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Posts posted by xyth

  1. I spawned all animals with and without the core loaded and I don't have any warnings or errors. There are no butterflys in the creature pack, the are bats, and I tested those specifically and no warnings or errors.


    That error was a known issue with gen2 creatures due to the old controller. Nothing in the creaturepacks use that old controller.

  2. Xyth, robot with light saber attacked farmer bandit, but bandit didn't fight back. Also bandit Eve started shooting at me even though I was pretty far, but she seemed to ignore a bunch of zombies that were much closer, right in front of her.


    So many interaction types. Sigh. I will check on it. Bandit Eve has good eyes. The AI also prioritizes based on the order in the xml, so will also check on that but players have better loot than zeds, so it makes sense shes after you.


    Okay, both the mechs and the bandits are Class EntityEnemyAnimal. I prevented Bandits from attacking that class because if you spawn a bandit horde, they will immediately fight each other, which makes for a poor horde. I also removed it from the attackIfHurt task as well so they dont have friendly fire issues. I guess I need to either stop the robots from attacking thier class or set all to just defend themselves if hurt.

  3. the wandering Traders, where do i go to increase the prices of the things they sell?


    In the vanilla game folder look for the traders.xml file. Open that and at the top of the file you will find this line: <traders buy_markup="2" sell_markdown="0.2" quality_mod="0.4,8" currency_item="casinoCoin" > Adjust the markup and markdown values until it how you like it.

  4. Right now the team is building out the creaturepacks, which the NPC mod pulls characters from. Soon we will enable those characters in the NPC mod but we are actively making code changes to the NPCs so it might be a few more weeks. DarkStarDragon might add the hunter back to the creature pack but thats up to him.

  5. I think in general they have under powered weapons, I think they should kill a zed in 3 hits, but Im guessing it takes them 10+ They are alive so should target better than the AI allows. I can look at adjusting.

  6. That was likely me, I don't care much for bullet sponges, but since we are rapidly changing their code which effects there offense and defense ability I have no idea the right values yet. I think 200 is a good number as long as they have decent offense to end battles quickly so they can heal back, and some armor to mitigate damage.


    If you have balanced xml, do let me know.

  7. Update: Fixed xml errors related to varianthelper, removed same for now. Fixed the brightness during the day, possible FPS improvements.


    Fixes the brightness during the day, but you will need to light the cameras viewing area well at night now. It is basically using the same settings as the player camera now, with a much tighter view angle and shorter rendering distance (100 blocks)

  8. So, I just noticed this in the A18.4 exp bug fixes:




    Do you think this might fix the bug where turrets target hired NPCs? (Even if the turrets don't damage the NPCs, it still wastes ammo, and breaks immersion.)


    Doubt it. The NPCs are not in your party. On the list to resolve at some point though.

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