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Everything posted by Roland

  1. 9 Billion Dollars Matt. The only reason more powerful companies would copy the gameplay and "defeat" the game is because it becomes wildly popular and makes gobs and gobs of money. So yes the game could get ripped off by other companies and the market could get flooded by clones but how is that defeat? That is Success with a multi-billion dollar royalty attached. PUBG might be yesterday's news and on the decline due to all the competition that eventually jumped on its bandwagon but so what? The devs certainly expected that the game would eventually run its course. They know that the huge past popularity will fuel the future fervor for a PUBG2. No, I don't agree that winding up like PUBG is any kind of failure that Illogica/ TFP is risking by putting out Bloodmoons. To end up like PUBG Bloodmoons will have to first reach the kind of popularity that causes AAA studio execs to take notice and push resources into making a clone. By that time it will already count as a win no matter what happens in the end.
  2. So TFP’s game might end up like PUBG due to everyone copying their gameplay and that makes it high risk? PUBG has made 9 billion dollars so if that is your idea of the downside of a risky venture then they should definitely go for it….lol.
  3. They said there would be more news starting in 2024 so it would make sense if they aren't talking about it here in 2023: Stay tuned for more infos in 2024!
  4. Twitchcon was the first announcement of something coming soon within the 7 Days to Die universe but that's all they want to do right now is simply tease it. More info will definitely be coming when it is time but right now there isn't really enough that they desire to release for information to really discuss. It's fine for people to slowly find out about it at this time since it is still not ready to be released. There are a lot of assumptions and speculations about what the game will be like but nothing substantive has been revealed on any media platform. If you desire to be among the first to know anything then you should subscribe to the new TFP club on the bloodmoons website. Do that and you won't have to hear about new developments later by accident reading posts of people who already found out. Can't find the link at the moment as I'm going out the door so maybe someone else can share it.
  5. I'm well aware of the tagline to the title of the game. In my opinion, this game is still just as much survival and crafting and horde as it ever has been. It is easy for players to stretch those things out of proportion via min/maxing behavior but the game absolutely does not have to be played that way outside of competitive PvP public servers. Even if someone feels like looting is a requirement during the early game that definitely tapers off as the game goes on and more time can be spent doing other activities so that an entire playthrough taken as a whole is still very much a mix of everything it has always been. I'm not the type to want to start a petition and start litigation if the final game doesn't exactly deliver survival, crafting, and hordes in equal measure and as the top three main pillars of the game. That's why I didn't mention survival explicitly in my meme. All of those components mentioned are part of and contribute to survival anyway. My point is that while it says survival horde crafting game, in reality the game is a mix of many activities and some specific activities will dominate in importance at different phases of a playthrough and some specific activities can be ignored while others cannot be ignored but they all contribute to surviving against the horde of zombies. I think you'd be surprised at how many people love the OP trader rewards. WE know they kill the crafting game but that's because most users of this forum value crafting as the preferred method of attaining our own gear. They could force the nerf and do some other things to throttle down the significance of questing in this game and there will be a @%$#storm about it from all the people who love A21 and "never asked the pimps to overhaul questing in such an idiotic and unrealistic fashion obviously trying to lengthen the game in a hamfisted artificial manner..." Seems to me to be a perfect situation for some options so that those who love the current balance and prefer earning rewards and trading for top gear to crafting it themselves can still have what they want. If TFP just makes the change I'll be happy with it but there will be some who will call TFP anti-player or some such nonsense...
  6. My point is that the disparity in leveling pace between players can't be solved. Even if the game is perfectly balanced (say through daily quest limits) for players of differing playstyles to be able to keep pace with each other as they level up, there will always be players who can't log in as often and they will always be behind. It just can't be helped so why make such a concept a litmus test for whether the game is balanced in one area or not. Sure, if you min/max quests and I don't you will progress faster than me. Also, if you play every day and I play only on the weekends you will progress faster than me. There is no solution to prevent some people from progressing faster than others so it isn't the right approach to critique the role looting has for player progression. Also, you (or somebody) might need to explain to me why it matters in PvE multiplayer that you are level 30 and I am level 10. I've wracked my brain and can't come up with any compelling reason why it ultimately matters. If we are playing separately on the same server there is no conceivable reason why it would matter and if we team up then as a team we are still together more powerful than the game's threats even if the combined gamestage is a bit higher for me than I would experience alone at level 10. So please do explain it to me and change my mind since you already stated you won't be bothered if I claim otherwise. Yeah.....but it isn't the new players who are complaining. It is predominately and almost exclusively the veterans. New players don't have any reference to compare the looting to crafting/building ratios of previous versions of the game. Therefore, my counterpoint of "little to no time crunch" is directed to the group who is doing the most complaining and they certainly do have little to no time crunch. Their pace is still way way beyond the difficulty curve of the game. Meanwhile, newbies who will ultimately become veterans are most likely the type who are enjoying any time crunch they feel. But it isn't a crafting game. It is a crafting, building, exploring, farming, looting, trading, killing, leveling, mining game. So you aren't expected to craft everything. As I stated, I actually craft more in A21 than I did in A20 and if they nerf (or give us the option to nerf) quest rewards I expect to do even more crafting in the future. But 7 Days to Di isn't a crafting game. It is a game that has crafting in it. As soon as your expectations rise to the level of it being a crafting game you are always going to be disappointed. Same as those folks who want it to be a Stealth game.
  7. You kind of do whenever you designate the game as a “looter shooter”. Every time someone has labeled the game that way they were ranting that this is all the game has become. I agree that early on you can’t survive without heavy looting but that’s just early on. It’s like looking at the phase of the game when you’re ready to build your final base and then saying that the whole game is just a building and block crafting game. This game has not supported PVP mp very well since Alpha 10 and Alpha 11 was the first time people started realizing PVP wasn’t the focus of this game. As for cooperative MP why do you care about relative levels? I’m always far behind levels compared to my brother simply because I can’t play as often. It’s no big deal. Just due to frequency of play you will always see differences in levels between players— good thing we’re all on the same side. As for maxing out skills you can still do it but it takes longer. Did you mean maxing out skills fast is what people want? That’s their choice. I’ve said it before that there is no need to rush and loot exclusively in order to keep ahead of the difficulty progression of the hordes. The first couple of horde nights don’t need hardly any preparation so that’s 21 days to prepare for the first mildly challenging event. If you are questing exclusively for 21 days just to be ready for Horde night #3 you will be far beyond the horde’s ability to even challenge you at all. And that’s playing solo. With a team it’s even easier. I'd be a lot more in agreement with you if there actually was a time crunch to prepare adequately. At any rate I do agree that a non-looting game is no longer possible.
  8. You’re right, I can’t. And yet even with the imbalance of the quest rewards I still find myself crafting my own gear more often in A21 than I did in A20. If they can provide an option for nerfed rewards then it will be perfect.
  9. No way! I've planted too many seeds without reading a single book to be able to start drama with THAT line. Here is my top ten list for Roland starting drama with an alt account: 10. Hello! Realism!! Why are the cars so disproportionally big?!?!? 9. Why could my ancient ancestors gather water from streams but I can't in the game?!?!!! 8. Unity? The devs should totally start all over with the Unreal engine!!! 7. How does water condensation and dripping create heat?!?!!! 6. Where are the skeletons? 5. Where are the newsstands? 4. Is this a zombie apocalypse survival horror game or a post-apocalyptic madmax game?!??! Devs make up your minds!!!!! 3. This game has been in alpha for almost 15 years now?!?!! Devs are sus!!!!!! 2. This game used to be about crafting and building but now it is 100% looting and shooting! Devs lied...the game died!!!!! 1. Now they're putting out a new spin-off game while this one is still in development?!?!?!! This game will never be finished. Devs have moved on!!!!
  10. Kind of a Mike Hunt ring to it right?
  11. All I see is confirmation that Adam’s alt accounts now include Madmole and Matt115. Who’s next? Kuosimodo….?
  12. Wondering is different than what we’ve seen here from some veterans. When I’ve played Minecraft or Valheim I’ve wondered why I don’t have to drink anything at all and I never get thirsty even though I get hungry. But then I just accept it as the ruleset for those games and play. I suspect the same is true for people who are new to this one. They figure out the rules, accept them, and play. It’s just like how someone might wonder why we don’t need to water crops for them to grow when they come from other games that have farming. They wonder but they don’t get outraged.
  13. I think the "anymore" is the biggest issue really. There are many veterans who have made the switch in their brain and are not bothered by the inability to fill a container of water directly from a lake or river. New players seem to take the limitation in stride along with many of the other nonrealistic elements that are for the sake of gameplay. So really, the only problem comes from those veterans who can't get past the "anymore". Gotta disagree here. If water is just as easy but just in a different way then I challenge you to get 54 jars of fresh water by day 2 in your different way.... I'm not sure what problem you believe TFP believed we were having but someone else said it best. Pre A21 nobody had to even think about water. Even Arez said that he was just playing and picking up jars as he went, found a cooking pot, and bam without any effort or thought put toward water he had 54 jars of drinkable water by day two. That sounds pretty typical of pre-A21 gameplay for most people. As of A21 you have to at least think about water. Even if you are looting enough to drink are you looting enough to also craft or are there times when you have to choose between crafting and drinking? That choice has appeared for me several times as of A21 when it NEVER happened once from A6 - A20. I'm betting it has been similar for most players. If you do choose to build dew collectors to supplement your water needs then once again you are actively thinking about your water needs and taking action to satisfy your needs. The process of building a dew collector might not be hard (especially for a veteran) but it does compete with other actions you feel you need to take during the early game. So again, I'm not sure what you mean by "easy to get" but like I said, I doubt you could obtain 54 jars of fresh water by day 2 in A21 and I know that while not being a difficult challenge type of activity, building a dew collector does take more effort and time than passively scooping up 50+ jars while looting containers while clearing pois and then filling them all at once and sticking them on the fire to boil. Yeah, you seem to be in the camp of people who think there is some kind of adversarial attitude by the developers towards the players. You're welcome to your opinion but you couldn't be more wrong. As for ignoring realism issues when they benefit the player what about unlimited carrying weight in our backpacks or being able to pick up vehicles into our backpacks and place them again or nerdpoling or having everlasting durability of our gear or never having to sleep, or crops grow in days without irrigation, or food never spoils, or upgrading blocks directly from one type to another, or crafting whole vehicles on a workbench, or crafting anything where it self crafts without you consciously doing anything and being able leave and do other things while waiting for the crafting to be done.
  14. The progression is barely slower for those who like to rush. In fact, there are threads here calling for a nerf to the perk boost for finding the mags that you need because it is too much of a boost. It is true that the devs are altering things to make it so players spend some time at each stage of development. But it is a far cry from being so slow and tedious of a progression that it is losing public appeal. What it really sounds like is that you want to skip the whole early game and get right to the top tier building materials and capabilities from the start. If that’s the case then why not just enable the creative menu and play the aspect of the game you like best without any hindrance? The fact is that this is a game about progression and as the game gets polished it is likely going to get harder to skip the progression aspect of the game like you could in times past. Just because you skipped to the good stuff easily in the past doesn’t mean the game was ever intended to be played that way. Why should the devs allow people to ignore the progression piece of the game if progressing is one of the main points? You want a sandbox. So enable sandbox mode and have at it. Everything you find tedious melts away once the creative menu is turned on. Do it and leave the default survival game to those who actually enjoy the journey of becoming an epic character over a moderate period of time. The vast majority of people here are actually hoping for changes or options that will lengthen the progression even more (nerfing quest rewards, nerfing magazine perk boost, etc). You already have the option tailor made to the playstyle you want. Flip that switch. Creative Menu. Go.
  15. Cool. So then......why the angst over it still being in alpha? You say, "who cares if it was $15 or $3, it was money spent" so if you're having a blast with friends on a dedicated server enjoying the hell out of alpha 21, why care if the word "alpha" is still involved or not? I was the first person to answer your original post and I did so seriously and with accurate information completely ignoring the language you chose to use but you ignored me completely and went on an insulting rant about how @%$#ty the game still looks after all this time.... Oh...wait... did he bounce? He might've bounced. Well, have fun Bouncing Dude! Glad you bought a dedicated server to play this @%$#ty-looking game you assumed was abandoned.... 🤣
  16. The Illogica site says it will be more of an arcade experience. So this is how it probably went down. Madmole got sick of people calling 7 Days a looter shooter and said to himself, “I’ll give them a looter shooter!!!!”
  17. The next game that is being developed in the Unreal Engine that's been teased for the past couple of years is being developed by a team at TFP. Blood Moons is being developed by a different studio that has partnered with TFP. I believe that Blood Moons uses the same modified version of Unity that TFP uses to run 7 Days to Die hence the support that TFP provides them. I don't really know much more than that and am anticipating more information as much as anyone but I do know that these are different projects. I, myself, didn't even realize that Blood Moons was a 4v1 style game and assumed it was just going to be a standalone version of what used to be called "Horde Mode" a long long time ago-- just like @Guppycur guessed. I'm personally not really the target audience of a 4v1 style of game but hopefully for those who are this will be awesome. Still, I'm curious to see what it fully turns out to be and I hope that it might be able to be played like classic horde mode if you aren't into 4v1. I would definitely be more excited for it if it turns out I can also play it solo or co-op vs NPC zombies. If it must be 4v1 PvP I probably will pass on it. As a fan of 7 Days to Die and of TFP as a studio, I'm excited that this will add exposure and I hope it is successful and brings additional notice to 7 Days to Die.
  18. Well, the mark of a finished and polished game at any rate. There are quite a few good tips along these lines you can scroll through during the loading screen while waiting for your world to generate but I know communicating things like this is something they plan to get to before the game goes gold. As far as the water drinking is concerned it may just be the victim of it being a function of the game since the beginning but then was removed for a time and in A21 it came back. If there really is nothing about it in the journal or in the loading screen tips then it is surely an oversight. It is pretty funny watching brand new people play and seeing how difficult it is for them to figure out things that are second nature to people who have followed the development of the game so you are correct that this is an area that must be improved before the game can be considered done.
  19. Alpha 6. I started then too. I think Alpha 6 only lasted for a like month or less and Alpha 7 came in January. Alpha 7 went longer than a month and people were pretty upset.... 🤣🤣
  20. Where's the Alpha 22 Fan Diary Overflow thread where all the off-topic posts will get banished by @meganoth?
  21. You know that line of mine you quoted was a joke referencing make-up sex after having had an argument with your S.O. right? You left that part out when you quoted me. I wasn't claiming that 7 Days to Die is the best game with the words 7 Days in it. I was joking that when you stop playing and abandon it for a time you always come back and the game always forgives and is especially fun when you do after having taken a break.
  22. And…uh…at what speed is he “receiving” said ammo?
  23. Then again this could become a game in its own right. 1) Select a player to player server with just one person playing. 2) Join the game hopefully unnoticed. 3) Find them in the game and try to sneak up behind them while they are busy. 4) Deliver the most epic jump scare possible.
  24. Can’t. Used all my grass on plant fiber pants. So….did anyone join the TFP Club?
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