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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Same link I always just update github. Makes it easier for everyone + then it works with the mod launcher.
  2. That took me AGES to upload, but done! v1.4.2. UMA Textures reduced in size from 4096x4096 to 2048x2048. This means the game doesn't need to generate them on first boot anymore, and performance has been increased (at least on my laptop)
  3. Okay. I am home and the UMATextures are very slowly uploading to GitHub. Will update this post when they are all done.
  4. I am pretty sure localisation is also client side rather than server side.
  5. Chances are i'm either dumb af and missed it, or dumb af and got the code wrong. So if you spot any, do tell me! EDIT: Oh! You could also be missing a localisation file. That controls perk/skill/quest/item descriptions
  6. What 'ave the Romans ever done for us?
  7. Definitely going to upload the modified UMA textures tonight. Random frame dips are a LOT better on my laptop and the initial load times are way better. Not sure when as I'm still in Wales right now, but definitely tonight.
  8. This is correct. The CNC machine is not craftable on purpose. You have to go find it. Icon files have to be client-side or they won't work. The server only pushes XML as far as I know (had this issue locally. Wife had the icon files in the wrong directory) As for the lag, check YOUR memory usage. I've noticed it tends to happen around UMA stuff (new zombies, survivors, bandits) and the smaller texture files I'm working with has really, really helped with this! So even if I don't push the rest of the mod on Sunday, I will be uploading the new texture files.
  9. I shall do that when I get home
  10. Also I'm testing stuff. Put the combat axe and iron crossbow in from valmod and put the stone crossbow bolts back. Decreased the size of the UMA textures, which still look great in game AND it loads faster so I will likely include them as standard.
  11. New zombies and altered traders with guards and no protection work fine on navezgane You just won't get the rad zone, compo pack or new POIs
  12. I started looking at it to put the hornet back and thought my brain was leaking. Plus waiting until A17 lets me port the mod over way easier... Especially with no item id or block is numbers to worry about!
  13. Hopefully it does. Open source software usually has tons of useful plugins.
  14. Well I just found out GIMP has a batch image resize plugin. So I'm having the laptop decrease all of them by 50%. Should help on file size and in the game.
  15. I left it set to zombie or none for the UMA's for the same reason, didn't want people picking them as profiles. I -may- change that for the bandits and survivors though. RAM usage normally sits around 8GB once it's done whatever it needs (tested on my 3 machines and I got Kickz to give me info too), so that doesn't seem to be a problem. I may do it anyways though because then I can just start including the UMA folder with the mod to prevent issues.
  16. That's normal while it generates the UMA textures. First boot... let it get to the menu, go make a drink, come back, generate your world and log in. Then reboot the game to clear your RAM. If you have high RAM usage and a BUNCH of red text when you start the game, you're missing the UMATextures folder, and your RAM usage will never go down (tested by me and Games4Kickz on 32GB machines. Making the folder fixes it)
  17. Katana, no because it requires the use of SDX. I'm putting off learning that until A17 drops so the SDX folks have time to patch and I have time to learn more about XML + convert the mod over. Combat axe.... MAYBE. I keep meaning to look at it, then I forget. With the axes skill, that may not be a bad idea. Legendary specials, sort-of. I don't plan to EXACTLY copy the special zombies other mods have, but I do want to make my own. There's 1 in already.
  18. Have not already implemented, but I likely will be. I have the code written but I need to test it.
  19. Yep, that's basically what I was thinking. Got some code quickly written up, but commented out so I can test it later. Looking at making the stone axe an actual axe so it can start working on that skill immediately, remove the upgrade ability from it and put in a stone hammer for that purpose so folks can level construction tools.
  20. Hadn't actually considered that. I could do it as "lumberjack" that works like miner 69'er but with an entity damage boost as well. Cos... y'know... huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ axe....
  21. Yes, but I believe it uses the "downgrade" method so uses up extra blocks. However it is something I want to look into. EDIT: Looked into it. It doesn't use extra blocks, so I'll look at adding it in. I'm also going to look into the "door bash" mod.
  22. Yep! You can go out there and explore. Already tested it. For now I'm just going to have the hub city only POI's spawn out there so there's more chances for loot from the skyscrapers. The downside is that players need to keep an eye on their co-ordinates. Anything beyond 22,500 is getting into "you will crash your game and screw your save" territory.
  23. And since folks asked about version numbers... something basic for now. The wife said she's going to make a logo later.
  24. Thought I'd share what I have been working on tonight... Better quality available here for anyone interested.
  25. I love watching kickz. The manly warcries are the best part of the show when someone subs. Though being called a bastard for changing the wrench recipe was pretty awesome too. I totally clipped that.
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