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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. Its tough balancing between 3 things, vanilla, CPHumans and NPCs. I tripled the NPC spawn and slightly reduced the CPHumans.



    I think cp humans was okay-ish, bandits didn't show up too often, but when they did show up, it was usually when I was in the middle of a bigger zombie fight, so the bandits (with boosted health from my custom settings mod) made those encounters pretty dangerous sometimes, especially when I suddenly ran out of ammo lol


    Well, I'm trying to come up with some balance for my own gameplay and it's getting dangerous and I actually started dying more, so I guess we are getting somewhere lol

  2. I used the one from the modlet, because the other one did not look correctly, but even the one from the modlet itself didn't show the Nuka Cola vending machine. I guess it's getting replaced by some other mod then. :(

  3. I've went back and forth on the more crazy stuff. But, it would be fun. Lol.


    I would like to maybe do some of the stuff like you mentioned with the UFO. Make some small little POIs that will give you a quest when you get near them to investigate them or something.


    I feel like maybe I should just combine the Wasteland Weapons and Nuka Colas mod. I've already got several custom blocks in the Nuka Colas mod that would be good in some of the POIs I wanna make.


    Well, I forgot to tell you that today I finally learned how to insert a POI into the world using world editor after several failed attempts, so I finally had a chance to actually try your Nuka Factory POI. I intentionally placed it fairly close to the spawn point, so that I could visit the factory as soon as I spawn in the world on day 1. Man that was some dejavu right there, I have to tell you! It was pretty fun to play it and playing on the longest day settings, it was already day 3 when I finished the quest to visit the trader, so you can see I had a lot of fun in the factory lol.


    But for some reason the factory did not contain your Nuka cola vending machine. I guess it's because you created it later and didn't update the POI? If you updated the factory with these machines, that would be really cool. I also had a strange idea about the terminals too. If they were actually blocks, you could probably make them useable in similar way Snufkin made his slot machines, they would simply show you the screen of the terminal (loaded picture) with some texts on it. Probably not much use in it, but you know, maybe it would enhance the story telling there. Also, do you know if anyone ever made an actual Fallout Vault? I saw some thread about it, but I couldn't find any public release of the project. :( I'm playing with Creature Pack which already contains Vault dwellers, overseers, power armor guys etc., so it would be pretty fun if they spawned inside the vault!


    Speaking of Fallout mods in general, maybe you could team up with Vanblam who has been making some interesting Fallout items for 7 Days to Die too and see where that goes. He has not released anything to public, but what he showed is pretty cool. Check it out here, if you haven't. Man, if you guys created some bigger Fallout project that would include some of the best things from Fallout universe, me and my niece would love to play with it, that's already two people interested. I made a screenshot from the office in your Nuka Cola Factory and I will show it to her, she will love it as much as I did, I'm sure.


    RC9NBjE.pngLater it turned out my mod load order was kinda broken (again, sigh), so I have to figure out how to fix it, but still. I loved the experience and I will play through it again as soon as I check the whole chain of mods one piece by one until I find the problem lol

  4. NPC NRE issue should be fixed, please let us know if you have any further problems.


    Pushed a change to the spawning as folks were complaining too few NPCs were in the world. Frankly its impossible to balance to satisfy everyone's idea of how many humans should be around. Feel free to edit the entitygroups.xml values to suit your tastes.


    Thank you for the update and also for rebalancing the spawns. I travelled across the whole world and never found a single NPC, but I found quite a few raiders and hostile survivors, but not a single friendly one, whether just the one from creature pack alone or NPC mod, I already started thinking that's problem on my side again. Apparently I wasn't alone who felt lonely lol

  5. But the armor looks already very similar to that, only that it doesnt cover every part of the body


    Well, the power armor in Fallout is much bigger than regular armor and gives you many interesting stats boosts and advantages depending on the used armor pieces and modifications you use on it. Also in Fallout 4 it actually requires power cores to recharge, otherwise it doesn't work properly which could be translated as losing the extra stats boosts.


    Usually to use the power armor you're required to have certain strength level, below that level it's impossible to wear the power armor, it also requires special training to wear, but it's all worth it because it boosts your strength and other abilities and gives you some resistance to radiation and allows you to use weapons that would be normally too big for you to use. Various modifications allow the power armor user to use the power armor as jetpack and other cool things can be done with it.

  6. i'm working now on unique armor sets, with accumulative buffs and an active action if you complete the set


    So... Some of the best modders around here told me that it's currently impossible to create custom armor sets like Fallout power armor. Hmm, if you ever feel up for the challenge, I would love to see how would you go about making something like this, even if it required custom textures or models:



    And for the rare loot lovers, I'm working on a new lootbox system to go along with my weapons.


    This should be interesting!


    You're like a lego builder level 1000 in 7 Days to Die universe lol, I love what you're doing here, honestly you never fail to surprise me as you're constantly exploring, or should I even say "exploiting" the features that somehow magically just work in favor of your mods, but not too many modders dared to explore them!

  7. Um, stuff like Laser Pistol / Rifle, Holorifle, Gatling Laser, Plasma Pistol / Rifle, Gauss Rifle, Alien Blaster, Tesla Cannon, etc..


    but really anything from Fallout you could think of, if you ever feel up for the challenge, you could go really wild, I know I would love to randomly find some of the most peculiar weapons from Fallout in 7 Days to Die. I am obsessed with that idea, can't help it.


    I just have so many ideas.. Seriously, who knows what kind of top secret advanced weapons military had before the apocalypse? And who knows, perhaps the UFO really crashed somewhere in the desert just like the conspiracy theorists say and perhaps the aliens managed to escape and hide to avoid getting captured, but they were so disorientated after the crash, that they lost their most valued item from the cargo - THE BOX. The box which happened to contain the most advanced alien technology - Alien Blaster with ammunition for it and last but not least, it also happened to contain the recipe how to make more ammo for it because why not lol...

  8. Haha, I do what I can. :p


    Updating the Wasteland Weapons mod. Added the Incincerator, Heavy Sniper, Triple Barrel Shotty, and Maria. Added schematics to most weapons.







    Go here for more info and links: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showth...=1#post1000813


    What? Is it Christmas already? Great job! Thank you! ?


    Omg this brings back so many memories. I have to wonder now. This mod originally started as a collection of improvised pipe guns and then you extended it and made a really fine collection. Does it mean that you would like to bring the best weapons from Fallout universe into this game? Because if so, I have some very hot candidates for you! :wink-new:

  9. <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_set" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="6,6,6,6,6" tags="crossbowmag"/>


    Line 15 in progressions.xml :wink-new:


    Wait, i get what you mean.

    Download again, it was a tag mismatch.

    It is still set at Q6 for lvl 5, so you will have to make an schematic for it.


    Grr, just when I downloaded and replaced the files, yet another update... You're updating your mods so fast that I can't keep up installing new versions lol

  10. Good to hear your enjoying them. We don't get much feedback, which at times makes us wonder if we should bother. Creatures are a lot of work to make compared to items and blocks. But if folks enjoy them, we will keep going.


    You know I will always love and appreciate your hard work! Please, don't stop working on this, these mods are indeed must have mods for me and I'm pretty sure for many others too. I keep telling everyone to try them. I know I couldn't go back to not using them!


    A17 was a lot of experimentation and I mean A LOT, I learned so much about SDX modding, the C# game code, how it ticks etc, took me two months just to get going on that. A lot of concepts were experimented on, that I haven't even shared here, because those didn't make the final cut.


    Now during A18 I'm solidifying all the games base C# code changes I made during A17 for the game so that it will be a much easier transition with A19 and A20, now I'm barely even touching XML at this point, all the content work I did during A17 will come later, because I have to get the C# code right first.


    COVID-19 threw a huge curve ball for me, I'm still renovating my apartment, but whenever I go to the hardware store it's a high risk that I could get the virus. I've seen quite a bit of sick people (not necessarily sick with covid) casually shopping around, coughing, sneezing without doing it in their sleeve or blocking their mouth in any kind of way, those germs with viruses do get on the merchandise in the shop shelves, which was disgusting even before covid, but now even more so, because I don't know if they are sick with it or not.


    The start of this year was and still is a pretty rough one for me, but I'm working on the mod whenever I have energy and time. Sometimes I have time, but I'm so tired I just sleep waiting the horrors of upcoming days.


    Stay strong, healthy, keep your distance from strangers and hope things will improve sooner than later.


    It's understandable. Covid-19 seems to be here to stay with us for quite a while, so everything seems to be much slower now and it's sad that some people still don't realize how dangerous it actually is. Especially when there's no cure for it yet. All we can really do is wait and hope there will be cure soon, so that we will be able to return to our normal lives again. You too stay healthy and strong. Sleep well and whenever you can. The body needs rest to resist the virus.

  12. for which game version is a new mod being created?


    That depends on when it's finished. Originally it was meant for Alpha 17, now it's being reworked for Alpha 18. With Alpha 19 being around the corner, it might have to be reworked for Alpha 19, and so on. It all depends on how much work has to be done and how much time does the author have. The last time he came here, he mentioned that he's working on the mod as much as possible, but it's not his highest priority.

  13. Have you tried applying a splint to the crippled NPC using the right click on them? I know right clicking on them while holding a bandage heals them.


    Really? This must be a new feature or perhaps I haven't tried healing them in a while. I remember trying to heal them, but it didn't work, that was several versions ago. I kinda wish you could inform us about new features, new things we can do with the NPCs every time the new features are available, but I realize that might be time consuming, so I'm glad you find time to inform us at least sometimes.

  14. ... Also prevented cripple walking on ranged humans and lowered chance on melee humans ...


    See? I told you there's a problem with cripple walking, I didn't know how to describe it, but I'm glad you found the problem and fixed it, at least partially, because I already had several crippled NPCs walking around, never being able to catch any zombie at all and most zombies were actually faster lol


    EDIT: It would be nice as an option - crippled NPCs would require you to heal them or give them splint or something like that, but permanent effect is game breaking.

  15. Just some input:

    After you play it through a few times, these packs are exactly the stuff this game needs to keep it fun without changing any of the core elements of the game. Thanks to everyone who has worked on this!


    Yep, too bad your follower NPC disappears when you die. It used to stay with you through respawn, but not anymore... :(

  16. Hello KhaineGB,


    I tried your mod in Alpha 17 and I liked that. I see your mod now uses Xyth's NPC mod. That's cool, but I wonder, do you have some advanced quests that involve these NPCs or do you plan to add some in the future? I would definitely try the mod again if and when you implement some quests like that. Personally I think this game needed them like yesteryear...

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