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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Notice: I deleted the XythNPC modlet and replaced it with 1-NPCPackHumans. Be sure to manually delete the old NPC modlet to avoid dupes.


    I renamed it for 2 reasons. First, it's now a CommunityPack, and no longer my modlet. 2nd, the 1- prefix will make for a more predicable base as it loads right after the 0-Creaturepacks and 0-Sphereiithings. Now mods like TS and DF can load those and extend them without worrying about collisions between those dependencies.


    In this new version DarkStarDragon added his new NPCs. Enjoy.


    I am confused. I opened items.xml of DMT NPCs and it contains


    NPCs pull thier weapons and character meshes from CreaturePack Humans. The 2 items in the NPC modlet are legacy items for darkstars old characters.



    Pushed new version of NPC Modlet, refactored the xml, adjusted spawn rates and added lots of new weapon variants.

  3. Xyth, wouldn't it be better for NPC characters to switch from "Vomit" to "Ranged" which is also used by junk turrets? Junk turrets can shoot faster.


    The NPCs all use the Ranged class already.

  4. @ issues. First, we are dealing with the built in code for the most part. The rate of fire is determined by that code, and right now its maxed. They could fire more rounds per shot, the bullets could do more damage, which would carve though hordes. They would also insta kill players who dont have good faction with them. People dont like getting instakilled from 60+ yards away. So until we test more I lowered the bullet damage and capped bursts to 3 rounds. Feel free to increase either to suit your taste.

  5. I just tested using the versions you lists, all current, and I don't see the behaviors your seeing, nor do any of the mods testers see what your reporting. Try removing all mods (ALL) from your mods folder before doing a new build, validate your game files and retest. Sometimes DMT will not remove old modlet folders, like if the modlet changed names.

  6. Thank you very much for all the work and effort you are doing.

    I have a question, is there a way to make bandits with more accuracy aiming? it would be great it would feel more realistic.[/quote


    Not in the vanilla version, as the game code forces a delay of a few seconds on the vomit class we use, so its easy to avoid getting hit. On the NPC 'DMT" version they are deadly accurate.


  7. I just pushed a new version that enable longbows on the controller. Based on my testing this version and the prior one they almost never miss, where previous versions they seldom hit. You likely have an older build. Post your CC and NPC versions when you see errors if possible. Thanks!

  8. Uploaded a new version of NPCs. Fixed the aiming, as they were actually hitting themselves more than their targets. The are very accurate now, may need adjusting but let me know. Added in a Farmer with an xbow. Walking backwards is smoother. Known Issue, weapon disappears after melee, but reappears when the NPC finds a new target.


    I take it as a joke. I remember that some older versions did not have this problem.


    It was a joke :-) We probably need to review the teleporting soon.

  10. Is the one block crouch feature removed? I just installed the Core mod on 18.3. I noticed the zombie transmog mod worked just fine, as well as Xyth's NPCs and the NPC dialogue, so I'm confident I installed it correctly. But I was never able to crouch under one block. Is it disabled by default?


    Yes, its disabled by default. Edit the blocks.xml in the Core:

     <property class="AdvancedPlayerFeatures" >
    <property name="Logging" value="false"/>
    <property name="AntiNerdPole" value="false" /> <!-- Player cannot jump and place a block under neath them-->
    <property name="OneBlockCrouch" value="false" /> <!-- Allow you to fit through one block spaces -->
    <property name="SoftHands" value="false" /> <!-- Damages the player if they hit something with their bare hands. -->

  11. Pushed new version. Focus is on creating a universal Humanoid controller that supports all weapons and walktypes. This version used the farmer and nurse as test entities, they should be able to use rifles, pistols, melee weapon or unarmed. Bow and Xbow are a WIP and do not work yet. Read the xml for clues if you plan to mod off this.

  12. Nice job on these. I added extra cameras in the game on modlets like the CCTV modlet and cutscenes in WinterProject, so I know the issues that can come up with using them. Have you tested how time of day effects the viewer screens brightness? What's the FPS impact of using each scope? On your 8x scope, the narrow rendering angle will minimize any fps issues, but on the lesser magnifications you may notice a small hit. If the brightness changes on the scope, you can mitigate that somewhat by not rendering certain layers on the cameras. I noticed your using the default unity setting for the culling mask, which caused me issues until I adjusted that on the CCTV cams. Anyway, great job, and if you do have issues later just ping me and I can give you some additional info.


    ya its a brand new game and i have a custom designed map,a clean wipe and clean install on 3 servers all have the same issue when i use the creatures animals, but all the other ones are ok

    here's a list of mods im currently using, they all work well together (as been using them since earlier versions) creature packs are the newest additions https://gitlab.com/LainSzvahl/Da-Oko...ee/master/Mods i use gitlabs cause it works well with 7 days to die mod launcher of sphereii's


    Love all the new kinds of zombies and the wandering npc's!


    Your log shows you are loading animalpack 1.15. The bug your reporting was fixed in animalpack 1.16 It was fixed based on your previous post, but it was the goat not the bats that causes that error.

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