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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Some classes can't buy some perks. Laborer, for example, can't buy steel crafting because they get it as part of hammer and forge. The reason I did that is because people kept complaining they could buy perks they didn't need. I recommend using The Perkolator to view perk requirements since I CANNOT edit the "Disabled by status effect" text.
  2. The problem with that, is if it's a quest POI, you can just reset it if you get a quest for that location. So you can loot it, reset it and loot it again. Don't get me wrong, it IS a good idea, but yeah.... sadly it can be worked around in A17. Also Dwall needs to hurry up with WotW. I want to play that again.
  3. That was exactly the problem. Made the retirement village super OP. Been wondering about doing that myself but still very unsure. Also, while I remember, the experimental branch of the MOD on the launcher has been updated for A17.4E compatibility.
  4. Combat shotgun is fully auto, so you can just hold down left mouse and go to town. And those ones in POI's have been placed at stage 2 by the creator for... whatever reason.
  5. Sorry folks, had a pain day and passed out for like 18 hours... not even kidding. I see A17.4 experimental is out. DF currently DOES NOT work with this. I'm gonna update the experimental branch tonight or tomorrow but I have to do some DLL edits before I do my SDX patches. I also need to compare the XML between 17.4 and 17.3. I know folks have already mentioned this, but totally delete 7DTD, then totally delete the mod from the launcher as well. Make sure to back up your save. That should fix it. Will check them later, but make sure you aren't putting them near other plants. That was a bug in A16 if they were near plants that needed water. Planting them away from those plants seemed to fix it, so I thought it was worth mentioning. Craft items granted by the future technology perk. You CANNOT unlock all 6 perks. You have to pick the technology tree or the bio boosts tree, so pick wisely. Yucca smoothie I think? I do plan to look into drink effects to see if I can help with that. - - - Updated - - - THose storage boxes are just for decoration. Mushrooms you can't pick up are in growing stage 2... plants have 3 stages: Seed, partially grown, grown. Seed and grown can be picked up. The middle stage cant.
  6. THere is a way to do it, but the last time I tried that folks were bitching they got maps with 0 traders. So I absolutely do not want to touch that.
  7. You don't wanna mass remove them. You only want to remove them from the ZombiesWasteland2 and ZombiesWastelandNight groups. Those are the wasteland spawns. For the record, I can consistently kill them in the open with an automatic weapon and steel/military armour. If you can keep pouring on the damage, they basically get stuck in a pain anim loop so they can't attack. They're also slower than ferals, FYI. I didn't increase the amount of resources on blocks. Perks and tools give a bonus, so it'll be miner 69'er helping out. Mining skill also increases resource gain. Oooookay... 1) I knew about this, I just didn't bother to fix it in 2.1. I figure if you need to dupe leather, you probably have bigger problems. 2) Known and fixed. 3) Grease Monkey 1. It absolutely exists. You also don't need to craft wheels. 4) That's kinda the point since you need to finish a class AND get it's mastery AND take the appropriate crafting perk to level. It's called a reward for spending a ton of time doing something. As for the military armor, it absolutely doesn't have an armor rating that high. It's 8 PER PIECE at T8, which caps out at 48 physical damage resistance in total for all 5 pieces. Anything else is likely mods you have installed. 5) Will probably revisit this later, but how about using the crosshair? 6) That's the point. It's end game armor. 7) Again, that's the point. Titanium takes ages to get to, as such you should feel suitable rewarded. 8) Twisted into the ground is something to do with POI's, and it doesn't do it with all POI's. It seems to be mostly compo pack ones and I have no idea why. It ALSO does it with vanilla cars on occasion. 9) It also has a range of basically point blank. The base damage of the ammo is 25, which is the same as a stone arrow... so by that logic, should the wooden bow be nerfed too for having more damage than a shotgun? Also, shotgun SLUG base damage is 80. 10) Most folks in the discord seem to feel it's about right since you can get them from bookcases or safes. I MAY consider tweaking this, but it sounds like you may need to hit up places with lots of bookcases and safes, like a bank. EDIT: Double checked the loot. They're also in filing cabinets and desks. 11) Compo pack POI. Not my problem. I suggest reporting it in their thread. Yep, I know about that with the radiation. As mentioned, I'm working on it. I'm also trying to get rid of the random patches. And yes, they do something.
  8. Like the bunkers and because they spawn in there. So going into the bunker would cause an NRE if they're removed from entityclasses.
  9. Not sure why it's doing that. It WAS doing it in an old experimental version, and I fixed it, so that's very odd. In theory the modlet is compatible because the SDX dependencies are already compiled and included. As for the class issue, it SOUNDS like it might have partially reset your character, which is very odd since I've got testers switching back and forth without issue. Mmmmkay. There IS a point to it.... but there's not supposed to be that much radiation. I'm gonna be tweaking the RWG to see if I can fix that. You can disable them in entitygroups. I don't recommend disabling them in entityclasses because it'll screw up some POI's.
  10. That was my bad. I had steel crafting as a requirement for the last level of ammo crafting. I shall remove it for 2.11. No, that's not intentional for the stamina regen. May have to look into why it does that... but I'm also semi not concerned about it. The only thing the laborer can really make early is the steel tools, which I think is fine. Maybe guns if they get the schematics and lathe because RNG loves you. Steel armor is going to need a high level no matter what and most other stuff can be made with iron. Turn off shadows, reflections or try gfx pp enable 0 in the console. Sounds like the mod may be loading more assets than RAM you have available though. It typically uses 6-7GB RAM while playing for me... and that's just for 7DTD.
  11. Nope. You are correct that it's find only.
  12. Yep, that'll do it. Can't really play modded 7DTD with only 4GB RAM. 8GB should be the absolute minimum with 16GB recommended. All the extra unity files for models/textures/sounds are 1.46GB on their own. Female animals have a chance to drop babies in a loot bag on death. Chickens can be "caught" by placing an egg on your hotbar, selecting it and then right-clicking. That spawns a baby chicken near you. Eggs should also give you a journal entry on animal husbandry, so I recommend reading that before spawning a chicken.
  13. I'm just happy folks are enjoying it Thank you. I'm absolutely stumped on what the problem could be... I've not heard of anyone having a reproducable, very specific crash like that. The quest doesn't unlock the bicycle recipe, but you do get access to Grease Monkey so you can buy level 1 immediately to get the bicycle and wheel recipes. Level 2 gives you the minibike.
  14. I'm playing with the spawns a little, but I am seriously considering making all male animals aggressive.... but honestly I'll likely just tweak spawns to turn it down a little more. You shouldn't need to, but it can't hurt. You should also be able to back up your vanilla save.
  15. That's really odd. Have you tried completely reinstalling the game and mod? Just in case it's decided it's not properly downloaded something. Kickz is a pain in the butt, but we love him. Traders do NOT have guards on servers due to a bug, which I THINK is fixed from what my testers have told me but I haven't had a chance to confirm. You can copy all files called settlement_trader from Data/Prefabs on the CLIENT version to Data/Prefabs on the SERVER. This will restore guards to unexplored traders. Just be aware I haven't tested it myself so it's totally a "use at your own risk" thing.
  16. What's it doing specifically? May need to reinstall but it's also possible you may need more RAM so I'd need more info. Plants need water within 4 blocks. A rain catcher spawns a water block roughly every 60 minutes. I know it'll go about 2 blocks in most directions as well so that should give you some ideas. I actually had that in an earlier version of the mod. Most folks hated it and complained, AND it caused quite a bit of lag, so I decided to remove it. Shame really. SSD does help, but I've been tracking down the issue and have some potential fixes I need to test. I mean the one that's a bunch of military tents out in the wasteland. That looks like you're using a 4k map. The mod isn't really designed to be used on anything lower than 8k, so generate a larger map or use one of the pre-made ones.
  17. Food poisoning goes away on it's own. Honey is damn near a guaranteed way to get rid of it. Goldenrod has a small chance because I forgot to update it to give it a better chance. Will make a note to go fix that.
  18. Will check the drop rate. That is not a recipe glitch. Making the fusion forge and laser workbench REQUIRE using the ones at the bottom of the big bunker.
  19. Feel free. I'll take any help on other languages.
  20. I tracked down the lag to animal/zombie spawning... specifically non-vanilla ones. Working on a fix already. And I know the translations are really bad. I only speak english but wanted to provide french and german at least, so I used google translate.
  21. You sell your soul. Nah. Kill lab zombies and loot the bunkers. The lockers, desks and boxes in bunkers all have chances to drop research notes. The keycards are dropped from military zombies, lab zombies and hazmat zombies and are absolutely used. They're for the bunkers. Glad to hear you're enjoying it. Now, while I remember... I MAY have a fix for the spawning lag, However, it may increase initial game load-times, and it may also increase RAM usage. I need to work on it later and do some testing, but I AM looking into it.
  22. Generic schematic note cost... thing... is definitely up for tweaking. That was a bit of a last minute addition. Animal spawn is being tweaked as well. I'm actually re-doing the spawning XML completely to see if I can work out this annoying stuttering. I THINK I know why it's happening right at the start of the game.... you know when you equip a new gun/tool like scrap or the combat shotgun and it stutters? I think it's that. I think it's loading in the model + animations on spawn. I wish it'd just load it all at game start like A16 used to. Behemoth is intended, yes. They spawn in the wasteland. Sadly I don't have any way to have biome spawns adjust based on gamestage.... kinda sucks, but hey. Radiation zones and the demons are for some of the higher level perks. The ones listed as biological boosts. You need something that drops from them. As gpc said, you need water within 4 blocks of plants for them to grow. The water is consumed. This does NOT apply to trees.
  23. Military Armor is made by the security class. Welding torch is found in cars and boxes. I just changed thr drop rate in 2.1 so the working stiff/construction boxes have the best chance at 50%. Delete the game from steam, then go into the mod launcher and delete it there too, then re-download BOTH. No idea why the update is screwing up, but that always fixes it. Glad folks are enjoying it, and thank you for the translation. Saves relying on google.
  24. Go into your video settings and turn OFF texture streaming. I have absolutely no idea why, but 7DTD likes to randomly turn it on. I think it just likes breaking our brains tbh. No idea on HDHQ. Haven't used it myself.
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