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Posts posted by xyth

  1. This property is commented out on the players:


    <property name="ActivationDistance" value="5"/>


    If you want to turn it on/off at greater range, use that property and increase the value.  Might still work, but i didnt test it in A19


    There is no way to change the volume at this point.  maybe in a20.

  2. My point is that in the last 6 months we have modded major enhancements to the A19 versions of NPCs.  In addition to following better, they have their own custom AI, so they are very similar in functionality to players now.  Beside using player weapons well, and animating the same as the player, they can use heal, loot,  make tactical decisions in real-time, and benefit from the perk system.  Crafting will be added at some point as well.  It is unlikely TFP will do much beyond making high quality bandits at this point, and there is no reason why they should spend the time on more than just that.  Modders have the extra time, so we do.

  3. At some point during A20, Id let to get with you and port this functionality over to an NPC character that would animate the actual repair process.  No rush, but it would make for a nice AI task. 

  4. The loading process for A20 will be as simple as any vanilla mod, just add the mods folder to the Mods folder and done.  I cant help with A19 version loading without seeing log files.


  5. 2021-11-04T12:18:26 23.718 INF Version: Alpha 19.2 (b4) Compatibility Version: Alpha 19.2, Build: Windows 64 Bit


    The current version of the mod wont work on 19.2, update your game version.

  6. Well, the tutorial was done a while ago, so for A19 you need to use the A19 version of Unity and the A19 version of the controller.   The process remains the same, though little things change every alpha.  I will release an updated tutorial project and controller for A20, the A19 stuff is already available.  I suggest joining Guppys modding Discord if you have specific questions and for links to where new versions are.

  7. Interesting discussion though.  Jump is hardcoded, but as stated, the jump animation could be replaced by a climb up and stand animation series in a custom controller.  Unfortunately only custom zombies would benefit, so all vanilla zombies would need to be replaced with clones that have that new controller.

  8. Not having to maintain 2 character mods, one without code, and the other with, will help the most.  Separating Human AI from zombie AI will free the human characters from zombie code limitations.  I dont think it will be any more isolated from all the changes made between alphas.  Especially when they will be focused on their own human implementation in the next 2 alphas.

  9. if you going to run the 1-npcpack animals, then you have to load the dependancy 0-Creaturepackanimals.  Same with the others.  that should fix it.  If not, also load the creatureeffectspack as well.

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