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Posts posted by xyth

  1. I removed the invisibleanimalentrys via Xpath globally, with: <remove xpath="//entity[ starts-with(@name, 'invisible')]" /> Seems like that was a bad idea. Ill tweak it. Thanks for the feedback


    I'm sorry for trouble, but you know that Core is an essential part of the mod list if you want to use this awesome NPC mod, so it kinda is related lol


    By the way, is there any specific connection between your avatar and the fact the developers added this monkey emoticon to the smiles list? Just asking lol


    I just admire Bonobos.

  3. NPC NRE on Dialog is fixed, really fixed this time. Fix is in the latest SphereII Core.


    On another note, I noticed "Dismiss" isnt working on dedi. Not sure about SP, but we are investigating.

  4. Microstutter confirmed. Fix pushed to repo.


    The issue is the aggressive searching for pathing blocks used to create custom wander paths for NPCs, like patroling a base. By default it was enabled in the template meaning every NPC was searching for those blocks. I commented it out in the templates. If you want to use that feature on a specific npc you will need to add that commented out pathing block property on that entity for now. Hopefully now that the issue is identified the code can be optimized.


    Thanks for the bug report.



  5. Hi Xyth i just updated to 2.0 . in honesty iv been away for a long time so maybe im doing something wrong. But after installing the mod its working fine but i cant talk to NPCs who spawn. IF i spawn them in then i can talk and they are recruitable etc. Sphere NPC dialogue says its up to date in the launcher. What could be the issue? Nevermind it seems some are not supposed to be recruitable.


    Also iv noticed that there are ALOT of NPCs spawning..i saw 5 within a very short radius after spawning


    EDIT : just read this : NPC NRE issue should be fixed, please let us know if you have any further problems.


    Pushed a change to the spawning as folks were complaining too few NPCs were in the world. Frankly its impossible to balance to satisfy everyone's idea of how many humans should be around. Feel free to edit the entitygroups.xml values to suit your tastes.


    I have just noticed a far bigger issue. I have constant stuttering when even one NPC is hired or near me. A quick succession of micro stuttering.Not a graphics issue as i run 60 FPS. It seems to be CPU related but i ran the last version of this mod perfectly fine.


    Any ideas?


    Did you start a new game after updating to the latest version? Is this single player or dedi?

  6. Xyth I hate to bother you about this again but the NRE still happens with the newest update.


    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    at EntityUtilities.Stop (System.Int32 EntityID) [0x00027] in <7a40ba8725814d7bb9a1cb32695e189b>:0

    at EntityAliveSDX.OnUpdateLive () [0x004f8] in <7a40ba8725814d7bb9a1cb32695e189b>:0

    at EntityAlive.OnUpdateEntity () [0x0001e] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0

    at World.TickEntity (Entity e, System.Single _partialTicks) [0x0015d] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0

    at World.TickEntitiesSlice (System.Int32 count) [0x00037] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0

    at World.TickEntitiesSlice () [0x00000] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0

    at GameManager.UpdateTick () [0x00026] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0

    at GameManager.gmUpdate () [0x00297] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0

    at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <3ca2702590144b2c95bd610195728952>:0


    NRE Confirmed. Investigating.

  7. NPC NRE issue should be fixed, please let us know if you have any further problems.


    Pushed a change to the spawning as folks were complaining too few NPCs were in the world. Frankly its impossible to balance to satisfy everyone's idea of how many humans should be around. Feel free to edit the entitygroups.xml values to suit your tastes.

  8. I cant even fathom playing the game without this mod, there's your feedback. ;) A question, is it possible to remove the spawn of certain npcs ? Namely the new crawler has to many problems with clipping, and the large soldiers that walk like they ♥♥♥♥e themselves. Id love to see some of the ravenhearst mobs added too *nudge. ^^


    Yes, just edit the entitygroups.xml and remove any creature you dont love. That way it wont spawn into the game.


    I am not aware that any of the entities in Ravenhurst are using Gen3 creatures, likely that are all gen2 and require custom code to make them work. Those would not be compatible with a vanilla game like these are.

  9. Turns out it a section of code that we use that is available on the clientside but not included in the dedi/MP code. So its not a quick fix, but its being worked on by Sphereii right now. The NRE is fixed but there are other issues to be resolved.

  10. Strange. That error doesn't have much useful info. Will do a little research, but we cant repo the error on a dedi. Maybe build a new world, as a change to the NPC mod might have corrupted the game

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