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Posts posted by xyth

  1. I think the issue is the collision radius of the "vomit" projectile. You could try lowering the collision radius on the item named AmmoProjectilePlasmaAmmo , property Action1 , <property name="CollisionRadius" value=".5"/> to a tiny value and that might reduce the spillover.


    His Entity damage is also 200 right now, should be lower but that was a testing value.


    Let me know if that helps and I can push the patch.


    Of course any NPC can hit and hurt the player but they do far less damage so i wouldnt die instantly.


    Until we can figure out how to add hired NPCs into your party and therefore make you both allies, this friendly fire might happen. I can turn down the NPCs headshot bonus and damage in general. And I also notice sometimes the NPC shoots and the impact is local to him but no damage. That just started when I changed the rate of fire but not sure why. I suspect its a timing issue with the firing animation and the rate of fire

  3. @Redarmy Why is he targeting you? Miss it your doing melee and he's aiming at a zombie but hitting you?


    - - - Updated - - -


    Well, after my initial troubles, everything now seems to be working as intended. I started a new game, so haven't gotten very deep into the NPCs, but so far so good.


    There is one thing I noticed though. With the NPC mods installed, the normal zombie textures look terrible. They're incredibly low resolution, much worse than the vanilla game.


    Is there any way to solve this? I vaguely remember talk about lowering the NPC texture resolution due to memory concerns, but I might be mis-remembering that.


    Sounds like you are running out of video memory. Not sure the best solution other than lowering the games texture setting or maybe disabling texture streaming.

  4. The NPCs should be immune to bleeding and disease but I didnt think about fire. I stopped bleeding since zombies put that on all the time but only players use fire as a weapon right now. Sounds like its working normally

  5. okay so the cameras are now moving for nothing

    the output is static


    Thats what i noticed, the range from the TV is much shorter in a18 than A17.


    The cameras will broadcast without the panning so for now just install the camera and dont set it to Pan. If the field of view isn't sufficient I can increase the FOV but there is a FPS hit if I do that.

  6. As far as NPC ROF goes, you said about sphere adding a property ... "can guard a position using ranged weapon and not close the distance all the time",just to be clear the NPCs were not actually closing distance they would remain pretty static alot,and not have a long detection range(less than zombies it seems),the actual amount of times they decided to shoot was minimal,even when distance to threats were 10+/20+ meters away.



    I pushed an update that edits the ammoNPC to walk toward his prey rather than run, and increased his rate of fire. Seems to work well, but needs testing. Note I didnt edit the other ranged ones made by DarkStarDragon so be sure to test on the AmmoNPC.


    Also, the Ammo NPC has an AITask to Guard a position and try to stay around that spot rather than close to the entity. Its a work in progress, designed if you wanted to put a guard into a position on a base wall and not have it jump down and charge. You can try removing that AI task and renumbering the following 2 tasks, so its now:


    <property name="AITask-8" value="GuardSDX, Mods"/>

    <property name="AITask-9" value="WanderSDX, Mods"/>

    <property name="AITask-10" value="" />


    And you could change that to:


    <!-- <property name="AITask-8" value="GuardSDX, Mods"/> -->

    <property name="AITask-8" value="WanderSDX, Mods"/>

    <property name="AITask-9" value="" />


    if you wanted to play around with that.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Xyth,is it possible,and would you consider adding the ability to recruit the wolves or dogs in game?


    I know the dogs are zombie dogs but the wolves are not so it might make sense.Make currency a piece of meat or a rare food.

    I just got done playing FO4 and already miss dogmeat lol.


    yes its possible. Blooms Animal husbandry already has that core functionality and would just need to dog and wolf models added, and those would need some appropriate AI tasks added from the NPC mod. Nothing I can get to anytime soon, but it should be doable with the existing resources.

  7. I am using DMT.


    If your using DMT on windows with default settings then the log should be in your user profile in: AppData/LocalLow/The Fun Pimps/ 7 Days to Die/Player.log

  8. By the way,im sorry if this is a little off topic,but the NPCs are hired each for 1000 casino coins/tokens.Being totally new to the game,and planning to create a custom single player game with 50% loot available via options menu,will it make it difficult to aquire enough tokens to recruit a handfull of NPCs?


    Also the hunter NPC seems to have a chainsaw sound resinating from him constantly in melee mode or when standing next to another NPC.Thought i would mention,the NPCs also seem to have a extremely low rate of fire,usually getting off one round before zombies come within melee range.


    Other than that its really great having these NPCS.


    Thanks again


    Edit these 2 lines in the NPC Entities.xml file:


    <property name="HireCurrency" value="casinoCoin" /><property name="HireCost" value="1000" />


    The HireCurrency can be any item, like a rock or a bullet and the HireCost is the number of those things needed. Easiest just to make hire cost a smaller number.


    I see where darkStar put the chainsaw sound on this NPC by mistake. I will fix and push in next patch.


    As far as the low rate of fire, Sphereii is working on a property where they can guard a position using ranged weapon and not close the distance all the time. Since we are using the in game AI there are limits to what we can do but I will play with it a bit more.

  9. Any idea why none of the ai can move for me? Including NPCs, zombies, animals.


    Without your logfile that would show any errors its hard to guess. Movement is handled in the SphereII_Core so id start there.

  10. the image on the monitors is so dark you can barely see anything. it's like it's always night.


    I have heard that at times but I guess it depends on the gamma level the player uses. I will look at adding some emmisiveness to the screens in a later update. i still only see the camera closest to the screen panning, the other 3 do not.

  11. I will ask @Sphereii to check on the launcher. It should handle not having a modinfo file but I will add that to each modlet which should solve the issue.


    Version 1.6 pushed to fix this error until DMT can be patched for this bug.

  12. This mod needs three modlets all loaded and compiled by dmt or the mod launcher. The Sphereii core, the NPC dialog window, and the NPC modlet. If those 3 are loaded in the mod launcher it should work as expected. If not, please post a copy of your log file so we can help you debug your install.

  13. 1st none game breaking bug:

    In my window (im the host) some zombies will be crawling and some will be walking

    In coop buddy's window (also installed client side) sees my crawling zombies as walking zombies //visa versa


    That's normal on multiplayer. Some things in this game are calculated client side and not synced with the server.

  14. Well, now that I have installed this and played with it a bit, I'm pretty sure I have found a bug. It is almost certainly due to a conflict between this modlet and the Wandering Traders modlet, which I also installed.



    That bug was fixed in NPC version 1.5 The current version is 1.55 What version are you loading?

  15. A18 version uploaded. There is some duplication of the modifiers added ability so suggestions are needed. No balancing done yet, and some TFP modifiers will stack with my modifiers but hopefully wont make things over powered. Crown bat AOE buff is untested as it needs another player to test. TFP's Bat uses full mesh overrides which complicated the merging but everything should work as expected based on my limited testing.

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