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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. Yes and no, some stuff has been added, that would help me immensely with making my mod, such as block selection menu would clean up a lot of recipe clutter, ability to learn skill levels asynchronously (skill books) among some of the changes, and some new skill/item/buff triggers will be hooked up/fixed


    Ability to learn skills by skill book was already in Alpha 17. It wasn't frequently used by mods, but I'm pretty sure it's there. One example is Experimental Recipes mod.

  2. Not a fan of most changes in A17, looking forward to A18 very much, so that I can forget about A17


    I know many people disliked Alpha 17, but isn't Alpha 18 just extended version of Alpha 17? I mean, there probably won't be any major system changes, so waiting for Alpha 18 won't make much difference in terms of what was good and bad.

  3. A18 won't be that different from A17, not worried about that at all. Most of the custom code I've created should work for A18, maybe some parts would require some adjustments, but for the most part it theoretically should be compatible with A18, but for certain I will know only when I can get my hands on A18 release.


    It will most certainly not take me another year to update the code, because updating what's already written is much easier than figuring it out from 0.


    Why the heck every cool mod makes us wait for Alpha 18? Oh well...

  4. Yeh it is. But we can count on at least a year til a19. :)


    True, but is it long enough for him to rework everything for Alpha 18 and will there be enough time for everyone to enjoy everything this mod has to offer once it's finally released?

  5. He may end up waiting forever because if Alpha 18 was released today, it will take a long time to rework everything for Alpha 18 and by the time the mod is ready for release, Alpha 19 could be already around the corner, so... Of course, he can work at his own pace, I'm just saying that taking new Alpha version release date into consideration for a mod release may be a double-edged sword in the end.

  6. Does fishing actually work? I crafted fishing rod, with bait and it doesn't seem to work at all. I checked the xmls and it seems like fishing rod itself has no action at all and fishing rod with bait has only one action - eat. Eating fishing rod with bait is not only unrealistic, but also shows that it's probably just a place holder. Just in case I'm missing something, I decided to ask directly here.

  7. Hi. Does it serve for 17.4? I wanted to know if once you copy the Localization.txt file inside the game file you should delete the one from the mod? or the Localization.txt of the mod should you leave it too? Greetings.


    Once you add its content to the main localization file of the game, the copy in the mod folder itself becomes redundant. However, it's a part of the mod and as such, it should stay there for the mod to be complete, because you may need to re-install the mod at some point and when that time comes, you will need that localization file again. Usually it's one of the smallest files, so there's no benefit in deleting it anyway.

  8. Nope. The trader is created by spawn blocks. The only thing I can think of would be to grab the trader prefab files from the server, put them into your single player game (back up the other trader files first) and load them up in the prefab editor to make sure those blocks are there.


    They look like battery banks.




    Good luck and good hunting. :)




    I don't know what else to tell you. When this issue has occured in the past, moving away from the trader has fixed it. Make sure the day is turning red to warn you that you do have a bloodmoon incoming.


    Other than that? I have no idea. You're currently the only person with this issue.


    - - - Updated - - -




    You can totally do that. But it might explode. ;)




    Damn, why the hell I didn't think about lockpicks? And I do have some on me right now, thanks! And yeah, that kind of solution leading to explosion may not be exactly what I'm looking for... :p



    Grrr. It's not driveable! :(

  9. So... I managed to escape that hell using buttloads of bedrolls, so every time I got killed, I spawned closer to the trader where I was supposed to get and I finally made it there on day 4... It's somewhere between burnt forest and desert and after the hell I've been through it feels like heaven. If anyone was wondering how many times I actually died on my way there, it was 34 deaths, the last one was a suicide by eating glass because I had the last stage of infection and no antibiotics and Near Death Trauma was a lesser evil at that time. I still had to explore trader's area, sell what I could, sort my inventory a little bit so I spent most of that time doing just that, inside the trader's area. I know it's not that much safe there in Darkness Falls, but I saw the guards there are doing their job pretty well and holy crap they killed A LOT of zombies while I was inside, so I had some nice amount of loot bags to pick up around the area as well. Despite the sh*tty experience I had at beginning (which I obviously didn't let to discourage me), I do like this mod so far and I'm looking forward to see more of it. Hopefully I will be able to get revenge on those a**h*les from hell with 1000+ health points. There must be some kind of effective way of dealing with them, right? :p

  10. My friends and I just started playing and our first horde night was literally hundreds of zombies. Most radiated, zombie bears, just really crazy stuff. There was no way we could have killed them with bows and arrows. Several had 1000 Hitpoints and regen their health fast. I was the highest lvl at 8. This was day 7. Does this sound right?


    How in the hell did you make it that far anyway? I am on day 2 at the moment and what I've been doing most of that time? Well, dying...

  11. yep,sounds like scavenger level to me,all is right,welcome to DF :D


    Not sure if you meant that sarcastically, but believe it or not, my difficulty is really scavenger. I'm not kidding, don't get me wrong, I knew this will be a hard mod, but I didn't expect that constant radiation will actually be the smallest problem to deal with with behemots and their dogs (?), hell wolves, fire enemies, demonic enemies, feral enemies, yellow glowing, green glowing enemies, flying succubs, zombie bears and regular zombies and some kind of tall devilish looking enemies constantly at my butt.

  12. You spawned in the demon biome ?


    I don't know, you tell me lol


    - - - Updated - - -


    Wait... why the hell are you getting the fireball zombies?


    That's not right... I'ma have to check some spawning groups.


    Behemots, fire enemies, demonic enemies, feral enemies, those yellow or green glowing enemies, flying succubs, zombie bears and regular zombies, but most of the enemies have more than 1000 hits - impossible to deal with on day one lol

  13. Congrats on being the only person with that complaint.


    It's not unplayable. The game itself LOVES to front-load it's night spawns on day 1. So put down your bed and then find somewhere to hide not near your bed.


    Well, I watched some let's play videos but didn't want to watch too much because I wanted to try it myself not really knowing what to do, because I like things that way. But from what I've seen in those videos, my game seems to be 10000 times harder. I don't get it. No matter where I go, I'm always surrounded by super overpowered enemies on fire that always kill me with two hits of flying fireballs. This is during the day time, not night time. Night time itself so far has been the same if not even harder mostly because I can't see anything and the first thing I see is fire and then it's too late to even move. I managed to get inside the house after getting killed at least 5000 times in a row and they found me there too and killed me. Again, I can't see anything because it's already too dark, so it's pretty useless to try to hide too. Getting respawned gets me killed too, that's why it's unplayable for me.

  14. This mod is unplayable. I get killed, I respawn on my bed, get killed again, respawn on my bed and guess what? I get killed again right on my bed even before I can move. I am already playing on lowest difficulty because I am new to this mod and I thought I will give it a try. What the hell? This is not fun...

  15. 2 am on day 3 and there was a yellow eyed horde that set me on fire with every hit. Snow biome is covered with lumberjacks. Started a 4k map and checked prefab file to search for trader and class. There were 50 matches for trader and 14 for class. Zombies also seem to have incredible sight and hearing. Is all this normal, or mod still needs some tweaking?


    You may want to lower the difficulty until you can deal with them properly. There's nothing wrong about doing that. Everything is fine as long as you have fun playing it.

  16. Has there been any movement on NPCs in A17? Or even A18?


    The NPCs were the reason I got the A16 version, and I was even considering trying to mod them so they'd be closer to "companion" NPCs. If this is even on the horizon, this would be good news.


    EDIT: This is not a demand or even a feature request. More like a "what's the skinny?" question for those of us who don't keep up with the Discord chatter.


    NPCs in this mod itself look pretty basic, there are no SDX scripts whatsoever, so there's no functionality beyond the now limited vanilla NPC feature. If you're looking for a mod which would add more advanced NPCs, even companions, there's probably one and only NPC mod available for Alpha 17.4 for now which you can find here. Whether it works with this Overhaul or not, I don't know because I haven't tried to combine them yet, so feel free to try and let us know, but keep in mind this NPC mod requires SDX!

  17. It's too bad there's no download link to actually play it. I went through 2 pages looking for a download. All the links go from English to Russian and the attachment links go to dead ends...figures :(


    The first post says:

    unavailable for a17

    The mod will not be released for A17. Work is under way to add potential content to the A18.

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