog during day and default speed for both night and blood moon along with feral sense active all the time.. I Love the town layouts and better graphics but there seems to be an overabundance of loot for certain things and getting high tier items very quickly. there are things which have changed for the worse in terms of difficulty and how the game is played. I will also say that most of the problems are them trying to balance a game for both single and multi-player..atleast that's what it looks like to me. Food in single player is not an issue at all with the over abundance of small animals, farms, vending machines and traders to get food from. Also people saving canned goods for recipes which they may never find can lead to food problems but that's outside the pimps control for people doing weird things. Infection should be a concern as I have seen a few people complaining about how difficult it is to find honey or antibiotics which is good. Way to many people want this game to be as easy as possible with little to no threats from the zombies. Pipe machine gun weapon along with the ridiculous amount of ammo found needs serious balance. It was insane that on day 7 having a tier 6 pipe machine gun with mods can out classing a tier 3 machine gun think it was called the tactical assault rifle. The pipe machine gun weapon along with any melle weapon is enough to get you through an entire play through. The amount of ammo found is also a bit high along with zombie bags dropping tons of ammo especially the shotgun ammo. Again this might be a single player problem. An easy solution to some of these problems would be more settings to change in the advanced tab. From zombie damage to crafting costs for items to even how fast crops grow or how much they yield to even how often the trader and vending machines restock. It works fine for other games and I feel this would solve alot of issues as far as multi-player and single player goes when it comes to certain things. Bit of a long read but this might entertain ya on the toilet. Hope your legs don't fall asleep.
  6. Have Day count Zombie variations ever been considered? Like I don't mean gamestage since it can vary because of difficulty but like actual days passing in game making the zombies mutate due to just the passage of time? Like once we get past day 49 and onto day 50 we see new Zombie types or old ones with new abilities.
  7. Ah ok. Forgot to mention that. I had no idea sorcery had that type of stuff in it. Here I thought khain was showing us some mercy and added in some fancy feature to make living at the trader more desirable lol. Many thanks for the information.
  8. Are we suppose to get exp when the Guard NPCs at the traders kill zombies? Not sure if this was answered already or not.
  9. Yeah just figured that out lol. Kept seeing on 17.1 b9 on the upper right hand when I loaded the mod but didn't bother to think that I was using the copy of 7dtd which was 17.2 instead of doing a direct download of the 17.1 version from steam.
  10. Is anyone else having an issue with a white screen? Can't seem to play a new game without the screen being totally white. I've reinstalled the mod a few times, changed resolution, gamma is at 0% any possible solutions? Thanks.
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