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Posts posted by xyth

  1. Happy to look at what you made.  The CPacks and NPC xml is plain as I assumed folks would improve it either by submitting that xml into the base pack or making a 2- xpath modlet.  I'm with you on the dialog app being counter intuative.  I jumped in an it didnt work as expected but then doing it the way the video explains it worked.  

  2. Yea, I've been meaning to do a demo quest chain with it for the NPCs but other things got in the way.  I started a 2-TestDialogQuest modlet.  Id be happy if you took the lead and started a 2-DialogQuest modlet that others could add to as we go.  Your call if you want yours to be the start of a communitypack or if you would rather release it solo.


    On the tool itself, it works but I mentioned a few bugs, but i think those were just me using it "not like intended"   I like to break his things during testing.  if you stick closely to his video it works fine.


  3. 11 hours ago, mr.devolver said:

    Sorry Xyth, but...


    * Entities like zombies and NPCs walk slowly in water

    * Player swims with no stamina loss


    happens with only the following mods installed:

    I have this on video if you insist, but I think it shouldn't be hard to reproduce at all, because all I really did was that I just went swimming with a nearby burnt zombie. I was literally swimming in front of his nose and he tried to catch me, but I was always faster, swimming at no stamina cost. If this doesn't happen in vanilla, then it must be one of your mods.

    I did confirm this.  The NPC modlet and CPacks do not modify the player.  The Sphereii take and replace modlet and his core does have some unrelated functions that also do effect the player , and better life does mess with water.  I'll mention that to Sphereii.

    Pushed fix for an NRE caused by the WhispererAlpha ragdoll.  That should be the last NRE type error, but let me know.

  4. Pushed some small changes today to zombies and humans.  Upgraded zombie AITasks so as far as i can tell they target everything alive but zombies now.  All classes of humans seem to attack zombies.  Let me know if something isnt attacking a class like you would expect.


    Commented out 2 guppy soldiers that were adversly effecting FPS.  Hes working on fixes.  Also commented out 1 TSBX cop, as he wants to improve it.   Fixed xml issue where a material replacement was causing an NRE.

  5. We dont mess with player stamina, player perks, or anything player.  Not even a buff.  So thats likely another modlet.  


    I will check water-walking.  Nothing we are doing that i can guess, but if i can repro it we can fix it.


    Sphereii pushed a few core patches that might fix most of the NPC Ranged/melee

    issues.  let us know.

  6. 2 hours ago, Redarmy45 said:

    Really enjoying the whispers NPCs... i was walking through a corn field,borrowing some crops...i see abt 50 meters away a figure moving towards me AK47 silohette from the look of the barrel...im peekin through each stem of corn saying to myself "what the (I'm a potty mouth) is that?" I hadent seen an NPC utilize this seek player function from out of LOS before,i figured the dude was hostile but i was to mesmorized to raise my rifle...then he fired,ruining the one good stem i was about to pluck..i knew then i had to end him 😂


    Nice job with those guys Xyth,really enjoying that AI,mixes things up.


    A few notes i gathered.


    1)NPCs you hired do not act teratorial/hostile to whispers until hey openly attack the player.

    2)Damage they do is a little low to worry the player much

    3)NPC bug out stuck in falling animation if exposed to water while falling(falling into water from a height) Possible fix would be to reset all NPCs animations when player interacts with them maybe?

    4)Horde night zombies largely ignore NPCs,r completely unless NPC attacks one.

    5)Similar to above,with so many zombies in close proximity,NPCs have real trouble switching targets to get closest to enemy.


    With the issues of 4 and 5 together i witnessed on horde night zombies break through my walls,ignore NPCs who were closest,and NPCs ignored them(probably focused on enemy outside walls) and i got mauled by 3 zombie dogs while NPCs stood motionless. The horde number i reduced from 64 to 32 to ease possible issues like that but still the same.


    Also there is a perk in game that adds buffs to allies(human players),would you ever be able to get it to buff up NPCs too?


    Having a blast so far

    This is always great to hear.  Its easy for a modder to lose interest in a particular mod if folks don't let them know the mod is still useful.  Thanks for that.


    I pushed a fix for the CPzombies today, where they target all classes that extend from EntityAlive, which is about everything except vehicles and other non creatures.  At this point animals are not part of factions, but I may test that change.  Zombiedog are their own class, not really zombies targeting wise, so perhaps Sphereii needs to include them using code or we try adding them to the undead faction.  Worst thing that can happen is random NREs.


    The falling into water bug sounds interesting.  I will have to try that one.  How they behave after might be controller related and an easy fix, or it might be code as we found a bug in the A18 water detention code that should be fixed in a19. 


    I think we can just buff NPCs directly.  I know we can buff zombies, so it is possible.  I think it would take code to make an non-player (NPC) an ally but it can go on this list.  

  7. Will add new guppy zeds soon, but first:

    CreaturePackHuman edits:

    Commented out the Guppy07soldier with the flame thrower (causes major FPS drop) until the particle can be fixed.

    Edited sound files to prevent wordsoup on attacking or hit.  They will talk trash less often in combat now.

    Creaturepackzombies:  Fix rare NRE error due to new zombieanimaltemplate

    CreaturePackAnimals:  Some minor edits to animal tasks

  8. Maybe.  maybe setting a buff with the requirement that would check a cvar set when he was hired or the leader faction.  Id need to research that, but it seem doable.

  9. I randomly assigned each of the soldiers to three team factions for testing.  Red blue and green.  Those factions hate each other.  I will look into once they are hired it overrides thier hostility.  

  10. Maybe.  maybe setting a buff with the requirement that would check a cvar set when he was hired or the leader faction.  Id need to research that, but it seem doable.

  11. Fixes:  Hostile Animals dont act like friendly puppys now.

    NPCs are territorial now

    Teleport-forget-your-attack-do-not-run-back-you-bastard issue is fixed. (needs testing)

    Still looking into the melee and stay issues


    Regarding swapping to melee: It doesn't seem like this is working as intended. If you put e.g. a standard biker zombie and an NPC with a pistol about twenty feet apart in a closed room, the NPC won't get a shot off. They might be starting their pistol attack animation, but when the zombie is about ten feet away or so, they run up to the zombie and melee attack.


    Another related issue I just noticed today: if the weapon's range is long enough, then when the NPC tries to go to that distance to attack a zombie, the NPC will end up being out of range of even noticing the zombie. It will then stop attacking, and wander around. At least that's what it looked like to me, when I was testing in a closed room. (It's also possible that the NPCs were constantly trying to run away from the zombie instead of attack it, and its animations make it appear as if it's just wandering around.)


    Regarding the delay in attacking: I probably wasn't clear, but it's five seconds between attacks - not five seconds before they start attacking. So: attack/five seconds/attack/five seconds/attack...


    So even if the zombie is temporarily stunned/halted by the first ranged attack, by the time the second attack comes around, the zombie is already on them and the NPC will do nothing but melee from then on out.


    There are several possible fixes, all of which are IMHO better than what exists now:

    • Change the distance at which the NPC switches to melee, to something much shorter than what is there now
    • Only switch to melee once the enemy actually hits them
    • Never switch to melee - always used the ranged weapon no matter what the distance (which is what most players do)
    • Try to run away after the first melee hit, don't continue attacking

    There might be other/better fixes that I can't think of.


    Also, point taken about bandit NPCs being overpowered with respect to the player if some of these changes are made. But as it stands right now, NPCs are vastly underpowered with respect to zombies. Take a zombie biker and an NPC with an SMG, put them in the Thunderdome,and it's the zombie that will walk out. (EDIT: OK, that's an exaggeration... the NPC will win maybe half the time.)


    Great feedback. Your observations mirror mine, that where Sphereii and I let things when we both got super busy relative to pre-pandemic standards. Definitely needs improvement. In room when i have a gun out I usually switch to melee after 1 shot. I think the issue is balancing the melee damage, which is probably way too low. Likely still in the test configuration. I can bump that up so the npcs win most of the time 1 on 1, or 2 on 1, with 3 on 1 meaning the NPC likely will die.


    The 5 second delay between shots is TFP code. We might be able to speed that up but it uses several ugly formulas to calculate the time of next shot and it hurt my head looking at it last time.


    Never switch to melee is what we had before trying to add melee. Just backing up as able, and I liked that but folks asked for melee so we tried.

  13. Xyth are you aware of the NPC walk changes mid game?


    Not sure if you noticed it,but in so far as what i tested,NPCs who attack other NPCs(melee range) sometimes inherit a zombie walk animation/standing still flinching animation.

    reloading the save doesn't appear to fix it either.


    Also ranged NPCs seemingly back up very aggresively sometimes away from Z's,the end result is an endless loop of teleporting NPCs back to player position.Are they supposed to put distance between themeselves and Z's? Because i have noticed they also sometimes run to within a few meters of a Z and shoot.This causes all sorts of issues when entering a POI and NPCs wont assist the player.


    Lastly,is there any chance you could consider adding back in NPC map markers,or tell me where to edit the xml file to do so?It just makes testing alot easier.


    If they are getting the zombie crippled animation it is because they were wounded somehow. I thought i prevented that on ranged but left it active on melee. I can allow the limp on ranged as it changes the walktype. Perhaps I should turn it off for melee until I get time to add humanoid limp anims for melee types.


    The ranged approach/retreat code is something that needs some polishing. Frankly I forgot where Sphereii left off with that. It was based on the weapons max range, but I think that got changed. As far as teleporting in general, I think thats a bad idea as it seems to cause more issues than the one it tries to solve, that of keeping up with player vehicles.

  14. I've been testing the NPCs, and I found some probable bugs.


    If the NPC has any kind of ranged weapon, they don't use it when attacked by a zombie at any sort of "close" range. This includes zombies that are outside of the range of the zombie's melee attack. So basically ranged weapon NPCs are useless - if they're lucky they get one shot off before attacking with their melee weapon, which is just the "hand" weapon.


    Another possible bug is that NPCs have a consistent rate of fire, and it is very low. It is on the order of five seconds, and doesn't kick in until the NPC actually sees a zombie. So the workflow is: see zombie -> wait 5 secs -> fire weapon. By the time the "fire weapon" state is active, the zombie is probably too close to fire. See also the above bug.


    On a different subject, there is one more thing that is not a bug, but a feature improvement. NPCs teleport to your location if you get to a point where they can't get to you otherwise. This is fine.


    The problem is that NPCs don't move as fast as the player, even when the player is on foot (and unencumbered). So, if you're a naked player character with hired NPCs, you could be running along, outdistance the NPCs, and they will teleport to you.


    This breaks immersion. It would probably be simple to set the NPC run rate to match the player character's, so there would be no necessity for the NPCs to teleport if the player is running on foot.


    The first comment regarding melee is working (almost) as intended. Ranged will try to keep a short distance from their target and continue to use ranged until the target manages to get close then the ranged will swap to a melee weapon. A fast or raging zed will be able to close that distance faster than the NPC can backup though. Right now we are trying to make the melee weapon visible, but we are busy so have not gotten back to sorting that.


    The characters waiting a few seconds until firing is likely a consequence of where that character is in its AITask loop. If its doing something else then that might need to finish before it does the ranged firing attack. Might be able to tweak that a little, but consider those 5 seconds a blessing when its a bandit starting an attack on you. Do you want no chance to dodge that attack? They are very accurate so you need to start that dodge early. It seems hard enough to me that making them insta-firing would lead to a lot of player rage.


    The NPCs follow at their max speed, which is also their agro speed. Changing 1 changes the other, so if we make them run as fast as payers then they will be much tougher opponents. I will play with that setting a bit though, thanks.


  15. The total spawn chance of a whisperer spawning is 1.5, as compared to any one vanilla zombie being 1.0. so all the whispers total up to if we added 1.5 new zombies.


    The total spawn chance of the custom zombies is 9, as compared to the total vanilla zombie spawn rate which is 13. So custom zeds and vanilla zeds spawn at near the same rate.


    So whispers should spawn about 5% of the time when the game wants to roll for a zed.


    This assumes no other zombie mods.

  16. I think it works this way: . The spawner selects zombies from a group, say zombiesall When the spawner wants to spawn a zombie, it roll the dice and picks one out of the group based on probability. So if the final group composition totals 100 possible zeds, and each one has a probablility of 1.0, then any zombies has a 1/100 chance of being selected. So you need to balance the relative numbers of vanilla zeds and creaturepack characters in the total group. I have tried to keep the spawn chance of a vanilla zed and a creaturepack zed about even. I have not done all groups though. And if another zombie modlet is used then you need to add any group changes by them into the equation.

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