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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. The 5 second delay between shots is TFP code. We might be able to speed that up but it uses several ugly formulas to calculate the time of next shot and it hurt my head looking at it last time.


    Aren't there any fellow bonobos willing to help with that problem? :monkey:

  2. Lastly,is there any chance you could consider adding back in NPC map markers,or tell me where to edit the xml file to do so?It just makes testing alot easier.


    I re-enabled them for my own testing purposes too. The code is actually still there in entityclasses.xml, it's just not enabled by default - it's commented out. So you either have to uncomment the code to enable it, or if you want to avoid changing the original code, you can re-enable it by adding the code through a new mod which is the way I prefer.

  3. not sure whats goin on with your build but i have plenty of mods in and im getting a good distribution of npcs and creaturepack npcs with the latest builds, just played 3 hours worth

    major mods i have in are snufkins/robelotos zombies, dusts vehicle mod, compo pack, bdubs wasteland weapons and nuka colas, vanilla firearms expanded

    and those are other than the npc mod/creaturepack and dependencies

    plus another half dozen small mods


    Could it be this one? JaxTeller718_IncreasedWildernessZombiesX5 - 5 timess Wilderness Zombie Spawns.

  4. Thank you guys, so I guess it won't be that easy for me to change the distribution. I thought I could just use one set tag to change the whole group. I guess that's not a good idea, because the numbers I was trying are giving me either too few of other NPCs or too many NPCs in general, but still doesn't seem to lower the amount of whisperers lol. I was trying to increase the amount of other NPC types in the world and lower whisperers to make it more balanced, but the more combinations I'm trying the crazier results I get lol

  5. If its that out of whack let me look at the entity distribution of NPCs.


    Well, I can't figure out if it's just in my scenario, I have a long list of mods that may or may not interfere with this. I certainly do hope the other mods don't interfere, but who knows? I wouldn't really want the base mod to get messed up just because the distribution of NPCs is bad for me when it's clear to me that it could be due to some mods that I have installed. That's why I was trying to adjust it on my end and I would like to know how to set the prob numbers properly. I don't really get those numbers, could you explain it to me, please? ?

  6. Xyth, so far the only NPCs I can see in my world right now are whisperers. Not that I wouldn't want them to spawn, but it feels like somehow all the other types stopped spawning with whisperers installed. :(


    How can I increase the probabilities of spawning the other NPCs to balance it out a little bit? I had no luck trying to mass change it through entitygroups.xml, I also tried it through spawning.xml by setting how many should spawn from each group, but so far I can't see any difference. I'm not even sure what am I doing anymore. :(

  7. I am wondering if there's something I'm missing while testing this. I did receive the quest to start farming via the craftable. I had to obtain the corn seed, plant it, break the seed box, but there is nothing else that is snowballing from there. Reviewing the files, there are tons of recipes and features to this mod, are you to just stumble upon them at random after that, or should there be a continuation of the quest to further introduce you to this farming mod and everything else included?


    Lol, yeah this is exactly the same thing I wanted to ask too, because this mod seems to be anything but straightforward lol.

  8. Currently the mod is being tested in early-access mode by select group of people, who have been supporting the mods development for 2+ years now and meanwhile when that's going on, here's something, that you will most likely never see in any other 7 days to die mod:


    [ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tfZWbdS8.jpg Views:\t0 Size:\t88.5 KB ID:\t1728861","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"1728861","data-size":"full","title":"fZWbdS8.jpg"}[/ATTACH]


    Summary: I can make it so that recipes require tools as part of the recipe and as the ingredient, the recipe consumes the durability of the tool. In vanilla 7 Days to Die it's not possible, it would count the tool as 1 ingredient and consume it once.


    Nice. How much longer to release? I guess the fact it's already in testing phase means it will be released soon?

  9. Glad the modlet is playing well, and your having fun. I play coop with my daughter. I usually enter a room first and her behind. Often shes too close and i need to run back out and shes blocking the door. Then it gets bad fast. So I consider NPCs like COOP players, they should block you and they have pros and cons having them around. I know player phase through on ladders but otherwise they do seem to block.


    Be glad this is not Minecraft with its dark underground caves. When I introduced Minecraft to my nieces when they were little, we went to explore the cave. I forgot the torch and I told them: It's ok, you don't have to be scared, I will go first, just follow me and cover me from behind... And so we headed out into the darkness and I couldn't see anything. Very soon, I could hear skeletons, zombies, all kinds of threats you could think of in Minecraft, but it was too dark to see anything, so I just kept going wondering where will it lead us and my nieces kept following me just like I asked them. Everything was ok until the moment when I realized my character is suddenly slowly losing health as something was killing me. I thought for myself: It must be one of those damn skeletons! I stopped walking for a while and tried to take a look around to see if I could find him in the dark. Nope, I couldn't find him and yet I still kept losing health. Then I heard one of my nieces screaming: Zombie! The other niece was yelling: Kill that zombie, quickly! But it was too late for me as I died. What followed only escalated my confusion as my nieces started shouting happily: Yay, we finally killed that zombie!


    Still confused, I had a little chat with my nieces and I asked them what they saw, so that I could get a better idea what actually happened... Turns out my niece did what I asked her to do, she covered me from behind and so I ended up with my back covered with arrows when she thought I was a zombie...


    Needless to say, there was no actual skeleton or zombie around, just the three of us...

  10. I haven't used the faction books yet. I wanted to figure out some sort of quests that would make these faction modifications feel more natural, but I can barely adjust some basic stuff made by others, I'm not able to create real mods of my own.

  11. Yes, the bandits/raiders and whisperers will kos unless you give yourself the proper faction. They can be interacted with, but only once you are of their faction. Same goes for the other npcs. If you side with the raiders or whisperers they will become hostile.


    There seems to be an issue - whisperer met raider (both were NPC versions), they stared at each other like if they wanted to kill each other, but it took them quite some time of staring at each other to realize they wanted to shoot each other lol

  12. Added the Whisperers to the CPHumanPack but implemented only in the NPCPack as thats a faction based character set. Added the whispers to zombiegroups so they should be some walking with the zeds. I did not add them yet to sleeper spawning or bloodmoon. That might be fun but i will wait for feedback on that. NPCGhost no longer likes the whispers.


    So, I finally tested it just now (including new whisperers). Quick question: Are they supposed to attack me on sight? ? This is kinda confusing you know, because as soon as I spawned, I was approached by one of them and it looks like they can be interacted with, however when I press E on them, nothing shows up and they just attack me on sight.

  13. Added some Guppy Samurai characters to the fantasypack


    Someone in sturdy samurai armor could also appear outside the fantasy pack. Who knows what kind of stuff were people doing / hiding in their closet before apocalypse? Regardless of its look, it's still a proper armor and as such, it should provide much better protection than usual "DIY" armor. If it works against stabbing and slashing, it should work against bites too, right?

  14. What Mr. Devolver said is likely accurate, and hes done 100 times more testing on this than I have. The NPCMechs modlet dletes all the CPMechs xml and replaces it with its own, only using the Mechs models. I also do this in the NPCHumans, deleting out many CPHuman duplicates.


    I will test the NPCPest, not sure why hes being such a pest. :grumpy:


    I didn't even test NPCMechs yet because I didn't know it was a separate new mod to download lol but now I installed it and I'm gonna test it properly this time, but not only that, your information here kinda made me rethink the strategy of my little mod which changes some settings, I didn't know that you're actually removing some duplicates here and there, so now that you told us, I guess I should be more careful about what I'm playing with and what am I trying to change and where. So I updated my mod based on this information, because I wanted to re-enable tracking of NPCs and wandering traders on the map and I figured I could implant those commented out lines into each of the sections where they should be to work the way I wish, but I wasn't sure where would be the best place to put those lines to not write too much of code, but I ended up crafting couple of appends for that purpose in the end, hopefully the syntax as well as places where I'm trying to put those lines are ok. Could you please review them? This is also the first time I'm using append, so hopefully it's ok. :p


    <!-- Show interactable NPCs and wandering traders on the map -->
    <!-- Wandering traders -->
    <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[contains(@name, 'TraderTemplate')]">
    <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassUpIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_up" />
    <property name="CompassDownIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_down" />
    <property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_run"/>
    <!-- Humans: Melee -->
    <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='NPCHumanMeleeTemplate']">
    <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassUpIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_up" />
    <property name="CompassDownIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_down" />
    <property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_run"/>
    <!-- Humans: Ranged -->
    <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='NPCHumanRangedTemplate']">
    <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassUpIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_up" />
    <property name="CompassDownIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_down" />
    <property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_run"/>
    <!-- Mechs: Melee -->
    <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='NPCMechMeleeTemplate']">
    <property name="MapIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" />
    <property name="CompassUpIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_up" />
    <property name="CompassDownIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_down" />
    <property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_run"/>

  15. Thanks for the updates Xyth,


    I had two questions.

    1) I dont use creature pack mechs,only using the human NPCs,so with the new update there are two additional folders.. "1-NPC pack mechs" and "2-NPC pack factions". Do i need the 1-NPC pack mechs if i dont use your modlet which adds mechs to the game? Reading the description i cant tell if this is a total new mech NPC type standalone from the CP mechs or not.



    2) When updating the mod,do currently hired NPCs in my current save game inherit the changes or should i typically dismiss and rehire them/find new ones,for the updates to apply and avoid issues?


    Also found an issue with "NPC Pest" (all weapon versions) this NPCs when approached T-poses into the ground.


    Hey Redarmy45, I know I am not Xyth (although I wish I had his modding knowledge, because I have tons of cool ideas for mods ?), but I can actually give you the answers from my own experience and here is why:


    1) I spent several last hours playing with the latest update WITHOUT realizing there is such thing as NPC Mechs mod, I usually grab all of the new versions of these mods when they come out and for some reason I didn't realize that this time this is a separate mod, so NPC Factions was actually the only extra mod that I downloaded and it worked as before, just without the extra NPC Mechs which come separately. I still have the original creature pack mechs installed and now that you mentioned this new NPC Mechs mod, I checked it out on Github and I found out that it does not come with any resource files, just config files, which means it will most likely rely on creature pack mechs mod just like in case of standard human NPCs.


    So my conclusion here is that if you don't want any mechs in your game, it's fine, but you should still download NPC Factions, as that is for NPCs in general. However, if you ever decide to play with mechs, you should either use creature pack mechs alone or together with NPC Mechs (but NPC Mechs can't be used alone as they need creature pack mechs to pull resource files from).


    2) Usually all the changes done to NPCs take effect immediately and next time you load your last save you should be able to see these changes.

  16. The zombie edit "should not" change zombie behavior unless those other mods edit the zombietemplate in a similar fashion.


    To be safe you could move yours to 3 but the faction pack really only sets up the factions so unlikely your messing with that but if say you wanted to add factions id move your to 3


    Well, what I was trying to find out is if your faction mod is / should be compatible with zombies added by various mods, so hopefully it is granted the other mods don't mess with zombie templates as you say? Well, honestly I don't know what exactly those other mods do in order to provide those extra zombies, unfortunately my current knowledge does not allow me to analyse those mods to such extent, so I guess I will just have to try and see if everything runs fine or not...


    As for my little mod, I kept it in prefix number 2, but I moved it a bit lower in the load order by renaming the mod to some more user friendly name instead of a stupid long abbreviation that even I couldn't always recall what does it actually mean lol

  17. Cool. I see this will require us to thoroughly test this to see where this goes in terms of real gameplay. ?

    By the way, I have two technical questions.


    1. I see you're changing the behavior of zombies in factions mod. Will this include any extra zombies added to the game (not necessarily through creature zombie pack), such as uma zombies, Snufkin's zombies and other zombie additions from various different authors?


    2. I have my own little mod that changes some values of Core, NPCs and humans from creature pack, so that I don't have to change these settings every time I download new versions of these mods. For convenience I placed it in prefix number 2 so that it's always on the tail of the mods it changes. However after installing Factions add-on which also has prefix 2, my mod is no longer the last one as Factions took its place there. Should I move my mod on the tail again for better compatibility, or it's fine as it is?

  18. Pushed a fix for the casting error, and added NPCMechs for placeholder/testing. The NPCMechs are enemys by default until you get good faction with them so they will KOS you on sight right now. I didnt push the faction code yet, just needs some dialog or quests to change faction and im not done with that yet. So for now they are just like CPMechs.


    Thanks for fixing the casting error, I had issues with that earlier.


    About the mechs. So... we already know they have lightsabers. Do you also plan to give them lightshovels for digging? :p


    It would be cool if the player was able to obtain lightsaber or lightshovel from them as a quest reward, as a part of getting on their good side. ?

  19. It wasn't intentional, its an artifact of using the base zombiecontroller for humanoid like NPCs and bandits. Zombies dig if jumping, breaking a block or something else is blocking their path to their target. So so do NPCs unless we work to change that. Its not specifically a bug either; its working as TFP designed it and we reuse that code. We could stop it by a code edit or use it by replacing the animation with something humanlike. Perhaps Sphereii will consider this worth fixing, rather than adding something new to the NPCs. When we get farming NPCs working, I will likely add in a digging and planting animation but it wont be triggered by the approach and attack code so I wont be changing it now.


    Oh, before I forget: Please assume anything I type here is either information about the mod or an attempt at humor. "So NPCs dig. Cool" was humor. Issues being the cores fault? Humor. (Spherell and I crack on each other all day long about mistakes) Perhaps I need to start adding little smileys after each line to telegraph that. But it would be easier if all concerned just assumed that if anything I type is other than simple information is an attempt at levity.


    Oh, and the above "Oh, before I forget" was information, not a joke :smile-new:


    I knew "So NPCs dig. Cool" was a joke, I was just playing along. Perhaps that was a bad idea lol

  20. Hey SphereII, I think I ran into the first in-game issue after updating to this latest version of Core. Suddenly zombies started ignoring me, I could walk around them and they didn't attack me. I checked the console and got a red sea full of this error:

    InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.


    Here's the log.


    Then I closed the game, so anything related to this error should be at the end of the log.



    If the above wasn't enough, here's what I experienced a bit later, I couldn't really describe it so I simply recorded it for you...


  21. Delete the DLL thats causing the error from the SphereIICore Harmony folder and rebuild. That fixes it.


    Thanks, Sphereii helped me in his thread, I know you don't like when NPCs get blamed for Core issues... :p So I didn't really want to ask for help here, I just thought I should warn anyone who might want to update that there is this issue.


    So NPCs dig. Cool. I guess I need to change the animation to pulling out a shovel and digging instead


    Oh, now you make it sound like this is an intentional feature, but at first you were surprised that NPCs dig lol. Well, I'm pretty sure that no one would mind if they were able to dig, but they should have a reason for that in the first place, they shouldn't do this due to some kind of bug, so it might be a good idea to check out what's causing this behavior and see what can be done about it in terms of fixing it so that they would only do it when it's appropriate. ?


    I removed the dll. Xyth and I were having issues with that file earlier too. Re-sync and it should remove it, allowing generation of a new one.


    Thanks, this worked. I basically removed the mod manually again and redownloaded it and the dlls were already gone and this time the build worked with no errors.

  23. Redarmy45, have you tried the latest 0-SphereIICore version that came out like 3 hours ago? Does it work for you? Because I just downloaded it and it fails to compile and build. :(

  24. Hi Sphereii,


    today when I tried to launch the game, I got some error related to the Core mod, both in Mod Launcher and the game itself where it told me that mod could not be loaded or something like that, I closed the game and checked the log of Mod Launcher, and it informed that some dll file in the core mod is corrupted. I removed the whole directory of that mod and downloaded it again. That did not help and I received another error in the log of Mod Launcher - error CS0016, telling me that "Could not write to output file Harmony-0-SphereIICore.dll' and "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process", obviously this is not true, as there was no other program running that would be trying to access this file at the same moment Mod Launcher was trying to access it, I even restarted Windows to make sure that no other program would interfere and tried again, but I got the same result. Please help, thank you!


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