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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. No, you didn't request. You demanded. Your post literally could've been summed up as "I don't like this. Change it." That's not a request. It's not even a suggestion on how to make it better. Also the fact you seem to think my feelings were hurt by that is... kinda laughable. The fact ONLY YOU seem to think it's a flaw when it's been in the mod for over a year speaks volumes IMO. It's still not getting changed. There are extra ways to get skill notes being put into the mod because I had them in A16 and couldn't find an acceptable way to do it when A17 came out. I now DO have an acceptable way to do it. You're still going to have to work for it. That is intended. You. Don't. Need. Every. Class. You just want several of them. That's not a mod-design issue. That's a you issue.
  2. In THEORY... no. You won't need to restart. New biome is in the experimental branch but I can only get the bloody thing working on the maps I've made. It isn't playing nice with RWG right now. And here's an example of how to get me NOT to change something. It's not supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be a grind. It's designed to keep you constantly looking. Short answer: It's not getting changed. You don't need all the classes. Rethink how you're playing the mod, or don't play it. But don't come in and try to make a demand because that's not gonna go well. Food/drink changes are currently desgined to mitigate the new Near Death debuff, which makes the farmer class WAY more useful.
  3. You don't. The game has a max stack limit before it starts to do strange things. 30k is the accepted safe maximum, 50k is the absolute maximum. Anything over 30k can cause issues. However if you want to risk breaking it, you need to find unit_iron in items.xml and increase the number there. Most of the others extend from that, so changing that one should fix the rest. Absolutely NOT recommended though. I'm hoping 2 weeks max. I would like 2.1 to be out by the end of the month. You're welcome to try the experimental though. Going by tester feedback so far, I don't expect many game-breaking changes at this point.
  4. Try updating. Apparently I commented out something i shouldn't have when trying to fix an NRE. So just updated the file. Specifically blocks.
  5. Most mod creators don't add modlets, or even seek to make them compatible, because they feel it doesn't fit with their vision of how they want the mod to be played. Something you folks should consider before trying to work out what you're going to stuff into UL. It might ruin the carefuly crafted experience for the sake of you wanting more shiny stuff.
  6. 1) Localization error. Crucible is level 4, which you need to have completed your class quest for and be player level 30. 2) Scrap recipes and books you don't need.
  7. That's probably why then. Not much I can do about that because the spawn trader block is a vanilla function. However I'm absolutely be going to recommend folks use the maps I'm including from now on, just because I'm having so many problems with getting the RWG to do what I want regarding POI and biome distribution. I honestly wish they'd just put the A16 one back for now.
  8. 90% sure that's the armor skill... And pretty sure it's because it was accessing an incorrect cvar. EDIT: Fixed the errant cvar and pushed to gitlab. No idea if it will fix it, but I'm basically re-writing the progression file anyways... soooooo...
  9. So... 2.1 is going to be delayed. I realised I HATE the A17 progression system. Absolutely hate it. So I downloaded A16 and I'm converting that over as a base to start with, then adding in A17 perks that I like, mod specific stuff, etc. - - - Updated - - - That's the vanilla trader spawning block I think. Which means either people are moving traders around... which I do NOT recommend because the block constantly spawns traders, or something else is messing with it.
  10. ^ This is actally a good point. I've had 7DTD say it can't find steam unless I run 7DTD as an admin... and then other times it just works.
  11. Absolutely no idea. I don't use the mod launcher. Could try making sure all the .NET 4.0 or higher framework is up to date. Failing that, beg master Sphereii for help.
  12. I'll need the output_log to find out what the issue is there. I also need confirmation you're definitely using the 2.1 experimental build. It sounds like the armor use skill might be bugging out, but I haven't had anyone else report that yet. And yeah, you might have to delete his profile to fix it. That's why the experimental has a big warning on it.
  13. Are you using any server tools? I think there's a way to teleport an offline player if so. I'm REALLY bad with the server-side of things, so I'm just going by what other folks have told me. I believe I was told about that. Sounds like it's just a localization issue. Feel free to ignore. I'm re-doing a lot of that anyways so I will make absolutely sure that it's correct for 2.1. Any incorrect XML will be pushed from the server, so you're good. Also, just a bit of an update for everyone regarding what's going on right now. 7th was my wedding anniversary, so I spent the whole day with the wife. Next week I'm away at a festival for 4 days, 14th to 17th, so any messages during that time won't be answered since I'll be in the middle of Wales with a potato for internet signal on my phone. I -will- try to hop in the discord. But I might be drunk. So you've been warned.
  14. That's intentional. It's supposed to be an automatic, but I set the XML up wrong, so that's on my to-fix list.
  15. Absolutely not. Wellness was hard coded into the DLL, so putting back the old system is impossible for an idiot like me. Might be easier for someone who actually knows what they're doing. But a basic emulation of it IS possible, which is what I'm thinking of. I would like to have it so the player needs to eat at least once a day. As an example, as a fat, lazy SOB, I have 1 big meal and 1 snack per day. I figure someone who is in shape and fairly active could survive off that, but might need more fluid intake. So I do want to look at balancing that, but first I have a million and one ideas I want to get working and other things I want to fix/balance. Unlikely to be something I do anytime soon, but I'll see if I can get it into 2.1.
  16. I know I replied to your PM, but putting it here in-case anyone else needs it. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=1 That'll work with 17.1. What I would do is manually install that to 17.1, keep the folder backed up, generate a world and then copy THAT to the 17.2 data/worlds folder. I don't think anyone has yet. Ask the creator. They might be willing to whip up a compatibility patch if needed. It's definitely on the trader. May look at adjusting the probability. Will also be adding a new vehicle in 2.1 of the mod that will probably just need a wrench to build. OK, so I quoted this instead of the huge post just because it'll take less space on the forum then. What I'm actually looking at doing is changing raw food, so instead of giving you food poisoning it just makes you actually sick. Let's be honest, eating raw meat and uncooked eggs is absolutely going to make your stomach bad regardless of food poisoning. There are some things your body just doesn't like. Normal food that anyone can cook won't have any special properties. Then I'm going to completely change the Near Death debuff, because I HATE the fact it nerfs your crafting ability and makes players feel like they can't do anything while it's there. Instead I'm going to look at a version of the wellness system, something like your health and stamina are reduced to 50 for X amount of time... And better food/drink will increase this cap while you have the near death debuff. So looking after yourself with good food and good drink will help to mitigate the effects. Not totally remove... just reduce.
  17. Just pushed another small hotfix. - Reverted self medicated changes due to a Stack Overflow error. - Tweaked position of one of the snow traders in DFalls-Small2 as it was underground and letting cthulu out.
  18. Took a day to mentally recharge, so sorry for the delay on replies. Afraid I have no idea either. I just know some folks have moved their saves over with no problems at all... and some it's been an absolute sod for. You're just unlucky. I've seen folks have all the tools by the first 7 day horde. No idea. TFP said RWG in 17.2 is the same as 17.1, so I copied over the mixer I was using in 17.1 with no edits at all. Scrap Iron Hoe recipe is granted by the first level of the Living off the Land perk, which Quest 2 should have given them. If it didn't, there's a generic skill point book in the admin menu you can give them so they can purchase the perk. You make it the same way as vanilla. Stick clay soil in the forge and it smelts into clay.
  19. Just a localization issue. It's still there. Initial upload of the mod had a localization derp that I fixed about... 15-ish minutes later. EDIT: Ok, did a small hotfix. - added durability back to the battery since the bank is apparently a pain. - made bacon and eggs always unlocked. - re-pushed the localization file, just in case.
  20. That error looks like the rock01 error. Which means you're running a 17.2 mod on 17.1 or your 17.1 didn't update properly. 2.03C is on nexus. That's the only way to use an earlier version. Problem is that may also mean vehicles will return to their durability being affected by the battery, which I didn't want... so needs some testing. Fixed it. SDX is included in the mod builds, and yes, you need it.
  21. From what I've been told... Put them in the Data/Worlds folder on the server, then open up serverconfig.xml Then find this. <property name="GameWorld" value="Navezgane"/> <!-- RWG (see WorldGenSeed and WorldGenSize options below) or any already existing world name in the Worlds folder (currently shipping with Navezgane) --> As per the note, you just put the name of the folder in Worlds where Navezgane should be. So DFalls-Small, DFalls-Small2 or DFalls-Medium.
  22. I bet that's the bugger causing the problem.
  23. Might need to make sure the save is in the correct folder. Not sure where that would be for the mod launcher. I've only heard of that issue if using a controller.
  24. Huh. That's kind of annoying. I shall have to go poke at that and see if I can fix it up. Thanks for letting me know, Only thing I can suggest is delete and redownload the game, then delete and download the non-experimental version of the mod. Launcher wasn't fully downloading files last night and that's what some folks in the discord had to do to make it work. Thank you Glad you're enjoying it. Just stay away from wasteland, even small 2-block patches of it. God I hope RWG gets fixed soon. Yep. Made in the camp fire or working oven.
  25. 2.03 games should work. No issues reproted by folks testing. The only issue that did turn up is sometimes the launcher isn't fully downloading the mod. Not 100% sure if that's a launcher issue or a git being slow issue.
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