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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Lots of code isnt loading: 2020-04-05T02:46:11 64.486 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionNotifyTeamAttack, Mods

    2020-04-05T02:46:11 64.487 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionSkillPointSDX, Mods

    2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.516 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods

    2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.516 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods

    2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.516 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods

    2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.517 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods


    Maybe you didnt build the dedi DMT version correctly


  2. You playing on a dedi or are they connecting to your MP session? NPC pack is used extensively on dedi, but im not sure anyone uses MP with it. Many mods dont play well on multiplayer






    Windows: From Steam or Launcher

    <gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__<DATETIME >.txt From .exe

    %AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log From dedicated through startdedicated.bat



    Linux From Executable

    <homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log From start scripts or Steam

    <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log__<DATETIME>.txt From server with management scripts





  4. Thanks for the heads up. The tutorial projects each have a TagManager.asset file included with the correct tags in the correct spots. If you start a new project, you get a fairly empty tagmanager.asset file included. You would need to then copy the Tagmanager.asset file out of my tutorial project into any new project you start. I'm guessing that somewhere along the line you started a new project and pulled in the flag files into that project, causing the T_Mesh_B tag to get reassigned. I guess the old flagproject might have converted incorrectly for unity2019.1, so I will check that too.

  5. You need to load the 0-SpherellCore and make sure in that modlets blocks file that this property is true: <property name="UnlockEnemyHealthBar" value="true" /> <!-- Unlocks the enemy health bar-->


  6. I (obviously) support the creation of new community resource packs. The creaturepacks followed the logic behind the CompoPack for POIs, which is a collection of the best POI efforts from community modders. CreaturePacks use the 0- prefix as it is a base resource file with no dependencies (except for the base vanilla game install) and should load first so it is available to be modified by later loading modlets. I chose the 1- prefix for the NPC modlet because it is basically a base resource file like the 0- files, but has a tightly coupled dependency on a 0- file. This means that there is no plausible use case for a modlet to load between the 0-Creaturepack and the 1-NPCPack. As far as naming conventions beyond prefixes that guide load order, I dont have much input. Some people will follow best practices guidance if its available, others will not. Some will that the time to make their modlets less likely to conflict with other modlets, but many wont.


    Taking a lead role in a community pack requires an investment of time and effort that wont be for everyone. That said, I do like the sounds CP idea, especially if someone could gather community voice overs, and ambient sounds for reuse. Id be happy to help bundle those into a unity3d file if no one on that team knows how that works.



  7. Pushed new zombie and human Packs. Walktype9 is now hooked up for any entity using the new controllers (zombie and humanoid). You can test on the nurse, farmer, behemoth etc but not Guppy/darkstar zeds yet. NPCs with the new controller use IsBusy which uses a new idle state or states while they wait on you. Again, those currently are enabled fully on my entities, and maybe on some of darks NPCs.


    See? I told you there's a problem with cripple walking, I didn't know how to describe it, but I'm glad you found the problem and fixed it, at least partially, because I already had several crippled NPCs walking around, never being able to catch any zombie at all and most zombies were actually faster lol


    EDIT: It would be nice as an option - crippled NPCs would require you to heal them or give them splint or something like that, but permanent effect is game breaking.


    Melee NPCs still have a chance of getting crippled but it doesn't effect their attack animations. Ranged has zero chance of getting crippled as it would change thier weapon anims. I think I can work around even that now, but thats a later thing. If you want melee to never get crippled, its just an xml edit now.: <property name="LegCrippleScale" value="0"/>



    Have you tried applying a splint to the crippled NPC using the right click on them? I know right clicking on them while holding a bandage heals them.

  9. Updated the controller used by the NPCs. This version adds a new idle animation when you talk to the NPCs. If it works well, i can add multiple new idle anims to that point. Also, if you missed it, the NPCs reload weapons now.


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