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Posts posted by xyth

  1. I just added DarkStars zeds, and no changes to the zombiehands in over a week. If you would like to help debug, please follow the steps:


    1. Make sure you validate you base game install

    2. Empty your mods folder

    3. Load the creature packs


    Test and record findings


    4. load the 0-SphereIICore


    Test and record findings

  2. So far it's been doing it when I get hit by zombies, but I was recently attacked by coyote and that also gave me the bleeding buff, but that one stayed until I used bandage.


    I am using creature pack (all packs except fantasy pack) along with NPC mod.


    Not seeing any xml issues, coyote ans zombies have the same bleeding xml. Maybe test without the core.

  3. I really like the climate system created by the mod, there is some way to remove this system and put it on A18, with the harsh winter, season from January to December??




    It would need a total code rewrite to work on A18

  4. Okay my bad, i didn't test fully.


    With latest everything manually downloaded from github, there is no issues AS LONG AS hired npc are not PEST.


    My previous game i only hired pest npc on purpose and only they give problems. i think its a problem with melee npcs.


    Pest is one of the few remaining Gen2 entities. They will be replaced soon. The newest releases of the core, as it relates to the NPC characters, is targeting Gen3.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Xyth, I'm not sure where to post this, but since I installed the latest updates of your mods, I noticed that the problem with bleeding buff is back. When I get hit by enemy and get the bleeding buff, it instantly disappears like if I healed myself with bandage (minus the bandage effect on health).


    This reminds me of the side effect of your old Patch_Entity modlet back in Alpha 17, if you can remember it had the same effect on player.


    Please be as specific as possible. Does this happen with mod mods loaded besides the creature pack? If so, then add the NPC mods and retest. Not doing it? Then its another mod. If so, its the core.


    If you can narrow it down that helps.


    Nothing I load in the NPC mod or CreaturePacks would touch the player character beyond

  5. @Xyth: Thanks m8!


    Noticed the artic fox was too aggressive for a non-rabid/zombified version. I changed its extends to animalTemplateTimid so it will run away from player. Also replaced EntityPlayer with EntityAnimalChicken in its AI tasks, alongside the EntityAnimalRabbit. Reasoning: only cornered or rabid foxes will attack something larger than itself, but should have no issues eating cats, raiding rabbit hutches or chicken coops. Racoons would behave similarly if they are added in for more temperate climates.


    Was considering adding an AI task to the goat so it eats(1 pt block damage, ApproachAndAttackTarget) random paper trash decor and garbage pile blocks. Something similar for corpse blocks with carrion eaters such as crows/vultures would be cool too...


    I'm not sure how you added EntityAnimalChicken ( I got an NRE) as that class isn't in the assembly as far as i can tell. Rabbits and chicken use the rabbitclass. I also changed the survivors to use the stagclass, as it has a better collider setup.

  6. Just a reminder: There is no code in the NPC modlet. The behaviors you describe all come from the 0-SphereIICore Code. Make sure you have the latest Core loaded as well.


    That said, SphereII is coding the next generation of AI behaviors, so the shortcomings of the coming version will be improved in the future builds.

  7. Hi


    If use the NoTraders: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?137839-MODLET-No-Traders-(A18)


    Can I still have NPC traders walking alone in the map? I would like that, because I want to have trades options only with your NPC mod.




    The no trader change: rwgmixer.xml



    <!-- Remove traders from wildernessGroup -->

    <remove xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab_rules/prefab_rule[@name=wildernessGroup]/prefab[@name=settlement_trader_05]"/>

    <remove xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab_rules/prefab_rule[@name=wildernessGroup]/prefab[@name=settlement_trader_04]"/>



    ... (etc)



    <!-- Remove traders from traderGroup -->

    <remove xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab_rules/prefab_rule[@name=traderGroup]/prefab[@name=settlement_trader_01]"/>

    <remove xpath="/rwgmixer/prefab_rules/prefab_rule[@name=traderGroup]/prefab[@name=settlement_trader_02]"/>


    ... (etc)


    Yes, hes removing the trader buildings and the traders in those. Mine will still wander around.

  8. Speaking of robots... Is THIS supposed to happen? Maybe it's not the best shot, but what happened there is basically a fight between two different robots. By the way the robot with electric shocks defeated that other robot with lightsaber and he also killed that zombie nearby while on it...




    Haha. Its working like the XML says it should, but I should probably make it so they don't kill everything around including other robots. I'm not sure what mechs ought to be doing actually, are they programmed for killing anything that moves? Just undead? What purpose did they have before the apocalypse?

  9. Bandit and trader modlets are no longer valid. delete those modlets and retry. You will get conflicts otherwise. The Basic bandits and Traders are now in the CreaturepackHumans and I will be adding Better Bandits and Better Traders to the NPC modlet soon.

  10. I sent Sphereii an edit to the Abetterlife modlet, removing the birds and unused files, and adding Harvest to the swimmers. Hopefully Sphereii will approve and push it so you can enjoy your fishfry.

  11. That was one of my favorites that Morte and I developed. It was never finished sadly. Maybe someday. I will hopefully finish up the birds this weekend and see if I can clean up the better life files.

  12. Is there any way to disable fall damage for the npc hired ally? Because when im clearing buildings for some reason they spawn BELOW me like continously and dies.


    Pushed the potential fix in a few minutes. Please test.

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