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Posts posted by mr.devolver

  1. 38 minutes ago, DEMMERS said:

    I am working on a introductory quest that will give you an idea on how to start similar to the base-game introductory to survival. Will post news of it on the Nexus page for release. I check the Nexus and the Discord for bugs, and for patching. If you want me to see it sooner, post on the Discord.

    Hi Demmers,

    I love quests, but this mod seems to be pretty complex and I am one of those confused who have no idea how and where to start and what to do in this mod. Assuming this mod is all about creating a complete farm, I think it would be best to cover as much as possible, because seeing the vast amount of things in this mod, I think it would be a shame if the player missed some of it by accident. It certainly seems like it could easily take long hours of interesting gameplay if there was some sort of story to follow. Do you think you could eventually create some story around this? I get it that it's probably trying to be an open-ended thing, but it would be nice to have at least some basic story that would walk us through everything this mod has to offer to make sure we don't miss any of its features.

  2. Hi bdubyah, I'm sorry to bother you again, but I was browsing files in your vehicles AIO pack, and in the directory for icons, I found two icons that seem to be two different versions of MRAP. Regular one and rusty one. However when I look in entityclasses.xml, I can see only vehicleMRAP and that one uses the icon for rusty version which kinda makes me wonder. Is there also that regular MRAP version somewhere in the Resources and it's just not used or was it somehow lost in the process? Because I can't see the icon for the regular MRAP used anywhere.

  3. How do I go to private messages section? I can't see any option for that. Is it even there? This new look is killing me.


    Nevermind, it's this little unintuitive icon... UqP0Bjn.png

    We are on the discussion forum. Icon which shows two dialogue bubbles could mean all sorts of things. Private messages don't really come to my mind when looking at it. Just my opinion...

  4. 1 hour ago, Roland said:

    I just tried Ctrl mouse wheel and it worked. Ctrl + and Ctrl - also work

    Of course it works, please read again what I said. I'm looking for an option on the forum itself, not a workaround which works by resizing EVERY website you open in your browser, that's not what I'm asking for. Thanks for understanding!

  5. Bad news:

    NPCDeltaHunter and NPCGupSoldier1AK47 can't be hired at once without hating each other. They do hate each other in general (not sure why, they are both soldiers?), but hiring them doesn't seem to solve the problem which kinda makes me believe that factions broke the simple mechanic that was there - when you hired two NPCs that hated each other before, they stopped hating each other since they were both under your leadership.


    And to make the matter worse, NPCDeltaHunter just randomly fell off the world. :(

  6. Xyth, I have a very specific question. Is there a way to mod in specific custom settings that would apply only for hired NPCs? Like I hire an NPC and he would have different stats, like more health and stamina, higher health regeneration, etc.? I've been changing these settings through my own mod, but I feel like it's not really a good idea to make everyone a badass, I would like just the NPCs I hire to have the badass stats. :p

  7. Thank you for looking into that issue, Xyth. ??

    I wish I could help more, but I just found this out randomly while trying to find what's causing a different issue I had which so far seems to be unrelated to NPC mods. I could be wrong, but this could have something to do with the latest update, I don't remember seeing this before that update, but then again I wasn't focused too much on hunting animals, I was busy with testing different things, so it's quite possible it's been there for a while and I just didn't notice.

  8. Animals seem to be bugged with these mods installed:








    1-SphereII NPC Dialog Windows




  9. Well, I know this so called moonwalk was made popular by Michael Jackson, but I didn't expect to see raiders in 7 Days to die to pass the time by doing that randomly in the desert.

  10. Dust2Death,


    in blockplaceholders.xml on line n. 37, there seems to be a redundant comment end mark: "-->" at the end of the line. Xml parser of the game may not be as strict to complain about this at the moment, but it could eventually cause trouble later if you wanted to extend the code, maybe by inserting actual comment and forgot about the redundant ending comment mark. It could accidentally comment out much more than you would want to comment out.

  11. The 5 second delay between shots is TFP code. We might be able to speed that up but it uses several ugly formulas to calculate the time of next shot and it hurt my head looking at it last time.


    Aren't there any fellow bonobos willing to help with that problem? :monkey:

  12. Lastly,is there any chance you could consider adding back in NPC map markers,or tell me where to edit the xml file to do so?It just makes testing alot easier.


    I re-enabled them for my own testing purposes too. The code is actually still there in entityclasses.xml, it's just not enabled by default - it's commented out. So you either have to uncomment the code to enable it, or if you want to avoid changing the original code, you can re-enable it by adding the code through a new mod which is the way I prefer.

  13. not sure whats goin on with your build but i have plenty of mods in and im getting a good distribution of npcs and creaturepack npcs with the latest builds, just played 3 hours worth

    major mods i have in are snufkins/robelotos zombies, dusts vehicle mod, compo pack, bdubs wasteland weapons and nuka colas, vanilla firearms expanded

    and those are other than the npc mod/creaturepack and dependencies

    plus another half dozen small mods


    Could it be this one? JaxTeller718_IncreasedWildernessZombiesX5 - 5 timess Wilderness Zombie Spawns.

  14. Thank you guys, so I guess it won't be that easy for me to change the distribution. I thought I could just use one set tag to change the whole group. I guess that's not a good idea, because the numbers I was trying are giving me either too few of other NPCs or too many NPCs in general, but still doesn't seem to lower the amount of whisperers lol. I was trying to increase the amount of other NPC types in the world and lower whisperers to make it more balanced, but the more combinations I'm trying the crazier results I get lol

  15. If its that out of whack let me look at the entity distribution of NPCs.


    Well, I can't figure out if it's just in my scenario, I have a long list of mods that may or may not interfere with this. I certainly do hope the other mods don't interfere, but who knows? I wouldn't really want the base mod to get messed up just because the distribution of NPCs is bad for me when it's clear to me that it could be due to some mods that I have installed. That's why I was trying to adjust it on my end and I would like to know how to set the prob numbers properly. I don't really get those numbers, could you explain it to me, please? ?

  16. Xyth, so far the only NPCs I can see in my world right now are whisperers. Not that I wouldn't want them to spawn, but it feels like somehow all the other types stopped spawning with whisperers installed. :(


    How can I increase the probabilities of spawning the other NPCs to balance it out a little bit? I had no luck trying to mass change it through entitygroups.xml, I also tried it through spawning.xml by setting how many should spawn from each group, but so far I can't see any difference. I'm not even sure what am I doing anymore. :(

  17. I am wondering if there's something I'm missing while testing this. I did receive the quest to start farming via the craftable. I had to obtain the corn seed, plant it, break the seed box, but there is nothing else that is snowballing from there. Reviewing the files, there are tons of recipes and features to this mod, are you to just stumble upon them at random after that, or should there be a continuation of the quest to further introduce you to this farming mod and everything else included?


    Lol, yeah this is exactly the same thing I wanted to ask too, because this mod seems to be anything but straightforward lol.

  18. Currently the mod is being tested in early-access mode by select group of people, who have been supporting the mods development for 2+ years now and meanwhile when that's going on, here's something, that you will most likely never see in any other 7 days to die mod:


    [ATTACH=JSON]{"alt":"Click image for larger version Name:\tfZWbdS8.jpg Views:\t0 Size:\t88.5 KB ID:\t1728861","data-align":"none","data-attachmentid":"1728861","data-size":"full","title":"fZWbdS8.jpg"}[/ATTACH]


    Summary: I can make it so that recipes require tools as part of the recipe and as the ingredient, the recipe consumes the durability of the tool. In vanilla 7 Days to Die it's not possible, it would count the tool as 1 ingredient and consume it once.


    Nice. How much longer to release? I guess the fact it's already in testing phase means it will be released soon?

  19. Glad the modlet is playing well, and your having fun. I play coop with my daughter. I usually enter a room first and her behind. Often shes too close and i need to run back out and shes blocking the door. Then it gets bad fast. So I consider NPCs like COOP players, they should block you and they have pros and cons having them around. I know player phase through on ladders but otherwise they do seem to block.


    Be glad this is not Minecraft with its dark underground caves. When I introduced Minecraft to my nieces when they were little, we went to explore the cave. I forgot the torch and I told them: It's ok, you don't have to be scared, I will go first, just follow me and cover me from behind... And so we headed out into the darkness and I couldn't see anything. Very soon, I could hear skeletons, zombies, all kinds of threats you could think of in Minecraft, but it was too dark to see anything, so I just kept going wondering where will it lead us and my nieces kept following me just like I asked them. Everything was ok until the moment when I realized my character is suddenly slowly losing health as something was killing me. I thought for myself: It must be one of those damn skeletons! I stopped walking for a while and tried to take a look around to see if I could find him in the dark. Nope, I couldn't find him and yet I still kept losing health. Then I heard one of my nieces screaming: Zombie! The other niece was yelling: Kill that zombie, quickly! But it was too late for me as I died. What followed only escalated my confusion as my nieces started shouting happily: Yay, we finally killed that zombie!


    Still confused, I had a little chat with my nieces and I asked them what they saw, so that I could get a better idea what actually happened... Turns out my niece did what I asked her to do, she covered me from behind and so I ended up with my back covered with arrows when she thought I was a zombie...


    Needless to say, there was no actual skeleton or zombie around, just the three of us...

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