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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. Hello again, is this mod incompatible with Alpha 18.3 stable? I was excited about this mod, but then I tried it in my currently modded Alpha 18.3 stable and it doesn't work properly. It says its damage is -6 and when I try to hold R key to pick what I want to load as ammo, it doesn't show any icons, so I cannot choose the ammo that I crafted. Any advice? :(

  2. Wow, very nice, 7dtd has been missing a mod like this for a18 not sure if jayic has updated his. My fave so far is the sks :congratulatory:


    I just found SKS yesterday when I was looting, I was on my way back to base with full inventory and then I realized it's 7th night, almost 22:00, I quickly closed the game and I'm scared to continue. ?

  3. I'm surprised you haven't added any chimpanzee entities =)


    After reading your post, at first I laughed, then I thought about it little more and I actually like that idea! Imagine chimpanzee NPC followers! I think it would be pretty hilarious to see these little guys slapping zombies, of course if you can afford to hire them, it will cost you 1000 bananas. :fish:



  4. yea, you had to destroy some nests to complete the spider questline, but the spiders in starvation didnt terrify me like the hyenas lol, plains biome was a no no for me


    Oh, so it was possible to destroy the nest? I remember I couldn't destroy it simply by shooting it. I think I even tried some explosives.

  5. If we are talking about fictional world, we may as well forget about how things work in real world entirely. Starvation mod for Alpha 16.4 had giant spiders as well, even spider's nests all around the world where spiders were spawning and as far as I can remember, you had no way to destroy the nest itself, but you could kill the giant spiders that were coming out of it. They were aggressive and always attacked you when they saw you, but they were not too dangerous once you had good weapons.

  6. players have better loot than zeds, so it makes sense shes after you.


    Day 1, the game just started, so I was all naked and all I had was junk, no pun intended.


    Okay, both the mechs and the bandits are Class EntityEnemyAnimal. I prevented Bandits from attacking that class because if you spawn a bandit horde, they will immediately fight each other, which makes for a poor horde. I also removed it from the attackIfHurt task as well so they dont have friendly fire issues. I guess I need to either stop the robots from attacking thier class or set all to just defend themselves if hurt.


    In a perfect scenario, we should be able to make new classes, that would allow bandits and robots fight each other without any friendly fire issues, because if robots don't find bandits, they would have no reason to fight players either, unless they are programmed that way, but their in-game program simulation is a whole different topic that should be expanded later when time and game feature set allows that.


    Also, spiders don't attack anyone.


    Agreed. This reminds me of an idea I had last night, that these bandits may make possible. What if there was another type of blood moon, but instead of zombies, it was mainly raiders; basically a raider siege. I think something like that would be awesome, if possible.


    Bloodmoon should be always mainly about zombies, BUT it would be fun if there were also bandits and regular NPCs fighting zombies during bloodmoon, like it would no longer be just about your personal fight, but other humans would fight the zombies too during the bloodmoon, I mean that's most likely what would happen in real life anyway, the focus of bloodmoon should be all humans, good or bad versus zombies, not just you personally and your own base against zombies from all over the world.


    The main advantage of adding bandits and regular survivor NPCs into bloodmoon hordes would be that you would have to deal with human enemies that may be smarter and stronger than zombies. Bloodmoon should be a mess like that and no one should be safe during that night, so when the night is over and some bandits are still alive, they may as well decide to take advantage of your casualties and damage caused to your base to raid your base, so ultimately you will have to fight them too, possibly with help of friendly NPCs and survivors.

  8. devolver, i will add them back in once npc mod is stable again, as well as some of the ones ive done for creaturepack, so yea ghost and hunter will make a return eventually as they perform better ranged attacks in the npc mod vs creaturepack


    Thank you! :)

  9. How come a lot of good NPCs that were in previous versions are no longer available? Like hunter for example, soldiers, ghost, etc. Hunter was one of the best shooters. Heck, sometimes I miss even that drunk guy lol


    Do you know why it fell off? Sometimes logging off would work.


    I have no idea. I was driving motorcycle and I was on the way back to the base, he was teleporting to me and I had to stop couple of times to check his health, because sometimes he thought the best place to teleport to was right under the wheels, so he kinda ragdolled couple of times, but surprisingly he survived my awesome driving skills so his health was fine and I kept moving, but suddenly he stopped teleporting. Probably just when I passed the bridge across the river, so I turned around and went back to find him, I kept checking the map and the world and he was gone. No mark on the map, no presence in the visible world. At that point I checked the console and found the message I sent you.

  11. Hey Xyth and Sphereii,


    I think I found a major bug. My NPC fell off the world and didn't teleport back, which most likely means it's lost forever. I assumed that this is what happened after catching this in the console:


    ID 3734 was my hired NPCAmmo. Is there some kind of cheat to teleport him back to me? I guess there isn't. :(

  12. I think in general they have under powered weapons, I think they should kill a zed in 3 hits, but Im guessing it takes them 10+ They are alive so should target better than the AI allows. I can look at adjusting.


    Thanks! Also, I don't mind stronger bandits. In fact, I was unable to find them until I reached more dangerous place like wasteland biome, I don't know why, but then again I met Eve and killed her in couple of hits, she wasn't even able to scratch me. I'm not sure if that's intentional, but her shooting really sucks lol. Zombies at Nomad difficulty posed a bigger threat than bandit Eve with rifle.

  13. That was likely me, I don't care much for bullet sponges, but since we are rapidly changing their code which effects there offense and defense ability I have no idea the right values yet. I think 200 is a good number as long as they have decent offense to end battles quickly so they can heal back, and some armor to mitigate damage.


    If you have balanced xml, do let me know.


    Um, I would love to help you find the right sweet spot in the balance, but you still didn't tell me which values to change in the first place, because I would hate to break something! :D



    Also, I think these values should change depending on server difficulty. I think even 800 points of health wouldn't be enough on Nomad difficulty, not to mention if someone decides to play with mods that increase zombie spawns like me! I'm having hard time to defend myself, I can't defend all of these poor NPCs too. :p

  14. Did you guys change max health of NPCs from 800 to 200, or is it just my mod list that broke something again? I currently have max health of 200 on NPCs and they seem to die pretty fast now. If it was a change done in the mod itself, how can I change it to something less lethal for them, alternatively is there something I can do to keep them healthy? Medkits, bandages in their inventory, stuff like that?


    added recently - bandits: RaiderFlamer, RaiderSlugger, RaiderPest, RaiderMoto


    pushed today - new survivor templates normal and timid

    - new vault denizens survivor pack: Male and FemaleVaultSecurity, Male and FemaleVaultResidents,

    VaultDoctor, VaultBoss, PowerArmor


    the bandits will attack survivors and vice versa, the survivors will not attack the player, even if hit by the player and the survivors will fight with hostile animals as well


    survivors need testing before being added to spawn list, so please provide feedback thankyou


    the update will be available on the launcher within the hour


    Seriously? I want the PowerArmor too! Can I have one? :p

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