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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. Will advise the relevant people, thanks.


    You're welcome.


    Any plan to add motorcycles, or flying vehicles to this mod? Looks awesome btw.


    This would be actually pretty cool. Right now I am using a different mod (alongside this one) that is only there for vehicle "decorations", meaning it places different vehicles including flying ones and motorcycles, but they are only lootable and harvestable, not useable in any other way. Together with this mod it gives you so much variety that when you're in the city, it feels very realistic. If this was all in one mod, I could stop using the other mod to save some memory.

  2. Forum acts weird again. It shows Xyth's post as the last one, but it's obviously not the last post here. The old forum was much better... -_-



    Also, when you see stuff like this, you know something is not quite right here LOL...




    I loaded up the mod this morning, and I did not reproduce your issue. I did notice you renamed some of the folders; that's fine, but I'd suggest updating their ModInfo.xml to reflect the new names.


    Here's my mod list:


    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.458 INF [MODS] Start loading
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.458 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 0-CreaturePackAnimals
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.482 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 0-CreaturePackAnimals (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.482 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 0-CreaturePackFantasy
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.482 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 0-CreaturePackFantasy (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.482 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 0-CreaturePackHumans
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.483 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 0-CreaturePackHumans (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.483 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 0-CreaturePackMechs
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.483 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 0-CreaturePackMechs (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.483 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 0-CreaturePackZombies
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.483 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 0-CreaturePackZombies (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.483 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 0-SphereIICore
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.485 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 0-SphereIICore (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.485 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 10 Slot Toolbelt
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.485 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 10 Slot Toolbelt (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.485 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: 1-NPCPackHumans
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.486 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: 1-NPCPackHumans (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.486 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Agony
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.491 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Agony (1.0)
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.491 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Blooms Animal Husbandry
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.492 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: Blooms Animal Husbandry (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.492 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII A Better Life
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.492 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII A Better Life (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.492 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII Legacy Distant Terrain
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.493 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII Legacy Distant Terrain (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.493 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII Music Boxes
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.493 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII Music Boxes (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.493 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII NPC Dialog Windows
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.494 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII NPC Dialog Windows (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.494 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII Quick Continue
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.494 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII Quick Continue (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.494 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII Take And Replace
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.494 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII Take And Replace (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.494 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: SphereII UMA Tweaks
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.495 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: SphereII UMA Tweaks (
    2020-04-11T07:37:33 12.495 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code



    So, it looks like I managed to fix the error. What I did is simply replace the local copy of the mod with that fresh new copy that I downloaded, which brings me back to my post here:

    SphereII, it could be this one. I don't know for sure, because I just downloaded it using the link in that thread and for some reason one of the files there is different in size than the file I have in my local copy. The one file that is different in size is called Harmony-10 Slot Toolbelt.pdb, but the version in the ModInfo.xml file is the same. I'm confused.


    Apparently replacing my local copy of Harmony-10 Slot Toolbelt.pdb with the default Harmony-10 Slot Toolbelt.pdb did the trick. The question is why was my local copy changed in the first place? So not knowing what's going on behind the scenes in this mod, I would guess this file is changing because it's storing any changes done in those two extra toolbelt slots done by the player which would be normally fine if it didn't store some things that perhaps no longer exist in the game files, perhaps items from mods that were temporarily removed for testing purposes? But there's also another thing that comes to my mind as a possible conflict maker. I actually had to use world editor and I had this 10 Slot Toolbelt loaded during that time. World editor loads certain items into the toolbelt automatically on start, so that could be probably when this file was changed and if these items were unavailable in normal game, that could probably throw some errors, right? Just guessing, giving you ideas, not really knowing how this mod works. I do hope that you can figure out how to fix this problem, because I believe that sometime in the future this could give some other people headaches too.


    That's the right mod.


    I might be able to test this evening, but might be more likely tomorrow morning. Are you playing them through the mod launcher or is it a manual download? You would need to build the 10 Tool belt mod alongside with the 0-SphereIICore in DMT for it to be active.


    I haven't used DMT Viewer itself, just Mod Launcher with the manual download of the mod I believe, not sure if it can be downloaded through Mod Launcher, but Mod Launcher did the rest for me in the past and adding it manually and then starting the game through Mod Launcher seemed to be enough to make it work and the mod was installed alongside the NPC and Core mods with no problems, only recently it stopped working. I'm sorry, I don't know which update broke the compatibility, but I'm pretty sure I haven't updated 10 Slot Toolbelt mod itself, as there was no update for it that I would know of.

  5. SphereII, it could be this one. I don't know for sure, because I just downloaded it using the link in that thread and for some reason one of the files there is different in size than the file I have in my local copy. The one file that is different in size is called Harmony-10 Slot Toolbelt.pdb, but the version in the ModInfo.xml file is the same. I'm confused.


    It is never trouble. You are providing invaluable feedback to us and our efforts, and we appreciate that effort and you.


    Where did you download the 10 Slot tool belt? I'd like to review it again.


    Um, here is the ModInfo.xml if that helps:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <Name value="10 Slot Toolbelt" />
    <Description value="Increases toolbelt to 10 slots" />
    <Author value="KhaineGB and SphereII" />
    <Version value="" />
    <Website value="" />


    Unfortunately, I can't remember where exactly I got it from, but I believe it was somewhere here in the forum. It mentions you as one of the authors, so I guess you should know better than me lol

  7. Poor NPC Modlet, gets blamed for 0-SphereiiCore code issues all the time ::monkey:


    I'm sorry for trouble, but you know that Core is an essential part of the mod list if you want to use this awesome NPC mod, so it kinda is related lol


    By the way, is there any specific connection between your avatar and the fact the developers added this monkey emoticon to the smiles list? Just asking lol


    Do you have a full log file of the error?


    I removed most of the other mods in hope it would make it easier for you to check out what's wrong. You can find the log here.

  9. Hi Xyth and SphereII,


    I spent long hours trying to find what's the problem with my mod load order because I was getting this error:


    Using the method of adding mods from the list one by one, I finally tracked the problem down and found out the incompatibility. It's 10 Slot Toolbelt mod that's causing this red sea that doesn't ever let me enter the game world!


    Could you please take a look and see if this can be fixed on your side? It used to work in some of the previous versions of NPC mod and 10 Slot Toolbelt wasn't really updated, so I guess it has to be something in NPC mod itself.



  10. Ok, so it works now. I guess? Just to make sure. The only Nuka vending machine outside that works is the one next to the entrance door, there are two vending machiens in the corner outside, one of which is non working Nuka vending machine and the second one is fallen vanilla vending machine. Is that correct? I will check the one inside.


    EDIT: So the one inside is a working Nuka vending machine as well. I guess it works then?

  11. Well, it only checks for updates to mods every hour or so, I think. So that can happen sometimes. Either way, hopefully that was your issue. :)


    I thought that it always downloads the new thing when you let the launcher download. Where is it grabbing the files from if it doesn't grab them from the actual repository? That's a mystery. Anyway, I downloaded the whole thing again and replaced the Prefab files in the Data/Prefabs directory (I placed it there, because if I just leave it in the Mods folder, I can't find the POI in the world editor's list of POIs). I will soon find out if this did the trick.

  12. Hmm. It's definitely in mine, and I just checked the nim file on GitHub. Sounds like maybe the launcher had some issues or something and didn't get all the new files for you. Maybe try grabbing it directly from Git and installing it?


    I pushed the original update without the prefab, but quickly fixed it, but maybe the launcher cache held the old version for a bit.


    That launcher cache thing would be nasty if it turned out to be true. I just downloaded Nuka_Factory.blocks.nim file from Github and it's definitely a different file!

  13. I...don't know. Lol. I have no idea, other than some sort of mod conflict. But like I said, the ones in the prefab are the machines themselves, not helper blocks. So I don't understand. Also maybe go into the Nuka mod folder and open the blocks.xml just to see if the cntNukaVendingMachineBroken and cntNukaVendingMachine are there. They should be, obviously, I'm out of ideas.


    Only thing I would try is start over. Get rid of the other mods except mine, and try placing it down. Maybe make a new world or something just to test it out.


    cntNukaVendingMachineBroken and cntNukaVendingMachine are there in blocks.xml. When I open the Prefabs directory and then open Nuka_Factory.blocks.nim and search for the machine, I can only find references to: cntVendingMachine2 and cntVendingMachine2Broken. No "Nuka" in its name.

  14. I just downloaded it both from Git directly and then through the launcher. Checked both versions in the prefab editor and they were the new version. So maybe try deleting the mod and redownloading it from the launcher. You'll know it's right if you see Nuka machines and a wooden wall around the outside of the prefab.


    There is wooden wall outside, but not the right machines. :( Could it be that I placed the POI wrong?

  15. Nice to see the release is out Dust ... woot woot :car:





    I think you also were first to know this mod was coming too :) ... was mentioned in a thread about vehicle overhauls and whats coming ;)


    If you have other mods altering vehicle spawns like the regrowing chassis stuff that may cause an issue ... or mods changing the vehicle loot is all i can think of without detailed log !





    Thanks Ragsy, I don't know what's wrong, but right now I'm literally adding mods one by one waiting to see when that incompatibility occurs. It's annoying to test over 80 mods like this, but I guess I have no other choice. :chargrined:

  16. Should be 2 outside, and one inside to the right. Not sure if his mod would affect them, as I didn't use the helper for them.


    Just to be sure, when you walk in the front, where the spiked barricade place is, what does it look like? I changed that in this version, so that'll tell you for sure.


    While I'm trying to fix the mod load order, I removed everything that could probably affect the look of the vending machines and the building looks like this from the outside:


    As you can see, all three vending machines outside are vanilla. I don't know why. This should be the POI that comes with the Nuka Cola mod itself.

  17. You using vanilla RWG or Nitro? I just gen'd a new world in the game, and it has the Nuka machines.


    I've been playing pre-made world called Hub City. It has some cool areas and a lot of space for inserting new prefabs, so I placed it into the desert. I did everything I could think of to bring the map to "default" state, so that no visited areas or saved player data are stored with the world files and it loaded correctly, but what I saw were two different vending machines. First one was fallen one which looked like vanilla one and the second one was the one that was added by War3zuk through his AIO mod and it looks like the red real world Coca-Cola machine. If your mod replaces it too, perhaps it is in direct conflict with that other replacement that is inside the War3zuk's AIO mod. I don't know, but if that's true, then mod load order certainly is worthless, because your mod was supposed to load AFTER his mod, so I have no idea how this could be possible.

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