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Posts posted by mr.devolver


    Well,you gota consider that there are too many varieties of "bases" people could have,the thought wouldnt apply across the board.But thats besides the point,since NPCs no longer actually smash blocks to get to their target any more.Correct me if i'm wrong about that Xyth.


    The way I see this is that this mod is still a work in progress. The way it works today may not necessarily be the way it will work tomorrow. I believe that in the end there should / will be a system which will tell the NPC which doors to open and which doors to smash open. Obviously you don't want your own NPCs to smash your own doors no matter where did you put them. Your hired NPCs should be able to open them to get to ther other side. Also NPCs of your real human allies shouldn't want to destroy anything owned by you, but that's probably something of such complexity we won't see this fully implemented any time soon, but I do believe and hope that we will see some kind of logic like this in the end.

  2. I had a chance to have a good play session tonight,every things running really well,but i had one issue i just wanted to report..


    Im not sure if its intentional,but i doubt it was supposed to be...NPC's are able to open doors the player makes and that the player locks.

    Fairly sure it wasnt like that in previous iterations of the mod.


    Tested in SP


    Do you want your hired NPCs to smash the doors in your own base to get to the other side? I bet you don't.

  3. 3) Fixed the Trader Voice Stealling shennanigans.


    Wasn't this fixed a long time ago? I mean, I haven't experienced this thing in ages. Well, maybe we have a different thing in mind and maybe the guy I met was actually a wandering trader, can't remember, but I can clearly remember the experience I had when I approached him. He started nicely by saying "Hello" with a friendly tone in his voice only to instantly jump into his aggressive screaming mode "motherf*ckeeeeerrrrr!!!" as he started bashing zombie. That sudden change in his voice was hilarious. :) If this can still happen, you should leave it there, sometimes an unintentional feature can make your day... :)

  4. Well we are almost ready to convert over to faction based targeting so that problem might be solved. Hopefully last bug will be fixed tomorrow and we can test that.


    I'm glad to hear that. I'm not in hurry, take all the time you need, I know factions will be awesome and worth waiting for. :p

  5. Now that the controller for flying enemies is sorted, expect more flying enemies in the future.


    Don't go too wild though, because right now the only human being all the flying creatures including vanilla vultures attack is you as a player. Hundreds of humans from creature pack and NPC mod could be standing around you and ALL the flying creatures would still choose only you as their target...


    I kind of like that they do not smash blocks anymore.I remember in previous iterations of the mod i had to edit the NPC block damage to 0 because anytime zombies where outside my base,NPCs inside would hammer my walls down to get them,was really annoying.


    I wish they would take out a sledge hammer / pick axe / axe and hit the blocks with it if there's no door. If there is door, they should open it if it's unlocked, if it's locked they should smash it open. The only exceptions should be bases owned by their allies and trader's area (it's pointless there anyway).

  7. Never seen an NPC dig. Didnt know they could.


    I saw it myself and I thought that's not a bug, but a feature lol


    By the way, speaking of digging and smashing, I think it's pretty hilarious to see NPCs and non-interactable human survivors smash the unlocked door. Ugh... A BIG DISADVANTAGE of not using DMT for every creature anymore! DMT allowed NPCs to open the door, right? Not sure if it still works at least for NPCs. I saw a survivor who was trying to get into a house, found an unlocked door and started smashing it lol so I came to him and opened the door for him, he ran inside and then I heard his typical "motherf*ckeeeeeeer...", so I knew that he finally met his new friend.. :p


    Ok thank you. The only difference i see is that im using the launcher instead of DMT viewer.


    @xyth i tried using DMT viewer to compile mods instead of launcher,incase it was launcher that was casuing issues with the mod,i ran into this error while building


    Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: 'D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\0-CreaturePackHumans/Config/Localization.txt' Row index mismatch on line: 43. Expected 6 but got 7

    at LocalisationTable.ReadFromStream(BinaryReader br, String path)

    at LocalisationTable.Load(String path)

    at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.PatchTextFile(PatchDat a data, String sourcePath, String destPath, String patchFilePath)

    at DMT.Tasks.LocalisationPatch.Patch(PatchData data)

    at DMT.PatchData.Patch()

    at DMTViewer.Program.Main(String[] args)


    process exited with error code -532462766


    Try to build it only with DMT mods, then add standard modlets and don't build again, just run the game.

  9. That faatal has had two opportunities (once when vultures were introduced, and again when he changed the code to attack vehicles and low health players), PLUS the plethora of old code throughout, gives us hope that it'll stay. Worst case? It goes. Oh well. Until then, I'm going to enjoy wrecking people's day with sleeper nests of these things. :)


    Lol, yeah, your latest creatures remind me of a bloatfly and a mole rat. For a moment there, I thought I'm playing a different game. ;) lol

  10. Hornets were removed a long time ago and it's probably a matter of time until devs decide to remove their code as well. It's usually done to keep the code clean of unused stuff, so even if the vultures extend from hornets now, devs may eventually decide to redo vultures to make them standalone and once it's done, there will be nothing to stop them from removing the unused code for hornets. Am I still wrong?

  11. Yes, but there's no easy way to enable / disable it in game, so what I was trying to suggest is to build a mod around this feature that would allow players to enable and disable it in game any time. The way this could be done is through crafting a walkie-talkie, use it to contact other friendly survivors and reveal their location on the map.


    I edited the humanpack xml so NPCs dont show on the map anymore. If you want that feature back, check out the creaturepackhuman entityclasses.xml and remove the comment marks from the compass properties.


    Honestly, I would leave those marks on the map if they don't cause any performance issues. They are useful for debugging - to find a good balance for spawning and also for gameplay purposes, for example if you wanted to find wandering trader on the map for extra quests etc. I guess it's about personal preference, but you could turn this into an optional feature one day. Here's a quick idea to explain what I mean. Interactable NPCs and traders would have a radio and if you found one or crafted one too, you could automatically get each other's position. Just a little roleplay thing! :)



  13. <recipe name="LootboxMachine" count="1" craft_time="0" >
    <ingredient name="casinoCoin" count="50000"/>


    Add this bit to the recipes.xml


    Lol, money is the best material for stuff like this huh? Thanks. :)


    Its more a tool for admins. If you are playing solo you shouldn't need the machine.


    I mean, I could make the recipe as an alternative but it's not my priority now.


    I know the reasoning behind this and so I can imagine something like this is not a priority now, it's just that I like to play with these mods in solo too, just for sake of having more things to do you know? So lootboxes and machines are actually fun things to play with in solo game too. Well, at least for me.

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