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Posts posted by xyth

  1. The trader issues in general are known issues in vanilla, and thats the reason why vanilla bandits cant go near trading posts without an error. We can likely work around these NPC issues but like you said its not likely a priority issue to fix. Good info though!


    Pushed a small patch to add default factions to all NPCs since factions do not extend.

  2. I totally agree with these points:


    1. If you load obfuscated code you are functionally handing over control to your local machine to someone you don't know. At any point that person or someone who gains control of their system can leverage your blind trust to do you harm. If the code was reviewable, this community at least could check it periodically for potentially dangerous code. As it is that wont happen. Be warned.


    2. Using other folks code without crediting them or obtaining their permission shows everyone you are not part of this sharing community. It's a dick move. Stop.


    I hope these issues are addressed and changed, otherwise this mod should be removed from these forums for the safety and integrity of the community.

  3. Can you explain #4 more? Does the NPC inherit the trader dialog or voice or both? Does it block/replace the NPC dialog window? I cant test for at least another day, so more infor would help.

  4. We would need more information. What modlets do you have? What versions of the creaturepacks are you running, the latest? You logs would help too:



    OUTPUT LOG LOCATIONS Windows: From Steam or Launcher

    <gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__<DATETIME >.txt From .exe

    %AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log From dedicated through startdedicated.bat

    <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log_<DATETIME>.txt Linux From Executable

    <homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log From start scripts or Steam

    <gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log__<DATETIME>.txt From server with management scripts

    /home/sdtd/instances/<instancename>/logs/output_log_<DATETIME>.txt MacOS


  5. I think I know what #3 is, and might have a fix. #1 is a known issue that almost got fixed but the code change disappeared :-) #2 is working as intended 4 and 5 I have not seen yet, but i have not tested those. #6 will be fixed with faction based targeting, which im working on now. 7 and 8 same as 4 and 5. Never seen an NPC dig. Didnt know they could.

  6. We are still working on the SDX AI Tasks. Just report what you are seeing as it helps us debug. Remember this is a highly complex work in progress. Things that worked will break as new features are added. Then they will be fixed.


    On the NPCs in vehicles, its not on the near term list of things to do.

  7. Huh? It is an optional feature. Un-comment these 4 lines if you want it. Leave it alone if you don't.


    <!-- <property name="CompassIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot" /> Uncomment these lines if you want to see the NPC name and location on map

    <property name="CompassUpIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_up" />

    <property name="CompassDownIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_enemy_dot_down" />

    <property name="TrackerIcon" value="ui_game_symbol_run"/> -->

  8. I don't have a bug to report, just a question. Would it be possible to make NPCs wake up sleepers too? I noticed while clearing a building that NPCs can walk right by sleepers and they don't wake up until I go near them.


    No idea, I'll investigate.


    I edited the humanpack xml so NPCs dont show on the map anymore. If you want that feature back, check out the creaturepackhuman entityclasses.xml and remove the comment marks from the compass properties.

  9. Pushed updates to animals, humans and zombiepacks. Converted the flying creatures to use the old Hornet class so they don't do those annoying vulture things like only attack when wounded, chasing vehicles etc. Hornet class isn't so inhibited. There is a template for passive flying things and hostile ones now. Moved Guppy's insect from zombiepack to animalpack. Fixed the Crow not flying. Commented out the compass icons from the Human templates so NPCs don't show on the map.


    Side note: The introduction of the Hornet Class opens up the possibility for lots of interesting new dangers in the world. Be afraid, very afraid ;-)

  10. Sphereii is actively working on the AI code so make sure you have the latest version of the 0SphereiiCore when testing. Also this code differs depending on if your using SP or Dedi so please always mention which version you are testing on. Thanks.

  11. The zombies target according to thiet AITarget property, targeting left to right. So in vanilla, its: <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> The zombiepack adds additional classes to the end of this line, so the player remains the priority target regardless of distance. Only way to change it to seek closest target would be to reduce the zombie sight and hearing range so they only spot the closest target. There may be another codeless way to do it but I am not aware of it.

  12. The NPC mod does change any zombie hands so you should be ok. Only changes to the vanilla zombie xml is the packs add new target classes so the zombies will attack the NPCs.

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